Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer Weekend Event (October 16 – 19)

Perilous Nightmares (October 16 – 19)
My fellow Agents,
All signs indicate that we are nearing the time when one of the great Snake-Kings, as detailed in my last letter, will Sweep Across the Land. The Nightingale agrees we must risk ourselves in Perilous Danger to prevent their coming! She says we must eliminate the most powerful Enemies of the Inquisition lest they distract us from pursuing our quest for the true Menace in Thedas.
—Agent Rolfsen
In a different hand:
That is not precisely what I said, but currently our theater of operation is volatile. Someone or something has driven Corypheus's most dangerous allies to attack settlements more openly, raiding for supplies. By taking out the most dangerous groups, we can uncover the source of this disruption.
Agent Goal: Complete 10 matches on Perilous difficulty
Inquisition Goal:
PC/PS4/Xbox One: Complete 500 matches on Nightmare difficulty
PS3/X360: Complete 250 matches on Nightmare difficulty
Agent Completion: Agent awarded a Commendation Chest.
Inquisition Completion: All agents awarded a Victory Chest.
This weekend’s event begins at 10 am PDT Friday, October 16, and ends at 5 am PDT Monday, October 19.
Good luck!