Community Tournament Guidelines

We have received questions about whether the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts EA’s Community Tournament Guidelines.
We hope you continue to enjoy our games, including competing with and against other players. The Community Tournament Guidelines have not changed but please remember that any event must follow any applicable guidelines set by public health officials for your location. In particular, this includes any limitations on public gatherings and any requirements that broadcasts be produced and executed remotely.
Please note that during this period we are not accepting new licensed / commercial esports competition proposals.
Our priority is to protect our players, our employees, our partners’ employees and our communities. Please be safe and be well.
EA appreciates the passion that our players and community members have for our games. Members of our communities frequently ask us if they may run a non-commercial tournament as a way to enjoy our game. EA does not object to your use of EA video games in your community tournament, provided you comply with the following guidelines.
Community-scale and not for commercial profit: Community tournaments are just that, smaller-scale events focused on coming together over a shared passion, not a money-making or large-scale venture and not merely an advertisement or promotion for a product or brand. EA understands that the operation of your tournament may cost money. Commercial activity associated with the tournament (e.g., entry fees, sponsorship, advertisements, branding, marketing, etc.) should reflect the purpose and scope of a community event (e.g., tournament play is the focus, costs are covered, costs to run the tournament are US$10,000 or less, etc.). The total prize pool (value) may not exceed US$2,500 (or its equivalent in local currency). We don’t object to live streaming your community tournament, but you may not broadcast on television.
No EA affiliation: You must include the following statement in a prominent place on your tournament website and tournament materials: “This tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors.” Do not promote your tournament or tournament website in a way that suggests that your tournament or tournament website is endorsed or approved by or affiliated with EA or our licensors in any manner. Do not use EA artwork, logos or trademarks (including game logo treatments, the name Electronic Arts, EA, EA SPORTS or the logos or names of our licensors) to promote your tournament. However, you may state that your tournament is run using a specific EA game title.
Third-party rights: Our games may contain third-party licensed images, music and other content, and EA has not expressly cleared any of that third-party content for your use. You should seek your own legal advice regarding the rights you may have to make use of those elements, including whether you will need to reach out to our third-party licensors to obtain permission to use those elements.
Prohibited sponsors & partners: Your tournament may not be sponsored by companies that sell or promote any products or services that are inconsistent with the applicable age rating of the game, that are associated with gambling, or that are inappropriate or offensive.
Reservation of rights. EA reserves the right to take appropriate action against any tournament organizer that does not follow these rules and principles at its discretion.
Additional EA SPORTS FIFA guidelines: Your tournament may use EA SPORTS FIFA only in ‘Ultimate Team’ or ‘Kick Off’ mode. If your tournament will be a Pro Clubs event, it must be an online-only event and may not use any real-world clubs or leagues without express written permission from each of those entities. You may not associate your tournament with competitive brands to FIFA’s current Official Marketing Partners (a current list of such partners can be found here:
Thank you for your interest and we hope you continue to enjoy our games. Any requests or questions regarding these guidelines and the topics they cover may be submitted to EASPORTSFIFALICENSEREQUESTS@EA.COM.