Dragon Age: Inquisition Updates

Fall is almost upon us, but what an amazing summer it's been! The leaves will start changing color before you know it, but never fear because we're here to end the season on a positive note. The latest Dragon Age: Inquisition content update is available today on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, and we've got details. Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect.
The Golden Nug
After spending countless hours exploring Thedas, you've no doubt collected a lot of good stuff, and you should be proud of your accomplishments! To reward that hard work, we've added the Golden Nug statue, which lets you sync your collectibles across games. Touch the statue in Haven or Skyhold, and your unlocked codices, crafting schematics, potion recipes, mounts, and Skyhold decorations will sync, consolidating your progress across saved games.

To take advantage of this feature, first touch the Golden Nug statue with a post-game character. The statue will be added to your games that are online and on the same platform. Touching it with another character will then sync your current game. Happy hunting!
The Wardrobe
As much as the Inquisitor's beige outfit provides warmth in the chilly Frostback Mountains, we heard your requests for more options loud and clear. With the latest content update comes a wardrobe, complete with a dozen new options for your Inquisitor's casual attire. Now you can lounge around in style while washing the dragon bloodstains off your combat gear.

If you ever find yourself longing for the bygone days of beige, fear not! That option will remain in your wardrobe for whenever you want it.
New Multiplayer Agent
In the last Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer update, players gained access to Pala, the Silent Sister. Today, we are pleased to announce the addition of Hissera, the Saarebas. We checked in with designer Luke Barrett to learn more about this powerful Qunari mage.

"Hissera, the Saarebas, is a unique character in the roster of the Inquisition's agents. The effects of her abilities change depending on which stance she is in: opening, flow, or finishing. An ability like Athlok Burst, for example, does something quick in the flow stance, such as pull in all enemies in the area, but in the finishing stance, it unleashes a devastating cold attack on all nearby enemies. Each time you cast an ability, you progress to the next stance and always in the same order."

"When you look at each ability in Hissera's trees, notice that each one has a different targeting type regardless of which stance you're in. For example, Curse of Shokasit always does damage over time, and Itwa-Adim Explosion always deals damage in an area around your current target. Additionally, all abilities in the Protection tree revolve around boosting allies and suppressing enemies whereas the Mastery tree focuses entirely on damage. Use this information to help narrow down your choices for the playstyle you want."

"Finally, one of the most important aspects of the Saarebas is animation-canceling with the Asaara's Leap ability. Hissera is a bit of a glass cannon, so if you ever find yourself casting a spell, especially in the finishing stance, and need to cancel it quickly to avoid taking damage, use Asaara's Leap, which immediately fires a version of the ability for your current stance. All three versions have damage avoidance, so no matter what stance you're in, it can save your life."
Base Ability Updates
Thanks to prominent Thedosian scholars and Shapers, we've implemented a series of gameplay adjustments, designed to improve and balance the player experience. Here's a few to note:
· Unbowed (now called Livid): increases the damage you do and reduces the damage you take, based on the number of enemies nearby when you activate the ability
· Line in the Sand: now locks the warrior into the wall, making it easier to use abilities while holding your ground
· Spinning Blades: now removes debuffs from the target you hit, but spreads those debuffs to all nearby enemies
· Shadow Strike: base ability now costs 20 stamina to activate (not 50) and restores 70 stamina if you strike an enemy that is not targeting you
· Spike Trap: base ability now allows you to place three traps at a time and allows you to place traps in stealth
· Spirit Blade: now uses a charge system that increases the damage of your next Spirit Blade attack by 50% whenever you deal damage with an ability other than Spirit Blade (stacks multiple times)
Untold Relics of Thedas
Earlier this summer, we asked players to dream up their best (and, in some cases, wildest) accessories for a chance to have them included in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The selection process was a difficult one, but finally, the clear winners emerged from the pack. We're excited to add these creative inventions to the world of Thedas in this content update, and we thank everyone who took the time to send us their amazing ideas.
And there you have it: another content update chock-full of Dragon Age goodness. Enjoy!
Note: Adding these additions to your game requires installing the latest content update on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Be sure to do that before loading your save or starting a new game. This update is available at no additional cost.