FC Pro Masters T&Cs

Section 1: EA Sports FC Online


The EA SPORTS FC Pro (Asia) 24 (hereafter "FC Pro") is a standalone tournament series organised by ELECTRONIC ARTS INC. (“EA”) 209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA, using the EA SPORTS FC™ ONLINE free-to-play multiplayer online game ("FCO"), published in each country by the following publishing companies:

  • In China, by Tencent Holding Ltd. (“Tencent”), 

  • In Korea, by Nexon Korea Corporation (“Nexon”), 

  • In Vietnam and Thailand, by Garena Online Private Ltd. (“Garena”), 

altogether referred to as the “Local Publishers”.

The FC Pro includes the FC Pro Masters (hereafter "Masters") organised and operated by EA, crowning one FCO esports team as the FC Pro Masters winner.

These Terms and Conditions for the FC Pro Masters (hereafter "FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions") govern the participation of FCO esports teams (“FCO esports Teams”) and their participating athletes (“Athletes”) in the FC Pro Masters. 

By signing these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions, all FCO esports Teams and all participating Athletes accept and agree to abide by and comply with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions. 

EA reserves the right to update these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions in its sole discretion. Any revised version of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions will be updated on the FC Pro Masters official website. 

Headings are for interpretation only and do not affect the interpretation of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

  1. Overview of the FC Pro Masters

The FC Pro Masters is a video game tournament where eight (8) FCO esports Teams located in the eligible countries listed in Appendix 1 will play against each other using the FCO in the “classic” mode. 

The FC Pro Masters will be played in a team format of FCO, on Personal Computers (hereafter the "Supported Platform") on an on-site basis from four exclusive recording studios located in each eligible country respectively.

The FC Pro Masters shall comprise one competition stage:

  • A knock-out stage which shall crown one FCO esports Team as the FC Pro Masters Champion (hereafter the “Knockout Stage”).

EA may cancel, postpone, relocate and/or organise a replacement “online” version of any FC Pro Masters stage as a result of circumstances and/or events outside of its reasonable control (including as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak) without any liability of EA in this respect.

  1. FC Pro Masters stages Calendar

  • Knockout Stage: from April 26th to April 28th 2024. 

  1. FCO esports Team Ranking

In order to provide all FCO esports Teams with a meaningful ranking system, EA shall use the EA SPORTS™ FC Pro Ranking (“Ranking”). This system is inaugurated for all FCO esports Teams to rank the progression and current ability of their FCO esports Teams against other FCO esports Teams. The ranking system will be determined by EA and take into account team performances in the FC Pro, in accordance with the meaningfulness of the relevant competition during which the performance was made. EA reserve the right to vary the methodology used to determine each FCO esports Team's ranking.

The Ranking may, at the discretion of EA, determine or influence how the FCO esports Teams are seeded within the FC Pro Masters as well as other purposes as determined by EA at its discretion.

  1. FCO esports Teams Eligibility and Registration

    1. FCO esports Teams Eligibility

A FCO esports Team is eligible to participate in the FC Pro Masters, if it complies with FC Pro 2024 Ecosystem Ruleset as well as the following requirements:

  • The FCO esports Team must operate in an eligible country in accordance with Appendix 1 or as otherwise determined by EA from time to time;

  • The FCO esports Team (and its representative Athletes) must not (i) be the subject of any U.S. sanctions and/or embargoes which prohibit or restrict use of FCO by that FCO esports Team (and/or any of its players, officials or other representatives); or (ii) be formed, incorporated and/or located in any country in which the use of FCO is restricted by any such U.S. sanctions and/or embargoes;

  • The FCO esports Team must have validly executed and returned these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions as more particularly in the registration process below;

    • A FCO esports Team Owner (individual, group or organisation) represents the FCO esports Team.

    • FCO esports Team Owner may directly or indirectly own and operate a maximum of one FCO esports Team within the FC Pro including all eligible countries.

    • Only such Team Owner indicated on the FCO esports Team Agreement Form may request changes or make inquiries about the FCO esports Team, its structure or its participation.

    • No more than one FCO esports Team can operate under the same brand or have the same or similar name within the FC Pro.

    • A FCO esports Team will be asked to select a distinctively different name esports Team names and must not be deemed vulgar by EA and to identify itself for FC Pro. The name must be unique from other FCO affiliates.

    • A FCO esports Team name must not include any brand name of Electronic Arts Inc., Nexon Korea Corporation, Tencent Holding LTD., Garena Online Private Limited.

    • The use of country affiliations within the name is subject to EA’s written approval.

  • The FCO esports Team must have participated in other FCO Series events operated by EA, or the Local Publishers and must be placed among the best two (2) FCO esports Teams in one of the four (4) eligible countries’ domestic qualifying events (“Domestic Qualifying Events”). 

  • Each FCO esports Team shall nominate at least three (3) and a maximum of four (4) Athletes to compete in the FC Pro Masters and shall ensure that:

  1. FCO Esports Teams Naming Requirements

The name of each FCO esports Team that wishes to participate in the FC Pro Masters (and any other moniker used by such FCO esports Team) must comply with the following requirements with respect to the FC Pro Masters (the “Naming Requirements”)

  • The inclusion of the name, branding or other intellectual property of any third party in the FCO esports Team name of any FCO esports Team is at EA’s sole discretion and EA reserves the right to require any FCO esports Team to compete under a neutral and commercially unbranded name/logo in its discretion at any time;

  • FCO esports Teams are strictly prohibited from using EA or any EA's intellectual property rights in their FCO esports Team name for the FC Pro Masters;

  • FCO esports Teams must receive prior written approval from EA to use a nation or country name in their official team naming.

  • The team names chosen by FCO esports Teams must be original and distinct from other FCO esports Team names and must not be deemed vulgar by EA and its affiliates. Names must not infringe on a third party's intellectual property, privacy or publicity rights, or violate the law. In the event of two or more FCO esports Teams registering for the FC Pro Masters with the same name, EA reserves the right to require any and/or all relevant FCO esports Teams to register under a new name in its discretion (provided that EA shall consider any reasonable representations of the relevant FCO esports Teams in this regard); and

  • FCO esports Teams shall provide EA with an English translation of their team names, as the case may be.

  1. Athletes Eligibility

When selecting and nominating the three (3) or four (4) Athletes that will compete in the FC Pro Masters, the FCO esports Teams shall ensure that the Athletes have signed these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions and comply at all times during their participation in the FC Pro Masters with the following requirements: 

  • To be eligible to participate in the FC Pro, Participating Athletes must be at least 16 years old at the time of registration and be at least the minimum age required to have a full (not underage) Nexon/Garena/Tencent account in their territory of residence. 

  • Athletes must be a resident of one of the eligible countries listed in Appendix 1;

  • Athletes must not be in breach of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions or any other rules or regulations governing any EA esports competition or event held under the auspices of EA or EA SPORTS (as determined by EA acting reasonably), which include, without limitation, any sanction from the FCO Series.

  • The inclusion of the name, branding or other intellectual property of any third party in the name of any Athlete is at EA’s sole discretion and EA reserves the right to require any Athlete to compete under a neutral and commercially unbranded name/logo in its discretion at any time;

    • Athletes are strictly prohibited from using EA or any EA's intellectual property rights in their Athlete's Nickname for the FC Pro Masters; and

    • The Athlete's Nickname chosen by Athletes must be original and distinct from other Athlete’s Nickname and must not be deemed vulgar by EA and its affiliates. Athlete's Nickname must not infringe on a third party's intellectual property, privacy or publicity rights, or violate the law. In the event of two or more Athletes participating in the FC Pro Masters with the same name, EA reserves the right to require any and/or all relevant Athletes to register under a new name in its discretion (provided that EA shall consider any reasonable representations of the relevant Athlete in this regard).

It is understood that Athletes may be required by EA to provide proof of residency in an eligible country to compete in the FC Pro Masters. The sufficiency of any such evidence or documentation will be determined by EA (or its agent) in its sole discretion.

Each Athlete may be required to modify Athlete's Nickname if determined by EA in its sole discretion, (for example, where such Athlete's Nickname is inappropriate, offensive or violates any third party right). The Athletes shall provide EA with an English translation of their name, as the case may be.

Employees of EA and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, advertising, promotion and publicity agencies, and the immediate family members or persons living in the same household of such individuals are not eligible to participate in the FC Pro Masters.

  1. FCO esports Team Coach Eligibility

Each FCO esports Team is free to nominate one non-playing coach as part of its FCO esports Team delegation (“Coach”). Each FCO esports Team shall ensure that the Coach complies at all times with the following requirements:

  • The Coach must be (i) at least 16 years old at the date of registration and (ii) above the minimum age needed to have a full (not underage) EA account in their country; 

  • The Coach must not (i) be the subject of any U.S. sanctions and/or embargoes which prohibit or restrict use of FCO by that FCO esports Team (and/or any of its players, officials or other representatives); or (ii) be formed, incorporated and/or located in any country in which the use of FCO is restricted by any such U.S. sanctions and/or embargoes;

  • The Coach must not be in breach of these Regulations or any other rules or regulations governing any EA esports competition or event held under the auspices of EA or EA SPORTS (as determined by EA acting reasonably), which include, without limitation, any permanent ban or any sanction still in effect from any past edition of, the EA SPORTS FC Pro, or any past editions thereof;

  • The Coach can only represent one FCO esports Team for the whole FC Pro; 

  1. FC Pro Masters Format

The exact format of the FC Pro Masters might be altered by EA due to pandemic safety, security and health requirements applicable in each country.

  • FCO esports Teams will be provided with a practice version of the “Live esports build” in order to train and prepare for the FC Pro Masters. Such a program shall be used only for the purposes of training purposes and must be removed from the PC of each participating Athlete after the termination of the FC Pro Masters. FCO esports Teams and participating Athletes must treat such a program as confidential information of EA.

  1. Draft Day

    1. Draft Day – Format

Before entering into the Knockout Stage, all FCO esports Teams and Athletes, including Coach, are expected to attend the draft day which shall serve to determine the in-game teams all Athletes of each FCO esports Team will be allowed to use to play the Games throughout the FC Pro Masters (the “Draft Day”). The outcome of the in-game team drafted after such Draft Day must remain unchanged throughout the different stages of the FC Pro Masters. 

The Draft Day will take place on April 24th.

  1. Draft Day – Draft Order

The Draft Day order will be determined by a randomized procedure on the day of the draw in accordance to which a name and a draft number will be allocated to each FCO esports Team. The number will determine the position at which the FCO esports Team may do their picks during the Draft Day.

  • The Draft Day will be held in 2 stages and a total of 8 rounds using a “snake-draft” method, as follows:

    • Each regular round consists of having each of the eight (8) FCO esports Teams picked in the order as determined during the Draft Order Drawing Ceremony starting with the FCO esports Team with the lowest number, continuing to FCO esports Team with the highest number

    • Each regular round will be followed by a reverse order round, starting with the FCO esports Team with the highest number during the Draft Order Drawing Ceremony and continuing to the FCO esports Team with the lowest number.

    • The sequence of regular and reverse order rounds will persist, regardless of Stages of Draft, resulting in 6 regular order rounds and 6 reverse order rounds.

    • If a FCO esports Team fails to pick an in-game player within the allotted time, the Draft program will automatically switch over to the next FCO esports Team. FCO esports Teams will have to draft all missed picks in the last round of Stage 1 and Stage 2 respectively.

  • Stage 1

    • Each FCO esports Team will select 11 in-game players within the salary cap of 255.

    • Each FCO esports Team must pick at least 1 in-game goalkeeper.

    • There will be 8 rounds of draft.

      • Rounds 1, 2, 3

        • Each FCO esports Team will draft 1 in-game player per round

        • The time limit for each draft pick will be 30 seconds per FCO esports Team

      • Rounds 4, 5, 6, 7

        • Each FCO esports Team will draft 2 in-game players per round

        • The time limit for all draft picks will be 60 seconds per FCO esports Team in these rounds

      • Round 8

        • Each FCO esports Team will make all missing picks, if any, up to 11 total in-game players (including 1 in-game goalkeeper)

        • There will be no time limit for this round

  • Stage 2

    • Each FCO esports Team will select 7 in-game players, with no salary cap.

    • Each FCO esports Team must pick at least 1 goalkeeper.

    • There will be 4 rounds of draft.

