Welcome to Knockout City

Duke it out in Knockout City, where Crews settle the score in intense dodgebrawl action. Knock out opponents with trick shots and coordinated teamwork while dodging and catching balls flying across the map. No ball? No problem! You can literally ball up, roll into a teammate’s hands and become the ultimate tool of dodgeball destruction!

Let's Brawl!

Show Up and Show Off!

Enjoy nine season’s worth of themed cosmetics and Playlists featuring frantic game modes to remix the way you play, from free-for-all battle royales to snowball fights.


Choose your weapon

Sniper Ball
Soda Ball
Boomerang Ball
Poison Ball
Basic Ball
Moon Ball
Cage Ball
Bomb Ball
Multi Ball
Sniper Ball
Soda Ball
Boomerang Ball
Poison Ball
Basic Ball
Moon Ball
Cage Ball
Bomb Ball

Start your tour

Sludge Works
Dueling Docks
Rooftop Rumble
Back-Alley Brawl
Concussion Yard
Knockout Roundabout
Galaxy Burger
Jukebox Junction
Holowood Drive-In
Lockdown Throwdown
Alien Smash Site
Sludge Works
Dueling Docks
Rooftop Rumble
Back-Alley Brawl
Available Now!

Private Hosted Server Edition

The live servers have gone off the air, but we never stop dodgebrawlin’. Enjoy Knockout City locally, by LAN, or on community-led servers, free to download for Windows PCs!

Get the Full Story
on Pirate Radio!

Relive every tale of dodgeball fights and neon nights on Knockout City Pirate Radio, available wherever you get your podcasts!

Crush it with Creativity!

Tabletop RPG, Fan Creator Hub, KO City soundtrack, and more to bring the world of dodgebrawl to your day-to-day!

What's Next for Velan?

Follow Velan Studios for the latest news on upcoming projects!