Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer Weekend Event (August 14 – 17)

Chapter Five: Against the Impossible (August 14 – 17)
By Varric Tethras
The gong clanged. Once, twice, three times, and the shivering sound was answered by a distant roar.
The Rivaini, quick as ever, was first into the fray as the beast landed. "Don't stand in the fire! Or… the ice, or anything else it spits!" she shouted, pulling out her vastly inferior tiny crossbow and firing a bolt at the dragon's eye.
"Did I mention how uncomfortable this makes me?" the archer asked, desperately dodging out of the path of some lightning breath.
"If you all die, it's not my fault!" the alchemist answered, and she dived under the dragon's belly to plant a grenade.
The explosion engulfed the dragon in Antivan Fire. She swiveled and fixed one gleaming eye on the dwarf. The battle had finally begun.
Agent Goal:
Accumulate a total of 25 dragon points
Accumulate a total of 150 match points
Inquisition Goal:
PC/PS4/Xbox One: Kill 5,000 dragons
PS3/X360: Kill 1,000 dragons
Agent Completion: Agent awarded a Commendation Chest.
Inquisition Completion: All agents awarded a Victory Chest.
This weekend’s event begins at 10 am PST Friday, August 14, and ends at 5 am Monday, August 17.
Good luck!