      • Rounds 1 and 2

        • Each FCO esports Team will draft 2 in-game players per round

        • The time limit for all draft picks will be 60 seconds per FCO esports Team 

      • Round 3

        • Each FCO esports Team will draft 3 in-game players per round

        • The time limit for all draft picks will be 90 seconds per FCO esports Team 

      • Round 4

        • Each FCO esports Team will make all missing picks, if any, up to 7 total in-game players (including 1 goalkeeper)

        • There will be no time limit for the draft picks 

  • After completing Stage 1 and Stage 2 of draft, FCO esports Teams will be able to select in-game team kits and the in-game coach. After selecting the coach on Draft Day, Teams and Athletes cannot change the coach during the competition.

    • If a FCO esports Team is representing an existing football club, the FCO esports Team will be able to select the respective in-game kits without waiting for their turn in the draft order.

    • In case of any Games between these FCO esports Teams representing an existing football club and other FCO esports Teams not representing a football club, the first can always select and use the existing and official in-game kits and the other team will have to use different in-game kits. 

  • Picking order of in-game team kits will follow the reverse draft round.

  • The list of selectable in-game team kits will be provided during Draft Day.

  • Each in-game team assets can only be chosen once - there should not be any two FCO esports Teams using the same in-game team kits.

    • Any in-game national team kits cannot be chosen by the participating FCO esports Teams.

  1. Draft Day – Requirements

  • All FCO esports Teams and Athletes, including the coaches (if registered), are required to attend the Draft Day

  • Each FCO esports Team will draft an in-game team of 18 in-game players

  • Positions are divided into FW / MF / DF / GK

  • The player pool will consist of in-game players from following classes, grades and levels:




ICON The Moment (ICON TM)






NHD(National Hero Debut)



Tournament Best



Top Transfer



Golden Rookies






Heroes of the Team (H.O.T)



Competitors of the Continents (C.O.C)



Ones to Watch (OTW)



Veteran (VTR)



Moments of Glory (MG)



Multi-League Champions (MC)



Unsung Players



European Best Stars (EBS)



Captain (CAP)



Best of Europe 21 (BOE21)



Back to Back (BTB)



Free Agent (FA)



Legend of The Loan (LOL)



Legendary Numbers (LN)



Spotlight (SPL)



Best of World Cup (BWC)



Home Grown (HG)



Returnees (RTN)



23 Team of the Season (23 TOTS)



Century Club (CC)



23 Hard Worker (23HW)






Decade (DC)



23 New Generation (23 NG)



24 TOTY (24TY)



24 TOTY Nominee (24TY)



23 UCL



24 HEROES (24HR)



  • In-game players’ level will be set to 5.

  • Only in-game players with the same salary/specification globally will be allowed.

  • In-game manager level will be set to 100.

  • Salary cap is 255.

  • Each FCO esports Team can have a maximum one copy of an in-game player, even if from different classes (e.g. TOTY C. Ronaldo + TT C. Ronaldo is not allowed on the same in-game team).

  • Other FCO esports Team cannot draft the same in-game players within the same class, if the in-game player has already been drafted (e.g. there will be only one TOTY C. Ronaldo available in the draft)

  • Other FCO esports Team can choose in-game players with the same name from different classes, if the in-game player is still available (e.g. both TOTY and TT C. Ronaldo can be drafted into different in-game teams).

  • The “Team Color” in-game system will not be applied.

  • The Live Performance in-game system will not be applied.

  • Account registration will take place after the Team Draft is completed.

  • All Athletes in the FCO esports Team will be provided with the same in-game team (each participating Athlete can have an individual account on the esports server).

Training Coach System Regulation

  •  “Training Coach” is allowed to be used during the competition, as per the limits set out by the game.

  • The Training Coach is limited to a maximum of level 3.

  • Each Participating Athlete will be provided with an account, including 10 million CP (in-game currency), which will allow the Participating Athlete to obtain the desired Training Coach through the in-game mechanics of the game.

  1. Main Event

  2. Bracket Draw Procedure

The bracket draw procedure shall happen before the Drafting. The Knockout Stage will feature the eight (8) FCO esports Teams which have qualified for the Knockout Stage in a double elimination format. 

Before the Knockout Stage, a draw will determine the allocation of the FCO esports Teams in the 4 different starting matches (M1, M2, M4, M5). Each FCO esports Team will be allocated in different pools, based on their final position in the Domestic Qualifying Events, as follows:

Pool 1

1st spot from China

1st spot from South Korea

1st spot from Vietnam

1st spot from Thailand

Pool 2

2nd spot from China

2nd spot from South Korea

2nd spot from Vietnam

2nd spot from Thailand

Each starting match may include only one (1) FCO esports Team per eligible country. 

To amplify the match-ups of the first rounds, only M1 match-up should be drawn from Pool 1. 

M2, M4, M5 match-ups will be allocated as follows:

M1: Pool 1 Team A.1(Country A) vs Pool 1 Team B.1(Country B)

M2: Pool 1 Team C.1(Country C) vs Pool 1 Team D.1(Country D)

M4: Pool 2 Team C.2(Country C) vs Pool 2 Team D.2(Country D)

M5: Pool 2 Team A.2(Country A) vs Pool 2 Team B.2(Country B)

  1. Format

  • The FC Pro Masters will be played as a Knockout Stage in a Double-Elimination format (as shown in the graphic above), as per the following principles:

  • One double-elimination styled bracket, as per the following principles:     

  • The allocation within the bracket will be based on a draw or a similar random allocation based on the seed of the FCO esports Teams achieved during their domestic qualification events.

  • The best-seeded FCO esports Teams (seed one) from each of the four domestic qualification events shall be placed directly in the first round of the winners bracket, while the seeds two already compete in the first round of the losers-bracket. The winners of the first round of the losers-bracket then face a seed one in the second round.           

  • Each Matchup during this double-elimination bracket will be played in a Best-of-5 format, meaning that participating FCO esports Teams must at least win three games of the maximum five games played. Other than in previous seasons, the Best-of-5 format shall have both of the FCO esports Team nominate for each of the first three games individual athletes from their nominated three or four athletes. The nomination for each game can be made one-by-one, meaning that only after the conclusion of the previous game the athletes for the next game need to be nominated by both teams. If participating FCO esports Teams have a fourth athlete nominated for the competition, they can nominate such athlete to the fourth game. Otherwise, for the optionally required games four and five, the athletes from the games one, two and three can be re-used. A single athlete can only compete in two games of a single matchup between two teams.

  • All matchups are played in a Best-of-5 format:

    • Each participating FCO esports Teams must at least win three games of the maximum five games played. 

    • Other than in previous seasons, the Best-of-5 format shall no longer include a “winner stays”-rule for the selection of the representing athletes, but rather shall have both of the FCO esports Team nominate for each of the first three games individual athletes from their nominated three or four athletes. The nomination for each game can be made one-by-one, meaning that only after the conclusion of the previous game the athletes for the next game need to be nominated by both teams.

      • If participating FCO esports Teams have a fourth athlete nominated for the competition, they can nominate such athlete to the fourth game (if required).

      • Otherwise, for the optionally required games four and five, the athletes from the games one, two and three can be re-nominated. A single athlete can only compete in a maximum of two games during a single matchup between two FCO esports Teams.

  • The FCO esports Teams must nominate one (1) Athlete for the first Game before the start of the previous Matchup.

    • In case the Matchup is the first of the day, the playing order has to be announced 60 minutes before the start of the broadcast

    • Immediately after the end of the first Game the losing FCO esports Team has to announce the Athlete for the second Game

  • The winning FCO esports Teams of each Semifinal Matchup will advance to the Final Matchup, which will be played in the same format as the Semifinal Matchups.

  1. General

  • All Games during the Knockout Stage will be played in the “Day Time” mode whenever possible.

    • The final three Matchups (Semi-finals and Final) will be played in “Night Time” mode.

  • In M6, M7, the FCO esports Team with the higher seed [Pool 1] will be the “Home Side”.

  • In M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M8, M9, M10, the referee decides to choose both home and away after his/her own coin toss.

The winning FCO esports Teams of the Final Matchup will be crowned as the FC Pro Masters winner.

  1. Schedule

  • April 26 – Knock Out Day 1 (Matchups M1, M2, M4, M5)

    • M1 and M2 will take place simultaneously.

    • M4 and M5 will take place simultaneously.

  • April 27 – Knock Out Day 2 (Matchups M6, M7, M3, M8)

    • M6 and M7 will take place simultaneously.

    • M3 and M8 will take place simultaneously.

  • April 28 – Knock Out Day 3 (Matchups M9, M10)

  1. Preparation

  • The participating Athletes must play their opponent through the “Classic mode (salary cap)” or another game-mode on FCO, as communicated by Event Officials (see Appendix 2 for definitions). The Event Officials will inform participating Athletes which server to choose when connecting them with their opponent.

  • The participating Athletes must be in the venue or their place of participation and on standby for setting up or testing by the time they submit the player nomination of their first game (5.2.2).

  • The participating Athletes who play from home must turn on the allocated camera and verify their identity by the time they submit the nomination of their first game (5.2.2) or as communicated by Event Officials in preparation to the FC Pro Masters.

  • Once the attendance for such participating Athletes is taken, he/she might no longer leave the designated lobby and shall remain available at all times, informing the Event Officials about any occurrences and needs on their end.

  • Any lateness or not following the Event Officials directions during the preparation period may result in sanctions (8.3).

  1. Communication

  • Athletes are required to be available on the dedicated communication platforms throughout the FC Pro Masters so that they are easily reachable for the Event Officials.

  • The FCO esports Teams and their Participating Athletes shall also regularly check his/her mail-account indicated upon registration or any other communication channel as instructed by EA for the transmission of information.

  • The Athletes shall direct any communications during the game to the Event Officials.

    • After confirming the game result by signing the result sheet or other means provided by the Event Officials, Communications regarding the completed games will not be reviewed.

    • Participating Athletes communication during the competition hours outside of the Competition Platform will not be considered for purposes of administrative decision making. 

      • Event Officials do not have access to any social channels such as Twitter and messages sent via those channels will not be reviewed as part of administrative decisions.

  • The participating Athletes who play from home are obligated to respond to Event Officials timely over the dedicated communication platform. Missing messages shall not be the reasons for disobeying the rules, decisions, and notifications.

  • The Event Officials will help the participating Athletes to message their opponent to set up their match and communicate in case of issues.

  • FCO esports Teams must ensure that at least one person is available on the communication platform for the Event Officials at all times before, during and after the Games.

  • Communication with all involved parties must take place in English and has to be respectful at all times.

  • In case Athletes are required to play from home during the FC Pro Masters they shall record themselves playing.

    • The footage shall show them playing, while also giving an angle on the actual monitor they use.

    • A camera position shall be chosen that does not interfere with the broadcasting.

  • Athletes are responsible for following the instructions of the Event Officials at all times and have to be responsive at all times.

  • All the contents of communications with Event Officials on the communication platform, match channels, and emails are confidential. Any publication of the communication contents requires EA’s approval.

  1. FC Pro Masters Game Rules

FCO esports Teams shall ensure that their Athletes comply, for the whole duration of the FC Pro Masters, with the game rules set out in this Section 6. Failure of the FCO esports Teams and participating Athletes to comply with these rules may lead EA to apply the sanctions as set forth in Section 8. 

  1. In-game Team Building Requirements & Pre-Match Setup

  • The in-game team of any Athlete must adhere to the following restrictions or as otherwise communicated by Event Officials.

    • The participating Athlete are only allowed to choose the formations as below list

      • 4-1-3-2

      • 4-1-4-1

      • 4-2-3-1

      • 4-2-2-1-1

      • 4-2-4

      • 4-3-1-2

      • 4-3-3

      • 4-1-2-3

      • 4-2-1-3

      • 4-2-2-2

      • 4-1-2-1-2

      • 4-4-2

      • 4-4-1-1

      • 4-5-1

      • 4-3-2-1

      • 3-1-4-2

      • 3-4-1-2

      • 3-4-3

      • 3-1-2-1-3

      • 3-2-2-1-2

      • 3-2-3-2

      • 5-2-1-2

      • 5-2-3

      • 5-3-2

      • 5-1-2-1-1

      • 5-4-1

      • 3-4-2-1

      • 3-5-2

    • Athletes found with squads that violate the formation restrictions may receive a loss for that game.

    • Athletes found to be using a restricted formation at any point during a match will be given an immediate loss.

    • Repeated occurrences will result in removal from the Masters.

  • Statistics for strategy can be changed freely.

  • Auto in-game player selection function can be used.

