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Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer Weekend Event (July 17 – 20)

Chapter One: Humble Beginnings (July 17 – 20)

By Varric Tethras


Knight-Captain Rylen viewed the new recruits standing before him with the sort of profound skepticism only a Starkhavener can muster. They were all green — so green, in fact, that they were attracting hungry druffalo from several miles out. The archer looked like he'd never been in a crowd before, one dwarf from the Legion of the Dead appeared to be daydreaming about the Deep Roads, and the Rivaini duelist seemed more interested in picking the pockets of her fellow recruits than anything else. Looking them over, Rylen worried he was about to send them to their deaths.


Agent Completion: Agent awarded a Commendation Chest.

Inquisition Completion: All agents awarded a Victory Chest.


This weekend’s event begins at 10 am PST Friday, July 17, and ends at 5 am Monday, July 20.

Good luck!

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