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Frequently Asked Questions

10. Albums

What are Albums and where do I find them?

Albums showcase the Challenge and My Homes designs you've submitted.

To find your Albums in Design Home, tap on the Person/Face icon at the bottom right corner of the screen to enter the Profile Page. Then, tap on the Designs tab under your profile image to view your Albums.

Where do I find my Album prize?

To collect a completed prize from an Album, head to your Profile. Tap on the Designs tab, where you'll see a notification on the Album that has a reward ready to collect. Open the Album and you should see a "Claim Prize" button in the tray; tapping on this will collect the reward.

What is the All Designs Album?

The "All Designs Album" is an Album where every Challenge you have ever entered will appear. This includes Design Challenges that are in-voting and are awaiting results.

Will I lose my Album prizes, if I do not open the Prize Tray?

Uncollected prizes won't be lost; the prizes will still be available for you to claim at any time!

How do I add Challenges to my Favorites Album?

To add Challenges to your Favorites Album, you will need to favorite Challenges by tapping the heart icon which will be visible on a Challenge when you view the Challenge Results in your inbox.

You can also select your favorite Challenge from any other Album by tapping the heart icon. This does not include Live Challenges in the Challenge Feed.

To unfavorite a previously favorited Challenge:
Select the Challenge you want to unfavorite and select the heart icon. You can also unfavorite a Challenge in your Challenge Results inbox message by deselecting the heart icon.

How do I see my progress of my Album prizes?

To find your progress on your next Album reward, open the All Designs album. At the bottom of the Album, you'll see the Prize Tray, which displays how many more Challenges you need to complete to collect the next reward.

Will my Challenge be in one Album or multiple Albums?

A Design Challenge can be included in multiple Albums if the challenge fits the criteria for the Album.

Why is my Prize Tray closing?

The Prize Tray will remain open, until you leave the open Album or tap on the Prize Tray.

How do I share my Album?

To share your Album with friends, select the Album you wish to share. Tap on the top image where it shows the featured designs, then tap Share, which will open device-specific sharing options. Then, share!

Can I collect my Album prizes later?

Yes, if you choose to not open a reward for an Album. You can always open the Album, and tap the "Claim Prize" button to receive your prize!

Why am I seeing the old Townhouse Album even after the old Townhouse was removed?

The old Townhouse Album includes the rooms you designed in the Home. As long as you completed at least one room in the old Townhouse before it was removed, you will still have access to the old Townhouse Album.

Where do I find my Favorites Album?

Your Favorites Album will appear at the bottom of your Albums once you like one of your designs!

To like your designs and add them to your Favorites Album, simply locate the design in your Albums then tap on the empty heart icon on the upper right corner of the design. Once tapped, the heart will be filled and the design will appear in your Favorites Album!

You can also favorite a design with the heart icon displayed on your Challenge Results.

Use the same steps to unfavorite a design from your Favorites Album: tap on the filled heart and it will remove that design from your Favorites Album.

How many categories will there be in Design Home?

Currently, Design Home has four Album Categories. The Categories are:

Challenge Albums
Series Albums
Homes Albums
My Albums
Seasons Albums

We may add more categories in the future; please be on the lookout!

How do I open a new Album?

When you complete your first design that meets the criteria for a particular Album, the new Album is created and added to your Albums page.

What are the current Albums in Design Home?

Currently, Design Home has multiple Challenge Albums. We currently have the following Albums below:

All Designs
Dining Room
Living Room
Kids Room
Outdoor Room
Elite Challenges
5.0 Scores

We may add more Challenge Albums in the future; please be on the lookout!

Where are the my Home Albums?

The Home Album opens once you have completed a design for at least one room in the Home.

Can I see the progress of Challenges that haven't finished being voted on in my Albums?

You can find unscored Challenges in the appropriate Album(s); they'll generally be displayed at the top- look for the clock icon.

Will all of my past Challenges be sorted into Albums?

Yes, all of your finished Challenges will appear in your Albums.

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