  • Athletes are responsible for ensuring that the opponent's in-game team meets the requirements. If the opposing in-game team does not meet the requirements, Athletes are required to contact a Event Officials before the start of the Game.

6.1.1.   In-game uniform colour selection

  • The default uniform colour selection is based on home/away selection.

  • If the uniform colour is similar, the Event Officials decides during the in-game settings before the start of the match and assigns the uniform colour.

    • For example, in the case of Team A uniform blue vs. Team B uniform sky-blue, there should be a change in the colour of Team A or Team B's uniform.

  1. Equipment use

  • All computers, screens, peripherals and headsets are supplied by Event Officials.

    • At the sole discretion of Event Officials, computers, screens, peripherals, headsets and network service can be rented throughout the FC Pro Masters for the participating Athletes who play from home. 

  • No memory cards or saved games are permitted.

  • In the event that Event Officials provides more gaming equipment for use during the event, the participating Athlete is required to solely use such provided equipment. The participating Athlete is not allowed to use any personal devices (such as phones, headphones, tablets, etc.) during their Games, including for the purpose of listening to music, unless express written permission has been granted by Event Officials.

  • Athletes are permitted to use personal peripherals (specifically controllers, mice, keyboards) connected to stage PCs to play in the tournament. Event Officials takes no responsibility for correct operation of personal peripherals. 

  • In the case of a peripheral malfunction, Event Officials may provide Athletes with a standard mouse and keyboard, controller as a replacement. Event Officials takes no responsibility for the correct operation of replacement peripherals.

  • If an Athlete finds an issue with the provided equipment, they should notify a Event Officials immediately. If the Event Officials can confirm that an issue has occurred, they will determine whether the Game should be restarted, the win should be awarded to an Athlete or the conditions under which the Game should be resumed.

  1. In-Game Substitution

  • Athletes may make a maximum of five (5) in-game player substitutions throughout the regular 90 minutes of the Game.

  • Athletes may be allowed to make one additional in-game player substitution if the Game has to continue during overtime.

  1. Use of Gameplay

  • If an Athlete misuses the ball to delay the Game (e.g. the participating Athlete starts to circulate the ball within his own half and is purposely passing the ball between the defenders and heading the ball back to the goalkeeper multiple times) the participating Athlete will activate the ingame anti-fair system and may be deducted 4 points per activation. When the participating Athlete accumulates 12 point deductions (3 activations of the anti-fair system), the Athlete will automatically forfeit the Game.

  • Scoring on their own team’s goal intentionally is prohibited.

  • The competition servers (as identified by Event Officials) shall only be used during the competition matchups.

    • All practice games played, shall take place on practice servers, as instructed by EA.

  1. Pauses

Tactical Pause 

  • During the regular 90 minutes of in-game time, each Athlete is entitled to three (3) time-outs with a maximum of 30 seconds to administer formation changes, make in-game player substitutions, or carry out any other in-game related adjustments. It is the Athlete’s own responsibility to be ready after the 30-second break and to continue playing.

    • If the game enters the extra 30 minutes in-game overtime, each Athlete earns an additional one (1) time-out. 

  • An Athlete might also facilitate his substitutions without losing a tactical pause via the “Quick Substitution System”.

  • If a tactical pause is made, a tactical change to the in-game team must happen. Unnecessary pauses or delays are prohibited.

  • Successive tactical pauses (more than 1 pause within 10 in-game minutes) for the purpose of time-wasting are prohibited, even when a tactical change to the in-game team occurred. The Event Officials will decide if an Athlete is wasting time intentionally. The decision will be binding and valid.

Technical Pause

  • If an issue occurs during a Game, the participating Athlete must raise their hand and alert the Event Officials. The Event Officials will commence the technical pause to inspect the issue at their own discretion.

  • FCO esports Teams may ask the Event Officials to pause the Game officially in the circumstances listed below.

    • Game Lag issue

      • Once a lag issue is reported and the game is paused, the Event Officials will take actions including but not limited to, confirming the Athlete’s lag, opponent’s game lag status, monitor check and server investigation.

      • At the sole discretion, Event Officials have the rights to determine the game lag recognition.

      • If the game lag is recognized, both participating Athletes are obligated to follow the referee's instructions for resuming, restarting, or any other steps.

      • If the game lag is not recognized, the participating Athlete who raise the issue will be punished (8.3 Sanctions).

    • Critical Lag and Disconnection

      • If the Athlete is playing from the venue network provided by EA, at the sole discretion of EA, if the Game Lag that the participating Athlete experiences is determined to be critical and unfixable within the given time EA decided, EA may reschedule the individual game or match.

      • If the Athlete is playing from his own network, at the sole discretion of EA, if the Game Lag that the participating Athlete experiences is determined to be critical, the participating Athlete will be allowed a maximum of ten (10) minutes to make changes on the network. After this time, if the participating Athletes failed to restore or improve the connection, EA may reschedule or forfeit the individual game.

    • Opponents have displayed inappropriate language.

    • Disturbance by the audience or the environment

  • Tactical adjustments are not allowed in the event of a technical pause situation.

  • If a technical pause was requested without legitimate reasons to do so as stated above or as identified by the referee, the participating Athlete will be punished by 8.3 Sanctions.

  • For any occurrences, Event Officials hold the sole right to a final decision.

  1. Connection Issues

  • Each FCO esports Team is responsible for a fair and competitive gameplay. If an Athlete is trailing with a very low chance of winning (as determined in the discretion of Event Officials) and leaves the Game (i.e. quitting an on-going Game) the Athlete can be sanctioned by Event Officials in a way Event Officials deem appropriate at its sole discretion, which might include one of the sanctions in 8.3 Sanction below.

  • Disturbance in the Game progress caused by systematic error needs to be documented via video or screenshots, or the verification by the Event Officials. And the problem needs to be raised immediately with the Event Officials. Event Officials will handle the situation in accordance with the received info.

  • Athletes shall be responsible for keeping track of the Game situation so that in the event where a Game is interrupted, the situation can be recreated. In all situations possible, the Event Officials will monitor the Game situation so that it may be recreated in the event of Game interruptions. Event Officials might consider a Game interruption to be one of the following situations which might require a recreating of the Game, but is not limited to the following:

    • Disconnection due to an electricity problem in the venue.

    • Inconsistent/irregular gameplay due to instability in the Game program or PC system used for the competition.

    • Inconsistent/Irregular gameplay – an occasion of gameplay lag caused by bug issue or hardware malfunction, network instability, server malfunction.

    • Inconsistent/irregular gameplay due to problems on the observer PC.

    • Disturbance by the audience or the environment

  • After the restart the possession of the ball goes back to the participating Athlete who had possession before the game stopped. Event Officials will try to recreate the game situation as closely as possible, but the standard might be at Kick-off.

  • If inconsistent/irregular gameplay occurs on a penalty shoot-out situation after the Game:

    • The Game will restart and both participating Athletes need to reproduce the moment before an inconsistent/Irregular gameplay appeared.

  • If none of the conditions above are the reason for interruption, Event Officials will make the decision of how to progress.

  1. Glitches, Cheating & Manipulation

  • Any attempt to cause or abuse a glitch in any Game in order to gain an advantage is prohibited;

  • Any use of cheat software in order to gain an advantage is prohibited;

  • Manipulating scores or fixing the result of a Game in order to assist other Athletes with their ranking is prohibited;

  • In the event that Event Officials determines that an action, goal, move, penalty or any other in- game action was caused by an unauthorized glitch, Event Officials will decide in its sole discretion to return the Game to a fair state depending on the result of the play;

  • If an Athlete is found manipulating scores or fixing the results of a Game in order to assist other Athletes with their ranking in the FC Pro Masters, such Athlete shall be immediately disqualified;

  • Without prejudice to the foregoing, any cheating, foul play, collusion or any other form of underhand or illegal exploits by Athletes will not be tolerated and Event Officials reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to disqualify any Athlete deemed to be engaging in any such behaviour;

  • Any attempt to cause or abuse a glitch in the Game in order to gain an advantage is prohibited;

  • Any use of cheat software in order to gain an advantage is prohibited;

  • It is understood that if at any time an Athlete uses an illegal program, such Athlete will be disqualified from the tournament immediately and potentially banned from participating in any FC Pro related competitions for the duration of one year. Additionally, any Ranking Points held by the FCO esports Team will be cancelled;

  • Athletes cannot use any other external program besides official drivers for peripheral hardware usage;

  • Athletes must notify the Event Officials if bugs are encountered in the game;

  • Athletes will be disqualified for exploiting an unknown bug and the team awards/prize in FC Pro Masters will be forfeited.

  1. Behaviour

The FCO esports Teams and each Athlete of the FC Pro esports Team, including Coaches and staff members must behave in an appropriate manner throughout the entire duration of the FC Pro Masters. The following behaviour is expressly prohibited in all Event Official's communication channels, including social networks:

  • Insulting and/or aggressive behaviour or language;

  • Expression of statements of commercial, religious or political nature or that incite or promote hatred and discriminatory conduct;

  • Not following instructions of Event Officials;

  • Excessive arguing with Event Officials (attempt to overrule or influence decision making);

  • Offending opponents;

  • Threaten other Athletes;

  • Not being available for the tournament management or only too late;

  • The use of drugs and alcohol or any other performance enhancing substance;

  • Gambling and betting on the outcome of any element of the FC Pro Masters;

  • Incorrect declaration of personal information; and/or

  • Equipment/transmission/internet manipulation.

  1. Dress Code

  • Participating Athletes and FCO Esports Team shall wear uniform attire appropriate to the circumstances. 

    • This includes the award ceremony following the final round, at which the winner might be required to wear formal attire.

  • All attire items that will potentially be worn during the FC Pro Masters by the Participating Athletes have to be submitted to EA at least two weeks before attending the draft day. Only items that were pre-approved in writing can be worn during the FC Pro Masters. 

  • Participating Athletes and FCO Esports Team shall wear the official uniform of their entity throughout the event, when applicable.

  • Participating Athletes are not allowed to wear attire/accessories that disturb the broadcast.

    • If any Participating Athlete’s attire/accessories is deemed inappropriate, the Participating Athlete could be asked by EA to change such attire/accessories to be able to continue the tournament.

  • Each FCO Esports Team’s entourage, which includes the coach and any other media members of the FCO Esports Team, shall only be permitted to wear either unbranded, non-commercial attire, or the same attire as the Participating Athletes of that FCO Esports Team, which shall at all times be in accordance with these regulations. 

  • Participating Athletes shall not wear, carry or bear any items of a commercial, religious or political nature, or which in EA’s opinion reflect unfavourably upon the FC Pro, EA, any EA product or any other EA partner nor carry out any promotional activity in connection with the event unless otherwise approved in writing by Event Officials.

  • Failure of Participating Athletes and FCO Esports Team to comply with this section may lead Event Officials to disqualify Participating Athletes and FCO Esports Team to apply the sanctions as set forth in the FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions. 

Each Participating Athlete shall participate while wearing properly fitted equipment, which shall be professionally manufactured. The jersey must be unique from other Participating Athletes’ jersey and must not include any design deemed vulgar by EA and their affiliates.

  1. Anti-Doping Regulations

  • Use of drugs and alcohol is prohibited on the premises of, or during the attendance of, live events or tournaments, for the duration of the competitive tournament.

  • Athletes must not be under the influence of drugs and alcohol while playing.

  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is prohibited except in designated areas.

  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) in hotel rooms is strictly prohibited unless the participating Athlete has a smoking room.

  • Any Athlete who appears to violate the above terms under this Section may be sanctioned under Section 8 of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

  • EA reserves the right to conduct doping controls during all of FC Pro Masters with a random or targeted selection of participating Athletes before, during or after the tournament in accordance with the EA Anti-Doping Regulations and the WADA Code. 

    • Taking into consideration the specifics of the FC Pro Masters, EA bases any decisions related to its Anti-Doping programme on the EA Anti-Doping Regulations (ADR), EA Disciplinary Code, as well as the World-Anti Doping Code (WADC) published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), WADA’s prohibited list of substances, the International Standards and guidelines published by WADA. 

  1. FCO esports Teams Prizes and Expenses

    1. Prizes

Prizing is awarded based on finishing placement in the EA SPORTS FC Pro Masters. Total prize money is $150,000.

