Penalty Announcement
January 22, 2021
EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series

Jan 22, 2021
This year we’re focusing our communication when announcing EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series penalties to only include players mathematically within reach of a Regional Playoffs seat based on EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series Rankings. Outside of this group, all FUT Champions Verified players will continue to receive penalties for Official Rules and Code of Conduct violations.
By registering to compete in the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series, competitors agree to the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series Rules, which include the following:
- “As a Verified player, Players may be held to a higher standard than other players, and may face higher levels of penalties than they would otherwise.”
- “EA Accounts, the leaderboard, and match data may be audited, including for malicious behavior and cheating.”
FUT Champions Verified players must meet the standard of conduct that is reflected in the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series Official Rules and Code of Conduct. The following actions are being taken against players for violations of these agreements.
Fnatic Harry
One Qualifier Suspension
Events Missed
Europe Regional Qualifier: February 6th-7th, 2021
Suspended in response to language used during a Twitch broadcast on December 12th, 2020 in reference to an opponent’s immediate family member. Due to a prior Final Warning for an Official Rules and Code of Conduct violation the penalty in this case is escalated to a one qualifier suspension.
Specifically, the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series Code of Conduct violation for which the player is being disinvited is:
- “Publishing, posting, uploading or distributing content, or organizing/participating in any activity, group or guild that EA (acting reasonably and objectively) determines is inappropriate, abusive, hateful, harassing, profane, defamatory, threatening, obscene, sexually explicit, infringing, privacy-invasive, vulgar, offensive, indecent or unlawful”
Reports associated with this incident regarding the player inciting viewers to harass an opponent were investigated with the FGSDC. The evidence showed actions were taken by the player and his team at the time to denounce the behaviour of viewers and deter them from harassing the opponent. No action will be taken against the player for these reports.
FUT Champions Verified Players
One Year Suspension
Events Missed
EA SPORTS FIFA Global Series suspension for one full year (365 days). This sanction applies to global competitive eligibility, which includes all EA SPORTS FIFA Global Series events, qualifiers and associated events (including partner events) during the period of suspension.
Account behaviour was detected for more than 200 FUT Champions Verified accounts violating the EA SPORTS Terms of Service. The players receiving this penalty were contacted by EA.
Specifically, the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series Code of Conduct violations for which the players have received the one year suspension are:
- “Any external software designed to give the competitor an unfair advantage”
- “Selling, buying, trading or otherwise transferring or offering to transfer an EA account, any personal access to EA services, or any EA content associated with an EA account, including EA virtual currency and other entitlements, either within an EA service or on a third-party website, or in connection with any out-of-game transaction, unless expressly authorized by EA”
Reporting Official Rules and Code of Conduct Violations
The EA SPORTS FIFA Global Series team takes all Official Rules and Code of Conduct violations seriously. If you wish to report violations made by EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series FUT Champions Verified competitors please email details of the incident including dates, screenshots, and a statement about what happened to eafifaleagueops@ea.com.
The EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series Official Rules and Code of Conduct allow for disciplinary action to be taken against players determined to be in violation per Section 3.6:
- “Any Player may be disqualified immediately from the Competition and related competitions, at the discretion of EA or its designees, for any reason, including for any failure to comply with the User Agreement, Privacy & Cookie Policy, and these Official Rules. Examples of prohibited behaviors, as well as potential penalties are detailed in the Code of Conduct attached in Appendix A.”
- “EA, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to disqualify any Player at any time, for any reason, including but not limited to tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Competition, or acting in violation of these Official Rules or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner and reserves the right to void all associated entries. EA’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.”
Further, the Penalties section of the Code of Conduct allows for punishment up to and including Disqualification from the EA SPORTS FIFA 21 Global Series and future competitions. EA SPORTS FIFA Global Series Penalties can be appealed by contacting eafifaleagueops@ea.com.
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Entitle FIFA 21 on either PlayStation 4 or Xbox One before the release of FIFA 22 and upgrade your game for the equivalent next generation console (PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X) at no additional cost. “Disc upgrade not available for PlayStation 5 Digital Edition. Digital purchase required for consoles without optical disc drive.“ .† Conditions and restrictions apply. Learn more about Dual Entitlement.
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