Welcome the Silent Sister

In the last Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer update, players gained access to three exciting new characters: Amund, the Avvar warrior; Isabela, the Pirate Queen of the Eastern Seas; and ZITHER!, the flamboyant, music-making mage. Today, we are pleased to announce the addition of Pala, the Silent Sister.

Although Silent Sisters take an oath to never speak, their actions on the battlefield say volumes. The Sisters refuse to be defeated in combat and will fight until their deaths. With Pala's strength and determination, she can be a powerful ally to the Inquisition. We checked in with designer Luke Barrett to learn more about this mighty dwarven warrior.

"We nicknamed Pala 'the silent wrecking ball' because her gameplay revolves around using Charging Bull to get into the middle of the fray and then wreaking havoc on all surrounding enemies. She builds guard on each hit, and a lot of her abilities can hit multiple enemies, so you really benefit from being surrounded."

"Her strength is definitely in her survivability, but she can also contribute to your team's offense. Try opening with the Throwing Blades ability to reduce a target's armor. Remember, she builds guard on each hit from any damage source, and a chunk of accumulated guard could ensure your survival."

"If you're getting down to the final enemies in an encounter, To the Death is a perfect ability to go all in on one target. You'll definitely want to mix in abilities from both ability trees to deploy the full fury of this Silent Sister."
Note: Adding the Silent Sister character to multiplayer mode requires installing the latest content support patch on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Be sure to do that before entering multiplayer.