FC Pro Masters

Finishing placement

No. of Winners

Prizes (USD)







3rd – 4th



5th – 6th



7th – 8th



The above-mentioned prizes represent the consideration for the services performed by participating Athletes and FCO esports Teams in the participation to FC Pro Masters during the performance of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

In particular, 

  • Athletes and FCO esports Teams are remunerated for their services with an amount that varies depending on the level of progression that the FCO esports Teams achieve; and

  • such prizes will be paid to the relevant FCO esports Teams for the services performed by their Athletes, and Athletes will have no claim of any kind in relation to prizes; and

  • FCO esports Teams shall have full responsibility in prize money delivery to Athletes. EA will not be liable for any type of issues arising from the delivery or split of prize money among Athletes.

Prizes will be granted only if FCO esports Teams and Athletes fully comply with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions. In case of breach of any provision of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions by FCO esports Teams and/or their Athletes, infringing FCO esports Teams and participating Athletes shall both be subject to the Sanctions defined in the relevant Section here below and lose any right to receive the prizes indicated above.

  1. Other competitions

FCO esports Teams participating at the FC Pro Masters may automatically qualify for other EA competitions or be awarded with participation in other EA events based on their performance. EA will notify those FCO esports Teams in due course about any other consecutive competition or events they might be qualified for.

  1. General provisions 

    1. Commercial and intellectual property rights

For the purposes of this Section:

FC Pro Masters Marks” means the official name “FC Pro Masters” and/or any other official marks, visual assets, symbol, emblem, logo, slogan, mark or designation associated with the FC Pro Masters (including any official emblem, mascot and/or trophy).

EA Intellectual Property Rights” means all intellectual property and other proprietary rights of whatsoever nature, howsoever arising and in whatever media, whether or not registered or capable of registration, including trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, registered designs, copyrights, moral rights, domain names and any applications for the protection or registration of such rights and all renewals and extensions thereof and goodwill throughout the world.

Marketing Rights” means, in any and all media, any and all advertising rights, promotional rights, rights of endorsement, rights of association, premium and giveaway rights, marketing rights, merchandising and licensing rights, concession rights, sponsorship rights, hospitality rights, travel and tourism rights, ticketing rights, accommodation rights, publishing rights, betting/gaming rights, retail and merchandising rights, music rights and any other rights and/or associated commercial opportunities relating to the FC Pro Masters to the extent that such rights are not Media Rights.

Media Rights” means the right to report upon, record, transmit or otherwise exploit any still or moving visual-only images, any audio-only material, any audio-visual material, any text and any data by any means whatsoever (whether now known or hereafter devised, developed or invented), any aspect or element of the FC Pro Masters taking place within any site on a live and/or delayed basis in any media and by any means of delivery whether now known (including successor technologies) or hereafter invented. The Media Rights include the right to record, create and exploit the official film of the FC Pro Masters and/or similar audio-visual products and programming.

Participating FCO esports Team Marks” means any representative symbol, emblem, logo, slogan, mark or designation which is used, owned and/or used under licence (or similar) by the FCO esports Team, including any foreign translation and any permutation thereof, whether or not registered or capable of registration.

Playing Apparel” means any official apparel worn by the relevant FCO esports Team and/or participating Athlete during and/or in connection with the FC Pro Masters (such as uniforms, tracksuits or jerseys).

Ownership on Media Rights, Marketing Rights and FC Pro Masters Marks

EA solely owns and has the exclusive right to exploit on a worldwide basis all commercial rights (including any Marketing and Media rights) and all other rights and opportunities (whether currently existing or created in the future) to the FC Pro Masters as the founder of the FC Pro Masters and the world governing body of association football as well as based on EA’s organisational, logistical and financial contributions, roles and responsibilities in relation to the FC Pro Masters. 

EA is, and remains, the sole owner of all of the FC Pro Masters Marks, and retains the sole right to, on a global basis, develop any marks, logos and symbols for and/or in connection with the FC Pro Masters.

No FCO esports Team or Participating Athlete is entitled to directly or indirectly exploit or in any manner use any Media Rights, Marketing Rights, Intellectual Property Rights of EA (including without limitation any image or other reproduction of the FC Pro Masters trophy and/or any other EA trophy), and/or any other commercial or other rights and opportunities whether currently existing or created in the future save as expressly permitted by EA in accordance with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

The FCO esports Teams shall not challenge by any means EA’s ownership of any Media Rights, Marketing Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and all other commercial or other rights and opportunities (including any title and interest in, and to, the FC Pro Masters or the respective part thereof) whether currently existing or created in the future.

Each FCO esports Team undertakes not to oppose, and to ensure that none of the Participating Athlete or contracted third parties oppose, any of the trademark or copyright applications filed by EA, or other affiliates authorised by EA, nominees or licensees in respect of the FC Pro Masters Marks, or seek to cancel any such registrations held by EA. No FCO esports Team or participating Athlete may in any way challenge, or apply for any copyright, trademark or patent protection, or domain name registration in respect of the FC Pro Masters Marks which would adversely affect EA’s proprietary interests in the FC Pro Masters Marks. 

FCO esports Teams are fully responsible for the full compliance with these provisions of all of the Participating Athletes and any third party member of the FCO esports Teams. 

Transfer of Rights of FCO esports Teams and Participating Athletes

FCO esports Team Marks

Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, each FCO esports Team hereby assigns to EA the right to use and/or the right to sub-license the right to use, in perpetuity and free of any charge, any FCO esports Team Marks as well as the visual representations of any relevant Playing Apparel.

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such FCO esports Team Marks and the visual representations of any relevant Playing Apparel shall be exclusive in respect of, or in connection with, the filming, recording and broadcasting of the FC Pro Masters in any media. 

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such FCO esports Team Marks and the visual representations of any relevant Playing Apparel shall be non-exclusive in respect of all other uses, whether it be in connection with the promotion of the FC Pro Masters, or use in electronic or print publications, electronic software games, media-related products and services, merchandising, philatelic and numismatic products or otherwise.

In any case, EA shall not apply any variations of modifications to the official version of the FCO esports Team Marks as determined by each FCO esports Team and shall not use any FCO esports Team Marks in any manner which:

  1. would imply that any FCO esports Team endorses a product or brand of any commercial entity, including any commercial affiliate of EA; 

  2. is deceptive or misleading; 

  3. compromises or reflects unfavourably upon the good name, goodwill, reputation, political or religious impartiality and image of the FCO esports Team; or

  4. might jeopardise or limit the FCO esports Team’s proprietary interests with the FCO esports Team Mark.

With the sole exception of the usage by EA of the FCO esports Team Marks for mere editorial purposes in any form, EA shall:

  1. not use the FCO esports Team Marks on a stand-alone basis, and must always use any FCO esports Team Marks with either the marks/logos of a minimum of three (3) other FCO esports Team Marks or a FC Pro Masters Mark; and 

  2. ensure that no single FCO esports Team Mark receives prominence over any other FCO esports Team Mark on any single item of merchandise or promotional material.


Each FCO esports Team shall secure written confirmation (based on a template document prepared by EA if required by EA) from each Athlete of EA’s right to use and/or EA’s right to sub-license the right to use, in perpetuity and free of any charge, any of their records, names, photographs, images (including any still and moving representation thereof) and data, which may appear or be generated in connection with the participation of the Athletes in any stage of FC Pro Masters (including photographs that have been provided to EA by Athletes through different communication channels and photographs of Athletes taken or uploaded for accreditation purposes and any match-related data). EA may not use the Athletes’ records, names, photographs, images (including any still and moving representation thereof) and/or data in any manner which would imply that any FCO esports Team and/or relevant participating Athlete endorses the products or brands of any commercial entity, including any commercial affiliate of EA.

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such records, names, photographs, images and data shall be exclusive in respect of, or in connection with, the filming, recording and broadcasting of the FC Pro Masters or any official media product relating to the FC Pro Masters (e.g. the Official EA Film etc.) in any media.

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such records, names, photographs, images and data shall be non exclusive in respect of all other uses, whether it be in connection with the promotion of the FC Pro Masters, any editorial use in any media, irrespective of the transmission form (including, without limitation, electronic or print publications, television feeds, broadband and mobile feeds, giant screen presentations, downloadable images), electronic software games, media-related and digital products and services (including without limitation, , merchandising, philatelic and numismatic products or otherwise, promotion of the media products and programming, save that EA may not exercise any such rights in any manner which would imply that any \Athlete endorses the products or brands of any commercial entity, including any commercial affiliate of EA.

Upon request by EA, the relevant FCO esports Team or Athlete agrees to execute, free of charge and at their own costs, in a timely manner and in compliance with any instructions given by EA any and all clearances or other documents as may be required by any local, regional, national or other laws, regulations, directives or judicial acts applicable to effect such assignment, transfer and waiver of such rights to EA and to enable the free and unfettered, direct or indirect, exploitation of any and all Media Rights, Marketing Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and other present or future commercial and other rights and opportunities by EA.

Promotional Rights of FCO esports Teams and participating Athletes

Participating Athletes and FCO esports Teams shall not carry out or facilitate any commercial or marketing activities whatsoever with respect to the FC Pro Masters without the prior written consent of EA.

  1. Conduct contrary to the integrity

  • All FCO esports Team entourage shall refrain themselves and the Participating Athletes from engaging in conduct contrary to the integrity and sporting ethics of the FC Pro Masters and shall be bound to the applicable EA regulations (included EA Disciplinary Code, EA Code of Ethics and the EA Code of Conduct).

  • If any Athlete and/or FCO esports Team entourage is found unlawfully influencing or attempting to unlawfully influence the result, progress or any other aspect of any match of the FC Pro Masters in a manner contrary to integrity and sporting ethics the FCO esports Team shall be immediately disqualified. 

  • All Athlete and/or FCO esports Team entourage shall refrain from entering, directly or indirectly, in any betting-related activity in relation to the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of any match of the FC Pro Masters in accordance with the applicable EA regulations. 

  • All Athletes and/or FCO esports Team entourage must refrain from using and/or disclosing any inside information related to the FC Pro Masters for betting purposes contrary to integrity and sporting ethics. 

  • In the event any Athlete and/or FCO esports Team entourage is approached by any person who offers, promises or provides any type of personal or undue pecuniary or other advantages, including but not limited to money, benefits or gifts for the Athlete and/or FCO esports Team entourage to (i) unlawfully influence the result, progress or any other aspect of any match of the FC Pro Masters, or (ii) provide inside information, it shall be the Athletes and/or FCO esports Teams entourage obligation to immediately report such incident to the EA Integrity Department. 

  • For such purposes, all Athletes and/or FCO esports Team entourage have available the following reporting mechanisms to comply with their duty to report any integrity incident as well as any other matter contrary to sporting ethics: 

  • Email: easportsfcproasia@ea.com

  1. Sanctions 

Violation of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions (or any part thereof) by any FCO esports Team or any Athlete may, at EA’s discretion, penalties, disqualification, change in match results, loss of winner status, and/or forfeiture of prizes. Violations include but not limited to, 

  • If an Athlete does not follow the instructions from the Event Officials;

  • If an Athlete does not sit on a chair in the participating Athlete’s booth;

  • If an Athlete disobeys the Event Officials's decision;

  • If an Athlete uses inappropriate language or behave inappropriately; or,

  • If an Athlete conducts any behaviour that can affect the match beside all followings above, they might receive one warning. In the worst case, they might be forfeited from the match.

  • Any other prohibited occurrences in these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

All decisions and rulings of EA or Event Officials relating to the Competition are final and binding. EA reserves the right to penalize any FCO esports Team or any Athlete in FC Pro Masters at any level, at any time, for any reason. Penalties may include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following:

  • Warning 

  • Reprimand 

  • Forfeiture of Game 

  • Forfeiture of Matchup 

  • Reduction in match score 

  • Loss of awards (including prize money and paid travel expenses) 

  • Temporary or permanent suspension from the Competition 

  • Disqualification from the Competition, Competition Events and future competitions or Events;

  • Loss of Rankings Points. 

  • A deduction of points scored during a group stage. 

  • Automatic game loss 

  • Loss of future prize money 

  • Disqualification of Domestic Qualifier

EA also has the right to publicly announce penalties that have been levied on FCO Esports Teams and Participating Athletes, and FCO Esports Teams and Participating Athletes waive any right of legal action against EA, and/or any of its affiliates.

  1. Indemnity

Each FCO  esports Team (and, if required by EA, any Athlete and Coach) shall indemnify, defend and hold EA and its affiliates, as well as their officers, employees, representatives, and agents harmless against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, actions, fines and expenses (including reasonable legal expenses) resulting from, arising out of, or attributable to any breach or alleged breach of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions by that FCO  esports Teams or their Athletes and/or any other of their FCO esports Team members (or, in the case of indemnification by any Athlete, any breach or alleged breach of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions by that Athlete).

