Coming Soon: Seasonal Login Calendar

We want players to feel good about playing every day and right now, that isn’t happening. With our next update, we’re replacing the free Common crate with a seasonal login calendar. This calendar will reward you with different resources for logging in daily!
The seasonal login calendar will reward you for playing every day. The calendar resets for all players at the same time, at the beginning of the season. The more days you log in during the season, the more rewards you will earn. The login rewards may not run for the entire season, allowing you to miss a few days and still receive all the rewards.
Within the season, the rewards are set up on a weekly cadence. Rewards at the end of the week (for example day 7), will generally be a higher value than those at the beginning of the week. Those at the end of the seasons are usually higher value or unique rewards, in recognition of your month-long dedication!
From cards to credits or diamonds, we’ll be mixing up the daily rewards during the month. The rewards will also vary from month to month, with some months offering exciting or unique items as a special reward.

As this is a seasonal calendar, your rewards won’t reset if you miss a day. For example, if you log in on days 1 through 13 and then miss a few days, the next time you log in, you will earn the day 14 reward. You won’t skip over rewards that you missed for the days you didn’t log in. Miss enough days, and you may not be able to earn all the rewards.
A special Daily Login Rewards pop up will appear when you log in to the game and have an unclaimed reward. You can claim your reward directly through that pop-up screen. In addition to the pop up, you can see the seasonal calendar in the ‘Daily Rewards’ tab in the Store. Here, you can find all the rewards for the seasonal as well as when you can claim your next reward.

Unclaimed rewards don’t stack, so you must claim your reward each day to get access to the next reward. For example, if you log in on day 12 but forget to claim your reward, the day 12 reward will still be available when you log in the next day. However, you will not be able to claim the day 13 reward; you will need to wait until the next day to receive it.
We’re excited to bring the seasonal login rewards in the next update. We would love to what you think of the daily rewards on Discord, Reddit or the forums.