• Introducing Player Profiles and Leagues

    As players, we know how important it is to see how well you perform and compare to friends and Alliance members. With our next Update, we will introduce some new features that will make it easier to track your progress towards your goals.



    As you’re competing with others to make it to the top of the leaderboard, it’s important to be able to track your statistics along the way. With the new Player Profile, it’s easy to see all your important information in one place. You can easily see your current League, Medal count and Player Level along with a weekly snapshot of your games played, win rate, win streak, and Medals earned. In addition to seeing how you’ve been doing recently, you can now also view your previous and current Armies along with some simple stats about them, letting you select your best-performing Army quickly. We’ve also moved your battlelog from the home screen to the player profile in the new Match History section, putting all your important information in one convenient location. 

    Visit the profile for your friends or Alliance members to check out their current League and what Armies they are running or to view their match history. And for the first time, watch any of their recent matches or view their favorite replays to learn new strategies and insights.



    Sectors provided limiting information, which made it difficult to plan your entire journey. You didn’t know how many Sectors there were, or the number of Medals needed to unlock each Sector. The next immediate reward was visible, but nothing further along the player journey. We’re excited to improve all this by replacing them with the new League structure.

    Each League will be divided into three divisions, with rewards for reaching each division. Your League and division will be prominently displayed all throughout the game, letting you show off your accomplishments.


    The Leagues and ranked rewards are now fully visible. You can scroll through the Leagues, viewing the Medal requirements, rewards, the new unit level cap, and map pool from the very start. As you win and earn Medals, the bar connecting divisions will track your progress, showing you how much further until your next rank and reward. 

    We’re exciting to introduce Player Profiles and Leagues in the next update. These changes are designed to make your ranked experience more intuitive and enjoyable as you progress through your player journey, and we’re excited to hear your thoughts on them. Please give us your feedback on Discord and Reddit to help us improve the game even further!

    -Gasty, Sr. Game Designer

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