  1. Data Protection

EA will process personal data in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. The FCO esports Teams and Athletes read, understand and accept the data processing consent declaration separate to these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

2. Anti-corruption and bribery

FCO  esports Teams and Athletes acknowledge that giving and taking bribes can lead to criminal proceedings, amongst others in accordance with art. 4a of the Swiss Federal Law on Unfair Competition (art. 102 of the Swiss Criminal Code) and art. 322octies and art. 322novies of the Swiss Criminal Code USA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (“FCPA”), the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010, or any similar law in the applicable territories prohibiting bribery and/or corruption, and other applicable laws in respect of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions. 

3. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Without regard to conflict of law principles, these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods being excluded. All disputes in connection with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions, including disputes as to its conclusion, binding effect, amendment and termination, are to be promptly settled between the parties by negotiation. If no solution can be reached, such disputes shall be exclusively resolved by ordinary courts of law in Zurich, Switzerland or (if required by EA) by an arbitral tribunal consisting of one (1) arbitrator under the auspices of, and pursuant to, the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration of the Swiss Arbitration Centre. The seat of the arbitration shall be Zurich, Switzerland and the language of the proceedings shall be English. For the avoidance of any doubt, any determination made by the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on the parties. 

Athletes and FCO esports Teams acknowledge and agree that they have read and understood these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions and that they are fully aware of the rights and obligations arising therefrom.  

Please indicate your acceptance of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions by signing and returning a copy of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

FCO esports Team

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

FCO  esports Team name: ____________________

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________ 

Email address: ____________________ 

Address: ________________________________________

Legal representative of the FCO esports Team

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

Company name: ____________________

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________ 

Email address: ____________________ 

Address: __________________________________

FCO esports Team Coach

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

Coaches name: ____________________

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________ 

Email address: ____________________ 

Address: ________________________________________

Athlete 1

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________ 

Email address: ____________________ 

Athlete 2

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________ 

Email address: ____________________ 

Athlete 3

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________ 

Email address: ____________________ 

Athlete 4

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________ 

Email address: ____________________ 

Where the Athlete is a minor, please also complete below:

Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (printed): ____________________ 

Signed: ____________________ 

Address: ____________________________________________________________

APPENDIX 1 – Eligibility List

This list of countries is subject to changes or modifications provided by EA at any moment and for any reason.





South Korea


Participating Athlete - a real-world, professional EA SPORTS FC ONLINE player, registered in Qualifying Event to participate in FC Pro under one registered FCO esports Team 

FCO esports Team - a group of a real-world, professional group of Athletes, consist of three or four Participating Athletes 

In-game Team - in-game EA SPORTS FC ONLINE roster of virtual in-game players, used in Major Event play by each individual Participating Athletes on a FCO esports Team 

Athlete's Nickname - The unique names created by Athletes to be displayed in the game and broadcastings.

Game - a single instance of two Participating Athletes facing off, with victory determined by the number of in-game goals scored by each Participating Athlete 

Matchup, Match - a single instance of two participating FCO esports Teams facing off, with victory determined by the number of games won in the course of the matchup (e.g. 3 games won in a Best-of-5-game matchup) 

Double-elimination Tournament - A double-elimination tournament is a type of elimination tournament competition in which a participant ceases to be eligible to win the tournament's championship upon having lost two matches. Once the FCO esports Team loses the matchup, the losing FCO esports Team will proceed into the losers bracket and the winning FCO esports Team proceed into the winners bracket. Loser bracket champion does not need to defeat the winner bracket champion twice in the grand final to win the tournament. 

Best-Of-5 Format - each Matchup between two FCO esports Teams consisting of a maximum of five individual Games. The first FCO esports Team to win three (3) individual Games is winning the Matchup.

Roster - The sum of a Team’s Active Roster.

Event Officials – Event Officials are referees, officials, event staff, and tournament administrators who are designated by EA to organize and monitor FC Pro Masters, officiate the games and matches, and judge and determine the issues when arise.


  • Pornography or any sexually explicit materials, contraceptive products or services, or online dating products or services;

  • Alcohol;

  • Tobacco, cigarettes or similar products;

  • Other restricted drugs or drug paraphernalia;

  • Firearms, explosives, or other weapons;

  • Tattoos or body branding services;

  • Gambling/wagering/lottery products or services, including sports betting and daily fantasy sites or similar services; 

  • FC Ultimate Team Coin promoting or selling websites or companies

  • Unauthorized game key selling websites or companies

  • Political ads or otherwise promoting a political agenda;

  • Illegal products or services, or content that otherwise violates any applicable laws in the territories;

  • Involving content that is obscene, slanderous, misleading, inaccurate, or discriminatory;

  • Pharmaceutical products or services, dietary supplements, or medical devices;

  • Products or services that compete with EA’s business (e.g. games, online game sites, or competing esports events);

  • Anything that is detrimental to EA’s business (hacking, gold services, account selling, coin selling);

  • Anything that is inconsistent with the ESRB or applicable rating(s) of the game in the given territory;

  • Cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency companies and/or websites promoting/relating to the trade of cryptocurrency 

  • Any direct competitive platform manufacturer outside of SONY PlayStation, that is to say: Microsoft Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox 360

Data Processing Consent Declaration (individually per player and Coach)

Please read this Data Processing Consent Declaration ("Declaration") carefully and ensure that you (referred to as the "Data Subject"), understand it.

By taking part in FC Pro Masters, you authorise EA to store, transfer and otherwise use any Personal Data, which is to be understood as any information that relates to FCO esports Teams and participating Athletes and in particular the data provided by email at the time of FCO esports Teams and participating Athletes’ registration to the FC Pro Masters (“Personal Data”), which may include the following:

  • First name, last name, citizenship and immigration status, government identification number, passport number, financial accounting number, credit card number, address, phone number, email address, place of birth, place of residence, location of remote production, age, date of birth, gender, photos, audio/voice recording, gamertag, social media handles (twitter and Instagram), professional achievements, team name, founding date, country of origin for team, team affiliation and IP-address of practice area.

Purpose of Processing and Use of Personal Data

EA and their appointed agencies SHANGHAI JUSS INTELLISPORTS CO., LTD., and AfreecaTV Co., Ltd. to use the Personal Data as follows:

  1. To assess eligibility to take part in FC Pro Masters. 

  2. to organise the FC Pro Masters;

  3. to evaluate the FCO esports Teams’ eligibility to take part in the FC Pro Masters; 

  4. to connect two participating Athletes for a Game;

  5. to arrange the participating Athletes travel and accommodation for the FC Pro Masters, in case of qualification;

  6. to present the qualified Athletes on EA’s controlled sites, press releases and any FC Pro Masters related promotions;

  7. to present the participating Athletes in any live show, as part of the highlights clips, the event documentation and any clipping model on any of EA social media sites or ea.com;

  8. to be used in the distribution of the world wide TV and live stream feed as part of the Athletes presentation;

  9. to be contacted for a potential participation in future editions of the FC Pro Champions Cup; and 

  10. to be shared with EA SPORTS, the publishing partners of FC ONLINE in the respective markets (being Garena, Nexon Corporation, Tencent Games).

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

In this regard, you acknowledge and agree that such Personal Data may be transferred to the relevant public (government) authorities and/or authorised bodies and organisations as might be required under the applicable national laws and/or for security reasons (‘Applicable Data Protection Laws’). Additionally, you acknowledge and agree that Data will be shared with EA, and their appointed agencies SHANGHAI JUSS INTELLISPORTS CO., LTD., and AfreecaTV Co., Ltd., to use the Personal Data for the purposes outlined above. The Personal Data will not be used, processed, stored or transmitted by EA over and above the scope described herein, or as otherwise described in EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy.

Storage of Personal Data and Data Security

The Personal Data may be stored and in the United States or any other country in which EA, its subsidiaries, or third-party agents operate. By taking part in FC Pro Masters, you consent to the transfer of your personal data outside of your country of residence, and you acknowledge that your personal information may be transferred to recipients in the United States and other countries that may not offer the same level of privacy protection as the laws in your country of residence or citizenship.

EA's privacy practices comply with the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules System. The APEC CBPR system provides a framework for organizations to ensure protection of personal information transferred among participating APEC economies. More information about the APEC framework is available on this page.

Your Personal information will be retained only for as long as necessary to for the purposes described herein, and as otherwise disclosed in EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy. Where required, we may retain that information beyond that period if necessary for legal, operational, or other legitimate reasons.


You may have certain rights to the Personal Data in accordance with, and subject to the Applicable Data Protection Laws which this Declaration adheres to. For more information, please see EA’s Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Complaint and Contact

In the event of any cause for complaint about the use of the Personal Data or if you have any questions relating to this Declaration, you may contact EA’s Data Protection Officer as follows: DPO@ea.com

Date: Signature:

Section 2: EA SPORTS FC Mobile


The EA SPORTS FC Pro Masters (hereafter "Competition") is a standalone tournament organised by ELECTRONIC ARTS INC. (“EA”) 209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA, using the EA SPORTS FC™ MOBILE free-to-play multiplayer online mobile game ("FCM"), specifically published in China, Korea and Japan by the following publishing companies:

- In China, by Tencent Holding Ltd. (“Tencent”), - In Korea, by Nexon Korea Corporation (“Nexon Korea”), - In Japan, by Nexon Japan Corporation ("Nexon Japan”).

altogether referred to as the “Local Publishers”.

These Terms and Conditions for the FC Pro Masters (hereafter "Competition Ruleset") govern the participation of FCM competitors (“Competitor”) in the FC Pro Masters.

By signing these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions, all Competitors accept and agree to abide by and comply with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

EA reserves the right to update these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions in its sole discretion. Any revised version of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions will be updated on the FC Pro Masters official website.

Headings are for interpretation only and do not affect the interpretation of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

1. Overview of the Competition

The FC Pro Masters is a video game tournament where six (6) FCM competitors located in the eligible countries listed in Appendix 1 will play against each other using the FC Mobile in the friend H2H mode.

The Competition will be played on Mobile Smartphones (hereafter the "Supported Platform") at an on-site venue.

The Competition shall comprise one competition stage:

- A knock-out stage which shall crown one Competitor as the FC Pro Masters Champion (hereafter the “Knockout Stage”).

EA may cancel, postpone, relocate and/or organise a replacement “online” version of any FC Pro Masters stage as a result of circumstances and/or events outside of its reasonable control (including as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak) without any liability of EA in this respect.

2. Competition Calendar

  • Knockout Stage: from April 26th to April 28th 2024.

3. Competitor Eligibility and Registration

Each player is required to meet the following eligibility requirements to be considered a “Competitor”:

  • Register their valid FCM Account for eligibility and accept the Competition Rules.

  • Be a legal resident of one of the countries/regions listed in Appendix A.

  • Agree to EA’s User Agreement (https://terms.ea.com, “User Agreement”) and acknowledge that EA’s Privacy and Cookie Policy (https://privacy.ea.com, “Privacy and Cookie Policy”) applies.

  • The competitor must have participated in other FC Pro events operated by EA, or the Local Publishers and must be placed among the best two (2) in one of the eligible countries’ domestic qualifying events (“Domestic Qualifying Events”).

  • If a player is found to be ineligible after the start time of the Competition, the ineligible player will be removed from the Competition and may be replaced by the next eligible player from the Domestic Qualifying Events.

3.1. Acceptance of rulesets

This Ecosystem Ruleset may be updated by EA, as necessary, during the Competition to add further clarity, correct errors, comply with changes in applicable law, or address matters that arise after the first publication. The goal of any updates will be to ensure a fair Competition for all Competitors.

EA reserve the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Competition, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Competition, as determined by EA in their sole discretion.

EA reserve the right to disqualify any Competitor they find to be tampering with the operation of the Competition or to be acting in violation of these Competition Rules. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Competition may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, EA reserve the right to seek damages and other remedies (including attorneys’ fees) from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law.

By participating in the Competition, Participating Competitors agree to be bound by these Competition Rules and the decisions of EA, as applicable.

3.2. Age Requirements

To be eligible to participate in the Competition, Participating Competitors must be at least 16 years old at the time of registration and be at least the minimum age required to have a full (not underage) Nexon or Tencent account in their territory of residence.

All Competitors under the age of majority in their territory of residence must have a parent or legal guardian review and consent to the Ecosystem Ruleset on their behalf, and accompany them to Competition.

