Dr. Hakim’s Three Lessons to Save a Broken Relationship
Give each other enough time! Let passion light the path to the purpose of life! Rediscover your lost attraction!

By Dr. Hakim, world-wide bestseller and famous expert on love
Ey! ¿Qué pasa?
Let me introduce myself. I’m Dr. Hakim – world-famous expert on love. My renowned couples therapy sessions have helped millions of struggling love-birds out there. You heard me right, MILLIONS. That’s the awesome power of the Book of Love, baby!

You know, love is like a mountain and you are the river that flows through it. You are like flowers growing on a lush hillside. However! It’s not always sunshine, sweet strawberries and pretty little butterflies out there. I will let you soak up all of that eye-opening wisdom for a bit, but you can already see what I’m getting at, eh?
Being two means that there can be friction. Friction can lead to trouble. And trouble can grow out of control in any paradise. If you’re not careful and leave it unattended, paradise can ultimately get infected.
Not! Good!
Luckily, that’s where I and my groundbreaking philosophy will come to your rescue. Love needs a helping hand to flourish sometimes. To remind us that we are better together.
That’s also what It Takes Two is all about! And to really understand the true power of love, you will have to experience the whole shabang with a friend. You know, either buy it or have your friend buy it to play for free* (yes, amigos play for FREE, what could possibly be a stronger testament of love?!)
It will be the rollercoaster ride of your life – that, I promise you.
Now! It Takes Two comes out March 26, so you will have to wait just a little longer. But as Valentine’s Day is already upon us, I wanted to give you a taste of my Three Lessons to Save a Broken Relationship and how they connect to It Takes Two’s gameplay.
You dig? Bravo! Let’s go.
Lesson numero uno: Time!
Ask yourselves – do you give each other enough time? Maybe one of you is never at home. Spending too many long evenings at work. Meanwhile, the other has no sense of time whatsoever. Believing that time is limitless! Ay ay ay... Already, we can clearly see that you are on parallel tracks in life that are not connected to each other.
The task is then to join the tracks. But how?
Simple! I will give one of you the ability to clone yourself. The other, I will grant the power to control time. Then all you need to do is to use your powers and work together to come together!
Lesson number two: Passion!
How do you find your purpose in life? Through passion! The passion lights the path to the purpose of life. Pursuing your passion might not always pay your bills – but if you give it up, you give up on a part of yourself. You also risk losing the passion for each other along the way.
So, I will send you on a journey to help each other rediscover your passions!
Used to have a green thumb? We’ve got some serious gardening ahead of us. Or did you stop singing because you “grew up”? Let’s put on a show, baby!

Lesson number three: Attraction!
What else, besides love, make couples stay together? Mortgage? Kids? No, it’s the attraction of course! It pulls people together. See, attraction is like a magnet. But you need both poles for it to work. North, south. Plus, minus. You, me!
What if I told you that actual magnetic powers could help you rediscover a lost attraction?
Oh yeah, let the magnets warm you up, baby!
– Dr. Hakim
Hop on the wildest trip of your life in It Takes Two, coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Origin, Steam) on March 26, 2021. Pre-order now. With Friend’s Pass*, invite someone who you’d like to share this genre-bending, mind-blowing, co-op only platform adventure with – for free*!
*Friend’s Pass requires installation of the Friend’s Pass (Free Trial or Demo on Xbox/PlayStation and Remote Play Together on Steam) and one online Friend who owns the game on the same platform and/or next gen platform. Check out the Friend’s Pass FAQ here.