3.3. Residency Requirements

Competitors might be asked to provide proof of residency in an eligible country to compete in the Competition. The sufficiency of any such proof or documentation will be determined by EA in their sole discretion. The list of eligible countries can be found in Appendix A. Competitors that participate in the Competition may be required to sign and return a Declaration of Eligibility to Travel.

3.4. Employees and Conflicts of Interest

Employees of Electronic Arts inc., Nexon Korea Corporation, Nexon Japan Corporation, and Tencent Holding Ltd., or its respective affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, advertising, promotion and publicity agencies, and the immediate family members or persons living in the same household of such employees are not eligible to participate in the Competition.

3.5. Organizations

Competitors may represent an organisation, club or team in the Competition. The organisation, club or team are not considered Competitors in the Competition and therefore are not eligible to participate in prizing. Any disbursement of prizing to an entity other than the Competitor who earned the prize will require the Competitor’s written authorization.

Each Competitor or manager is required to provide the following to easportsfcproasia@ea.com:

  • Name of the organisation, club or team the Competitor will be representing and authorisation for use;

  • Organisation logo and authorisation for use (format must be vector); Contact information for the officer or representative of the organisation, club or team; Team Name;

  • Competitor’s real name and Display Name (as defined in 3.6);

  • Photo of Competitor and authorisation for use.

  • The deadline to submit this information is April 15th. EA will inform Competitors of any other applicable deadlines and required information. This information may be incorporated into the broadcast and web coverage of the Competition.

Competitors are required to represent the same club throughout the Domestic Qualifying Event and Competition.

3.6. Competitor naming requirements

Competitors will be asked to select a unique username (“Display Name”, see Appendix B) for the Competition. This Display Name will be used to identify Competitors during the live broadcastings, promotions and competition related activities. It shall be the same as their Display Names in the Domestic Qualifying Events, or a new one, if EA and Event Officials determines it does not comply with the following requirements:

  • The inclusion of the name, branding or other intellectual property of any third party in the Competitor name is at EA’s sole discretion and EA reserves the right to require any Competitor to compete under a neutral and commercially unbranded name/logo in its discretion at any time;

  • Competitors are strictly prohibited from using EA or any EA's intellectual property rights in their names;

  • Competitors must receive prior written approval from EA to use a nation or country name in their Display Names.

  • Must be original and distinct from other Competitors and must not be deemed vulgar by EA and its affiliates. Names must not infringe on a third party's intellectual property, privacy or publicity rights, or violate the law. In the event of two or more Competitors registering for the FC Pro Masters with the same name, EA reserves the right to require any and/or all relevant Competitors to register under a new name in its discretion (provided that EA shall consider any reasonable representations of the relevant Competitors in this regard); and

  • Competitors shall provide EA with an English translation of their team names, as the case may be.

4. Competition Front

The competition will be broadcasted live on-site at a venue, with the caveat that the competition might be altered by EA due to pandemic safety, security, and health requirements applicable in each country.

4.1. Main event

FC Pro Masters Bracket

4.1.1. Bracket Draw Procedure

The bracket draw procedure shall happen on April 24th. The Knockout Stage will feature the six (6) Competitors which have qualified from Domestic Qualifying Events in a double elimination format.

Before the Knockout Stage, a draw will determine the allocation of the Competitors in the 4 different starting matches (M1, M2, M3, M4). Each Competitor will be allocated in different pools, based on their final position in the Domestic Qualifying Events, as follows:

Pool 1

1st spot from China

1st spot from South Korea

1st spot from Japan

Pool 2

2nd spot from China

2nd spot from South Korea

2nd spot from Japan

  1. M1 match-up should be drawn from Pool 2. After M1 match-up is determined, the rest Competitor in Pool 2 shall be placed in M2.

  2. A Competitor from Pool 1 should be drawn and placed in M3.

  3. A Competitor from Pool 1 should be drawn and placed in M4.

  4. The rest Competitor in Pool 1 should be placed in M2.

4.1.2. Format

  • The FC Pro Masters will be played as a Knockout Stage in a Double-Elimination format (as shown in the graphic above), as per the following principles:

  • One double-elimination styled bracket, as per the following principles: The allocation within the bracket will be based on a draw or a similar random allocation based on the seed of the competitor achieved during their Domestic Qualifying Events.

  • Each Matchup during this double-elimination bracket will be played in a Best-of-3 format, meaning that participating Competitors must at least win two games of the maximum three games played.

4.1.3. General

  • In M2, the Competitor with the higher seed [Pool 1] will be the “Home Side”.

  • In M1, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, the Event Officials decide to choose both home and away after his/her own coin toss.

  • In a single Match, each Game will switch Home and Away.

  • The winning Competitor of the Final Matchup will be crowned as the FC Pro Masters FC Mobile champion.

4.1.4. Schedule

  • April 26 – Knock Out Day 1 (Matchups M1, M2, M3, M4)

  • April 27 – Knock Out Day 2 (Matchups M5, M6, M7)

  • April 28 – Knock Out Day 3 (Matchups M8, M9, M10)

4.2. Preparation

  • The Competitors must play their opponent through the friend H2H mode or another game-mode on FCM, as communicated by Event Officials. The Event Officials will handle the setup and/or inform Competitors which server to choose when connecting them with their opponent.

  • The Competitors must be in the venue or their place of participation and on standby for setting up or testing by the guidance of Event Officials.

  • Any lateness or not following the Event Officials directions during the preparation period may result in sanctions (8.3).

4.3. Communication

  • Competitors are required to be available on the dedicated communication platforms throughout the Competition so that they are easily reachable for the Event Officials.

  • The Competitors shall also regularly check his/her mail-account indicated upon registration or any other communication channel as instructed by EA for the transmission of information.

  • The Competitors shall direct any communications during the game to the Event Officials.

  • After confirming the game result by signing the result sheet or the confirmation document provided by the Event Officials, Communications regarding the completed games will not be reviewed.

  • Participating Competitors communication during the competition hours outside of the Competition Platform will not be considered for purposes of administrative decision making.

  • Event Officials do not have access to any social channels such as Twitter and messages sent via those channels will not be reviewed as part of administrative decisions.

  • The Event Officials will help the Competitors to message their opponent to set up their match and communicate in case of issues.

  • Competitors must ensure that at least one person is available on the communication platform for the Event Officials at all times before, during and after the Games.

  • Communication with all involved parties must take place in English and has to be respectful at all times.

  • All the contents of communications with Event Officials on the communication platform, match channels, and emails are confidential. Any publication of the communication contents requires EA’s approval.

5. Competition Game Rules

5.1. Build and Equipment

Competitors will be provided with a designated practice device (“Practice Device”) and Competition device (“Competition Device”) installed with a specific competition build (“Live Event Build”) at a set time, designated by Event Officials, in order to train and prepare for the Competition. Competitors must only use the Practice Devices and Competition Devices under the guidance and allowed time period by Event Officials.

Information about the devices and the Live Event Build are deemed confidential. Any mentions to the public or externals, including the SNS platforms, Competitor fan groups or communities, and Competitor personal live streaming, are strictly forbidden.

5.1.1. Accounts, Squad and Player List

  • All accounts will be provided by EA, embedded in the Practice Devices and Competition Devices with Display Names registered by Competitors.

  • Competitors are not permitted to change Display Names and profile avatars on Competition Devices.

  • Each account and device will be provided with 227 in-game items (“Player List”).

  • Competitors can build the competing squad out of the Player List freely.

  • Competitors can change the competing squad between each game.

  • Before each game, Competitors will be given five (5) minutes at maximum to set up the competing squad. Running over the setup time intentionally may be punished, as 5.2 Equipment Use.

  • Positions are divided into CAM / CB / CDM / CF / CM / GK / LB / LM / LW / RB / RM / RW /RWB / ST

  • The full Player List is in the Appendix 4.

  • In-game Enhancement level will be set to 0.

  • In-game Crafting level will be set to 0.

  • In-game Rank-up will be set to 0.

  • In-game Skill Boosts will be set to 0.

  • In-game Chemistry will be off.

5.2. Equipment Use

  • All devices, peripherals and headsets are supplied by Event Officials.

  • No warm-up or practice games are permitted once the current matches have begun on the active stage.

  • No food or drinks other than water (in unbranded water bottles) are permitted at a competitor’s desk. Water bottles must remain on the ground and out of camera shot when not being used.

  • Competitors will have five (5) minutes in between each game to adjust personal preferences and game settings and ensure their equipment is functioning properly.

  • The Competitor is not allowed to use any personal devices (such as phones, headphones, tablets, etc.) during their Games, including for the purpose of listening to music, unless express written permission has been granted by Event Officials.

  • If a Competitor finds an issue with the provided equipment, they should notify Event Officials immediately. If the Event Officials can confirm that an issue has occurred, they will determine whether the Game should be restarted, the win should be awarded to a Competitor or the conditions under which the Game should be resumed.

5.3. General

  • All games will be at Eastpoint Arena.

  • All matches except semi-finals and finals will be in daylight weather mode. The semi-final and final matches will be in night weather mode.

  • The Live Event Build doesn’t include the Extra Time and Penalty Shoot mode. When any game in Bo3/Bo5 Match is tied, a Tiebreaker Game will take place to declare the Game winner.

  • In the Tiebreaker Game, the first Competitor to score will be declared the winner of the Game (Golden Goal).

5.4. Use of Gameplay

  • Scoring on their own team’s goal intentionally is prohibited.

5.5. Issue Reporting

  • The Live Event Build doesn't include a pause function. All issue reporting shall be done by the Competitors raising their hands.

  • The act of raising a hand is considered a signal for reporting a critical issue, and the ongoing game and broadcast will be halted.

  • Competitors may report the issues to Event Officials in the circumstances listed below.

  • Game Lag issue

  • Once a critical lag issue that affects the fairness of the ongoing game is reported and the game is halted, Event Officials will take actions including, but not limited to, confirming the competitor's lag and the opponent's game lag status, conducting a device check, and investigating the server.

  • Event Officials have the sole discretion to determine the recognition of game lag. If the game lag is recognized, both competitors are required to follow the Event Official's instructions for resuming, restarting, or any other steps.

  • If the game lag is not recognized, the competitor who raised the issue will be subject to sanctions.

  • Disconnection

  • Once a disconnection happens, the game should be halted immediately. Event Officials will take actions including, but not limited to conducting a device check and investigating the server.

  • Event Officials will determine whether the Game should be restarted, the win should be awarded to a Competitor or the conditions under which the Game should be resumed.

  • If the disconnection issue is determined to be critical and unfixable within the given time EA decided, EA may reschedule the individual game or match.

  • Opponents have displayed inappropriate language.

  • Disturbance by the audience or the environment

  • If an Issue Reporting was requested without legitimate reasons to do so as stated above or as identified intentional by the Event Officials, the Competitor will be punished.

  • For any occurrences, Event Officials hold the sole right to a final decision.

5.6. Game Recreation

  • Following by the recognized issue reporting, Event Officials may instruct the game recreation.

  • Competitors shall be responsible for keeping track of the Game situation so that in the event where a Game is interrupted, the situation can be recreated. In all situations possible, the Event Officials will monitor the Game situation so that it may be recreated in the event of Game interruptions. Event Officials might consider a Game interruption to be one of the following situations which might require a recreating of the Game, but is not limited to the following:

  • Recognized game lag issues

  • Disconnection due to an electricity problem in the venue.

  • Inconsistent/irregular gameplay due to instability in the server used for the competition.

  • Inconsistent/Irregular gameplay – an occasion of gameplay lag caused by bug issue or hardware malfunction, network instability, server malfunction.

  • Disturbance by the audience or the environment.

  • After the restart the possession of the ball goes back to the Competitor who had possession before the game halted. Event Officials will try to recreate the game situation as closely as possible, but the base might be at Kick-off.

  • If inconsistent/irregular gameplay occurs on a penalty shoot-out situation after the Game:

  • The Game will restart and both Competitors need to reproduce the moment before an inconsistent/Irregular gameplay appears.

  • For any occurrences, Event Officials hold the sole right to a final decision.

  • If none of the conditions above are the reason for interruption, Event Officials will make the decision of how to progress.

5.7. Glitching, Cheating & Manipulation

  • Any attempt to cause or abuse a glitch in any Game in order to gain an advantage is prohibited;

  • Any use of cheat software in order to gain an advantage is prohibited;

  • Manipulating scores or fixing the result of a Game in order to assist other Competitors with their bracket and ranking is prohibited;

  • In the event that Event Officials determines that an action, goal, move, penalty or any other in- game action was caused by an unauthorized glitch, Event Officials will decide in its sole discretion to return the Game to a fair state depending on the result of the play;

  • If a Competitor is found manipulating scores or fixing the results of a Game in order to assist other Competitors with their ranking in the FC Pro Masters, such Competitor shall be immediately disqualified;

  • Without prejudice to the foregoing, any cheating, foul play, collusion or any other form of underhand or illegal exploits by Competitors will not be tolerated and Event Officials reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to disqualify any Competitor deemed to be engaging in any such behaviour;

  • Any use of cheat software in order to gain an advantage is prohibited;

  • It is understood that if at any time a Competitor installs and/or uses an illegal program to the provided Devices, such Competitor will be disqualified from the Competition immediately and potentially banned from participating in any FC Pro related competitions for the duration of EA’s decision.

  • Competitors must notify the Event Officials if bugs are encountered in the game;

  • Competitors will be disqualified for exploiting an unknown bug and the team awards/prize in the Competition will be forfeited.

5.8. Behaviour

Competitors must behave in an appropriate manner throughout the entire duration of the Competition. The following behaviour is expressly prohibited in all Event Official's communication channels, including social networks:

  • Insulting and/or aggressive behaviour or language;

  • Expression of statements of commercial, religious or political nature or that incite or promote hatred and discriminatory conduct;

  • Not following instructions of Event Officials;

  • Excessive arguing with Event Officials (attempt to overrule or influence decision making);

  • Offending opponents;

  • Threaten other Competitors;

  • Not being available for the tournament management or only too late;

  • The use of drugs and alcohol or any other performance enhancing substance;

  • Gambling and betting on the outcome of any element of the Competition;

  • Incorrect declaration of personal information; and/or Equipment/transmission/internet manipulation.

5.9. Dress Code

  • Competitors shall wear uniform attire appropriate to the circumstances.

  • This includes the award ceremony following the final round, at which the winner might be required to wear formal attire.

  • All attire items that will potentially be worn during the Competition by the Competitors have to be submitted to EA at least two weeks before attending the draft day. Only items that were pre-approved in writing can be worn during the Competition.

  • Competitors shall wear the official uniform of their esports organization throughout the event, when applicable.

  • Competitors are not allowed to wear attire/accessories that disturb the broadcast. If any Competitor’s attire/accessories is deemed inappropriate, the Competitor could be asked by EA to change such attire/accessories to be able to continue.

  • Each Competitor’s entourage, which includes the manager, any other members of the esports entity, shall only be permitted to wear either unbranded, non-commercial attire, or the same attire as the Competitors, which shall at all times be in accordance with these regulations.

  • Competitors shall not wear, carry or bear any items of a commercial, religious or political nature, or which in EA’s opinion reflect unfavourably upon the FC Pro, EA, any EA product or any other EA partner nor carry out any promotional activity in connection with the event unless otherwise approved in writing by Event Officials.

  • Competitors who have no official organization uniforms should wear the unbranded uniforms provided by Event Officials.

  • Failure of Competitors to comply with this section may lead Event Officials to disqualify Competitors to apply the sanctions as set forth in the Sanction section of these Competition Rules.

Each Participating Competitor shall participate while wearing properly fitted equipment, which shall be professionally manufactured. The jersey must be unique from other Participating Competitors’ jersey and must not include any design deemed vulgar by EA and their affiliates.

5.10. Anti-Doping Regulations

  • Use of drugs and alcohol is prohibited on the premises of, or during the attendance of, live events or tournaments, for the duration of the competitive tournament.

  • Competitors must not be under the influence of drugs and alcohol while playing.

  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is prohibited except in designated areas.Smoking (including e-cigarettes) in hotel rooms is strictly prohibited unless the Competitor has a smoking room.

  • Any Competitor who appears to violate the above terms under this Section may be sanctioned under Section 7.3.

  • EA reserves the right to conduct doping controls during the Competition with a random or targeted selection of Competitors before, during or after the tournament in accordance with the EA Anti-Doping Regulations and the WADA Code.

  • Taking into consideration the specifics of the Competition, EA bases any decisions related to its Anti-Doping programme on the EA Anti-Doping Regulations (ADR), EA Disciplinary Code, as well as the World-Anti Doping Code (WADC) published by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), WADA’s prohibited list of substances, the International Standards and guidelines published by WADA.

6. Prize and Expenses

6.1. Prizes

Prizing is awarded based on finishing placement in the Competition. Total prize money is $30,000.

FC Pro Masters

Finishing Placement

No. of winners

Prizes (USD)













5th - 6th



Prizes will be granted only if Competitors fully comply with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions. In case of breach of any provision of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions by Competitors and/or their Competitors, infringing Competitors and Competitors shall both be subject to the Sanctions defined in the relevant Section here below and lose any right to receive the prizes indicated above.

6.2. Prizes Terms and Conditions

  • Prizes are not transferable. No substitution of prizes for other goods and services is permitted, except that EA reserves the right to provide a substitute of approximately equal or greater value if an advertised prize is unavailable or not allowed by local law. All federal, state, provincial and local taxes, and international tariffs are the sole responsibility of the individual winner.

  • Potential winners will be required to complete, sign, and return a Prize Winner Declaration and Release within ninety (90) days of completion of the applicable Competition to claim a prize. If a potential winner fails to sign and/or return the Prize Winner Declaration and Release, refuses the prize, or is ineligible to accept the prize, the potential winner forfeits the prize.

  • Failure to communicate banking information or delivery method to the Event Offcials in a timely manner may result in forfeiture of the prize. If a potential winner is a minor in their territory of residence, the potential winner’s parent or legal guardian (as required by law) will be required to sign all necessary documents upon verification of identification. Receiving a prize is contingent upon compliance with these Competition Rules. In the event a potential winner is disqualified, or the prize is forfeited for any reason, EA retains the discretion to donate the applicable prize to a charity of EA’s choosing. Potential winners may be required to provide a valid shipping address to claim a prize. Allow up to three (3) months for delivery of prizes.

  • In the event EA cancels or suspends the Competition pursuant to the conditions above, prizes will be awarded for all Competitions prior to such cancellation or suspension.

7. General provisions

7.1. Commercial and intellectual property rights

“FC Pro Masters Marks” means the official name “FC Pro Masters” and/or any other official marks, visual assets, symbol, emblem, logo, slogan, mark or designation associated with the FC Pro Masters (including any official emblem, mascot and/or trophy).

“EA Intellectual Property Rights” means all intellectual property and other proprietary rights of whatsoever nature, howsoever arising and in whatever media, whether or not registered or capable of registration, including trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, registered designs, copyrights, moral rights, domain names and any applications for the protection or registration of such rights and all renewals and extensions thereof and goodwill throughout the world.

“Marketing Rights” means, in any and all media, any and all advertising rights, promotional rights, rights of endorsement, rights of association, premium and giveaway rights, marketing rights, merchandising and licensing rights, concession rights, sponsorship rights, hospitality rights, travel and tourism rights, ticketing rights, accommodation rights, publishing rights, betting/gaming rights, retail and merchandising rights, music rights and any other rights and/or associated commercial opportunities relating to the FC Pro Masters to the extent that such rights are not Media Rights.

“Media Rights” means the right to report upon, record, transmit or otherwise exploit any still or moving visual-only images, any audio-only material, any audio-visual material, any text and any data by any means whatsoever (whether now known or hereafter devised, developed or invented), any aspect or element of the FC Pro Masters taking place within any site on a live and/or delayed basis in any media and by any means of delivery whether now known (including successor technologies) or hereafter invented. The Media Rights include the right to record, create and exploit the official film of the FC Pro Masters and/or similar audio-visual products and programming.

“Competitor Organization and Team Marks” means any representative symbol, emblem, logo, slogan, mark or designation which is used, owned and/or used under licence (or similar) by the Competitors, including any foreign translation and any permutation thereof, whether or not registered or capable of registration.

“Playing Apparel” means any official apparel worn by the relevant Competitor during and/or in connection with the FC Pro Masters (such as uniforms, tracksuits or jerseys).

Ownership on Media Rights, Marketing Rights and FC Pro Masters Marks

EA solely owns and has the exclusive right to exploit on a worldwide basis all commercial rights (including any Marketing and Media rights) and all other rights and opportunities (whether currently existing or created in the future) to the FC Pro Masters as the founder of the FC Pro Masters and the world governing body of association football as well as based on EA’s organisational, logistical and financial contributions, roles and responsibilities in relation to the FC Pro Masters.

EA is, and remains, the sole owner of all of the FC Pro Masters Marks, and retains the sole right to, on a global basis, develop any marks, logos and symbols for and/or in connection with the FC Pro Masters.

No Competitor is entitled to directly or indirectly exploit or in any manner use any Media Rights, Marketing Rights, Intellectual Property Rights of EA (including without limitation any image or other reproduction of the FC Pro Masters trophy and/or any other EA trophy), and/or any other commercial or other rights and opportunities whether currently existing or created in the future save as expressly permitted by EA in accordance with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

The Competitor shall not challenge by any means EA’s ownership of any Media Rights, Marketing Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and all other commercial or other rights and opportunities (including any title and interest in, and to, the FC Pro Masters or the respective part thereof) whether currently existing or created in the future.

Each Competitor undertakes not to oppose, and to ensure that none of the Participating Competitor or contracted third parties oppose, any of the trademark or copyright applications filed by EA, or other affiliates authorised by EA, nominees or licensees in respect of the FC Pro Masters Marks, or seek to cancel any such registrations held by EA.

No Competitor or Competitor may in any way challenge, or apply for any copyright, trademark or patent protection, or domain name registration in respect of the FC Pro Masters Marks which would adversely affect EA’s proprietary interests in the FC Pro Masters Marks.

Competitors are fully responsible for the full compliance with these provisions of all of the Participating Competitors and any third party member of the Competitors.

Transfer of Rights of Competitors and Participating Competitors

Competitor marks

Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, each Competitor hereby assigns to EA the right to use and/or the right to sub-license the right to use, in perpetuity and free of any charge, any Competitor Marks as well as the visual representations of any relevant Playing Apparel.

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such Competitor Marks and the visual representations of any relevant Playing Apparel shall be exclusive in respect of, or in connection with, the filming, recording and broadcasting of the FC Pro Masters in any media.

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such Competitor Marks and the visual representations of any relevant Playing Apparel shall be non-exclusive in respect of all other uses, whether it be in connection with the promotion of the FC Pro Masters, or use in electronic or print publications, electronic software games, media-related products and services, merchandising, philatelic and numismatic products or otherwise.

In any case, EA shall not apply any variations of modifications to the official version of the Competitor Marks as determined by each Competitor and shall not use any Competitor Marks in any manner which:

i) would imply that any Competitor endorses a product or brand of any commercial entity, including any commercial affiliate of EA;

ii) is deceptive or misleading;

iii) compromises or reflects unfavourably upon the good name, goodwill, reputation, political or religious impartiality and image of the Competitor; or iiii) might jeopardise or limit the Competitor’s proprietary interests with the Competitor Mark.

With the sole exception of the usage by EA of the Competitor Marks for mere editorial purposes in any form, EA shall:

i) not use the Competitor Marks on a stand-alone basis, and must always use any Competitor Marks with either the marks/logos of a minimum of three (3) other Competitor Marks or a FC Pro Masters Mark; and ii) ensure that no single Competitor Mark receives prominence over any other Competitor Mark on any single item of merchandise or promotional material.


Each Competitor shall secure written confirmation (based on a template document prepared by EA if required by EA) from each Competitor of EA’s right to use and/or EA’s right to sub-license the right to use, in perpetuity and free of any charge, any of their records, names, photographs, images (including any still and moving representation thereof) and data, which may appear or be generated in connection with the participation of the Competitors in any stage of FC Pro Masters (including photographs that have been provided to EA by Competitors through different communication channels and photographs of Competitors taken or uploaded for accreditation purposes and any match-related data). EA may not use the Competitors’ records, names, photographs, images (including any still and moving representation thereof) and/or data in any manner which would imply that any Competitor and/or relevant Competitor endorses the products or brands of any commercial entity, including any commercial affiliate of EA.

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such records, names, photographs, images and data shall be exclusive in respect of, or in connection with, the filming, recording and broadcasting of the FC Pro Masters or any official media product relating to the FC Pro Masters (e.g. the Official EA Film etc.) in any media.

EA’s right to use and/or sub-license such records, names, photographs, images and data shall be non exclusive in respect of all other uses, whether it be in connection with the promotion of the FC Pro Masters, any editorial use in any media, irrespective of the transmission form (including, without limitation, electronic or print publications, television feeds, broadband and mobile feeds, giant screen presentations, downloadable images), electronic software games, media-related and digital products and services (including without limitation, , merchandising, philatelic and numismatic products or otherwise, promotion of the media products and programming, save that EA may not exercise any such rights in any manner which would imply that any \Competitor endorses the products or brands of any commercial entity, including any commercial affiliate of EA.

Upon request by EA, the relevant Competitor or Competitor agrees to execute, free of charge and at their own costs, in a timely manner and in compliance with any instructions given by EA any and all clearances or other documents as may be required by any local, regional, national or other laws, regulations, directives or judicial acts applicable to effect such assignment, transfer and waiver of such rights to EA and to enable the free and unfettered, direct or indirect, exploitation of any and all Media Rights, Marketing Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and other present or future commercial and other rights and opportunities by EA.

Promotional Rights of Competitors and Competitors

Participating Competitors and Competitors shall not carry out or facilitate any commercial or marketing activities whatsoever with respect to the FC Pro Masters without the prior written consent of EA.

7.2. Conduct contrary to integrity

  • All Competitor entourage shall refrain themselves and the Participating Competitors from engaging in conduct contrary to the integrity and sporting ethics of the FC Pro Masters and shall be bound to the applicable EA regulations (included EA Disciplinary Code, EA Code of Ethics and the EA Code of Conduct).

  • If any Competitor and/or Competitor entourage is found unlawfully influencing or attempting to unlawfully influence the result, progress or any other aspect of any match of the FC Pro Masters in a manner contrary to integrity and sporting ethics the Competitor shall be immediately disqualified.

  • All Competitor and/or Competitor entourage shall refrain from entering, directly or indirectly, in any betting-related activity in relation to the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of any match of the FC Pro Masters in accordance with the applicable EA regulations.

  • All Competitors and/or Competitor entourage must refrain from using and/or disclosing any inside information related to the FC Pro Masters for betting purposes contrary to integrity and sporting ethics.

  • In the event any Competitor and/or Competitor entourage is approached by any person who offers, promises or provides any type of personal or undue pecuniary or other advantages, including but not limited to money, benefits or gifts for the Competitor and/or Competitor entourage to (i) unlawfully influence the result, progress or any other aspect of any match of the FC Pro Masters, or (ii) provide inside information, it shall be the Competitors and/or Competitors entourage obligation to immediately report such incident to the EA Integrity Department.

  • For such purposes, all Competitors and/or Competitor entourage have available the following reporting mechanisms to comply with their duty to report any integrity incident as well as any other matter contrary to sporting ethics:

  • Email: easportsfcproasia@ea.com

7.3. Sanctions

Violation of these Competition Rules (or any part thereof) by any Competitor may, at Event Official’s discretion, penalties, disqualification, change in match results, loss of winner status, and/or forfeiture of prizes. Violations include but not limited to,

  • If a Competitor does not follow the instructions from the Event Officials;

  • If a Competitor does not sit on a chair in the Competitor’s booth;

  • If a Competitor disobeys the Event Officials’ decision;

  • If a Competitor uses inappropriate language or behave inappropriately; or,

  • If a Competitor conducts any behaviour that can affect the match beside all followings above, they might receive one warning. In the worst case, they might be forfeited from the match.

  • Any other prohibited occurrences in these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

All decisions and rulings of Event Officials relating to the Competition are final and binding. Event Officials reserves the right to penalize any Competitor at any level, at any time, for any reason. Penalties may include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following:

  • Warning

  • Reprimand

  • Forfeiture of Game

  • Forfeiture of Matchup

  • Reduction in match score

  • Loss of awards (including prize money and paid travel expenses)

  • Temporary or permanent suspension from the Competition

  • Disqualification from the Competition, Competition Events and future competitions or Events;

  • Loss of Rankings Points.

  • A deduction of points scored during a group stage.

  • Automatic game loss

  • Loss of future prize money

  • Disqualification of Domestic Qualifier

When a forfeit is declared, the game shall be declared over with a score of 0:3 based on the forfeited Competitor's defeat, regardless of the score up to that point.

EA also has the right to publicly announce penalties that have been levied on Competitors, and Competitors waive any right of legal action against EA, and/or any of its affiliates.

7.4. Indemnity

Each Competitor shall indemnify, defend and hold EA and its affiliates, as well as their officers, employees, representatives, and agents harmless against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, actions, fines and expenses (including reasonable legal expenses) resulting from, arising out of, or attributable to any breach or alleged breach of these Competition Rules by that Competitors.

7.5. Data Protection

EA will process personal data in strict compliance with applicable data protection laws. The Competitors and Competitors read, understand and accept the data processing consent declaration separate to these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

7.6. Anti-corruption and bribery

FCO esports Teams and Competitors acknowledge that giving and taking bribes can lead to criminal proceedings, amongst others in accordance with art. 4a of the Swiss Federal Law on Unfair Competition (art. 102 of the Swiss Criminal Code) and art. 322octies and art. 322novies of the Swiss Criminal Code USA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (“FCPA”), the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010, or any similar law in the applicable territories prohibiting bribery and/or corruption, and other applicable laws in respect of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

7.7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Without regard to conflict of law principles, these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods being excluded. All disputes in connection with these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions, including disputes as to its conclusion, binding effect, amendment and termination, are to be promptly settled between the parties by negotiation. If no solution can be reached, such disputes shall be exclusively resolved by ordinary courts of law in Zurich, Switzerland or (if required by EA) by an arbitral tribunal consisting of one (1) arbitrator under the auspices of, and pursuant to, the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration of the Swiss Arbitration Centre. The seat of the arbitration shall be Zurich, Switzerland and the language of the proceedings shall be English. For the avoidance of any doubt, any determination made by the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on the parties.

Competitors and Competitors acknowledge and agree that they have read and understood these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions and that they are fully aware of the rights and obligations arising therefrom.

Please indicate your acceptance of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions by signing and returning a copy of these FC Pro Masters Terms and Conditions.

Competitor 1

Agreed and accepted on ......./......./202_

Signed: ____________________

Name (printed): ____________________

Email address: ____________________

Where the Competitor is a minor, please also complete below:

Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (printed): ____________________

Signed: ____________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Appendix 1 - Eligibility List

This list of countries is subject to changes or modifications provided by EA at any moment and for any reason.



South Korea



Competitor - a real-world, EA SPORTS FC Mobile player, registered in Domestic Qualifying Event to participate in Competitions

Display Name - The unique names created by Competitors to be displayed in the game and broadcastings.

Game - a single instance of two Competitors facing off, with victory determined by the number of in-game goals scored by each Participating Competitor

Matchup, Match - a single instance of two Competitors facing off, with victory determined by the number of games won in the course of the matchup (e.g. 2 games won in a Best-of-3-game matchup)

Double-elimination Tournament - A double-elimination tournament is a type of elimination tournament competition in which a participant ceases to be eligible to win the tournament's championship upon having lost two matches. Once the Competitor loses the matchup, the losing Competitor will proceed into the losers bracket and the winning Competitor proceed into the winners bracket. Loser bracket champion does not need to defeat the winner bracket champion twice in the grand final to win the tournament.

Best-Of-5 Format - each Matchup between two Competitors consisting of a maximum of five individual Games. The first Competitor to win three (3) individual Games is winning the Matchup.

Event Officials – Event Officials are referees, officials, event staff, and tournament administrators who are designated by EA to organize and monitor FC Pro Masters, officiate the games and matches, and judge and determine the issues when arise.


  • Pornography or any sexually explicit materials, contraceptive products or services, or online dating products or services;

  • Alcohol;

  • Tobacco, cigarettes or similar products;

  • Other restricted drugs or drug paraphernalia;

  • Firearms, explosives, or other weapons;

  • Tattoos or body branding services;

  • Gambling/wagering/lottery products or services, including sports betting and daily fantasy sites or similar services;

  • FC Ultimate Team Coin promoting or selling websites or companies

  • Unauthorized game key selling websites or companies

  • Political ads or otherwise promoting a political agenda;

  • Illegal products or services, or content that otherwise violates any applicable laws in the territories;

  • Involving content that is obscene, slanderous, misleading, inaccurate, or discriminatory;

  • Pharmaceutical products or services, dietary supplements, or medical devices;

  • Products or services that compete with EA’s business (e.g. games, online game sites, or competing esports events);

  • Anything that is detrimental to EA’s business (hacking, gold services, account selling, coin selling);

  • Anything that is inconsistent with the ESRB or applicable rating(s) of the game in the given territory;

  • Cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency companies and/or websites promoting/relating to the trade of cryptocurrency

  • Any direct competitive platform manufacturer outside of SONY PlayStation, that is to say: Microsoft Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox 360


Data Processing Consent Declaration (individually per player)

Please read this Data Processing Consent Declaration ("Declaration") carefully and ensure that you (referred to as the "Data Subject"), understand it.

By taking part in FC Pro Masters, you authorise EA to store, transfer and otherwise use any Personal Data, which is to be understood as any information that relates to Competitors and Competitors and in particular the data provided by email at the time of Competitors and Competitors’ registration to the FC Pro Masters (“Personal Data”), which may include the following:

  • First name, last name, citizenship and immigration status, government identification number, passport number, financial accounting number, credit card number, address, phone number, email address, place of birth, place of residence, location of remote production, age, date of birth, gender, photos, audio/voice recording, gamertag, social media handles (twitter and Instagram), professional achievements, team name, founding date, country of origin for team, team affiliation and IP-address of practice area.

Purpose of Processing and Use of Personal Data

EA and their appointed agencies SHANGHAI JUSS INTELLISPORTS CO., LTD., and AfreecaTV Co., Ltd., to use the Personal Data as follows: i) To assess eligibility to take part in FC Pro Masters.

ii) to organise the FC Pro Masters;

iii) to evaluate the Competitors’ eligibility to take part in the FC Pro Masters;

iv)to connect two Competitors for a Game;

v) to arrange the Competitors travel and accommodation for the FC Pro Masters, in case of qualification;

vi) to present the qualified Competitors on EA’s controlled sites, press releases and any FC Pro Masters related promotions;

vii) to present the Competitors in any live show, as part of the highlights clips, the event documentation and any clipping model on any of EA social media sites or ea.com; to be used in the distribution of the world wide TV and live stream feed as part of the

viii) Competitors presentation;

ix) to be contacted for a potential participation in future editions of the FC Pro Champions Cup; and

x) to be shared with EA SPORTS, the publishing partners of FC ONLINE in the respective markets (being Garena, Nexon Corporation, Tencent Games).

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

In this regard, you acknowledge and agree that such Personal Data may be transferred to the relevant public (government) authorities and/or authorised bodies and organisations as might be required under the applicable national laws and/or for security reasons (‘Applicable Data Protection Laws’). Additionally, you acknowledge and agree that Data will be shared with SHANGHAI JUSS INTELLISPORTS CO., LTD., and AfreecaTV Co., Ltd. and EA, to use the Personal Data for the purposes outlined above. The Personal Data will not be used, processed, stored or transmitted by EA over and above the scope described herein, or as otherwise described in EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy. Storage of Personal Data and Data Security

The Personal Data may be stored and in the United States or any other country in which EA, its subsidiaries, or third-party agents operate. By taking part in FC Pro Masters, you consent to the transfer of your personal data outside of your country of residence, and you acknowledge that your personal information may be transferred to recipients in the United States and other countries that may not offer the same level of privacy protection as the laws in your country of residence or citizenship.

EA's privacy practices comply with the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules System. The APEC CBPR system provides a framework for organizations to ensure protection of personal information transferred among participating APEC economies. More information about the APEC framework is available on this page.

Your Personal information will be retained only for as long as necessary to for the purposes described herein, and as otherwise disclosed in EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy. Where required, we may retain that information beyond that period if necessary for legal, operational, or other legitimate reasons.


You may have certain rights to the Personal Data in accordance with, and subject to the Applicable Data Protection Laws which this Declaration adheres to. For more information, please see EA’s Privacy and Cookie Policy.

Complaint and Contact

In the event of any cause for complaint about the use of the Personal Data or if you have any questions relating to this Declaration, you may contact EA’s Data Protection Officer as follows: DPO@ea.com

Date: Signature:

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