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Character Kit Reveal - Gimli

“Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” - Gimli, The Fellowship of the Ring.

Character Name: Gimli
Alignment: Light
Faction: Fellowship
Categories: Light, Dwarf, Fellowship, Tank, One-handed Heavy
Weapon Type: 1-Handed Heavy

Description: Strong and steadfast, Gimli son of Glóin is the Fellowship's stubborn brawler who can withstand heavy damage and deal it back in kind.


Basic: Heavy Hands

Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 90% damage and 50% chance to gain Might for 1 turn(s).

Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy for 180% damage and gain Might for 1 turn(s).

Special Ability 1: Deadly Throw

Ability stamina cost: 3

Ability stamina at battle start: 3

Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 170% damage and inflict Weaken for 1 turn(s).

Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy for 380% damage and inflict Weaken for 2 turn(s).

Special Ability 2: Dwarven Defiance

Ability stamina cost: 4

Ability stamina at battle start: 4

Ability Description at unlock: Gain 2 stacks of Provoke. Gain 1 stack of Defensive.

Ability Description at max upgrade: Gain 4 stacks of Provoke. Grant 2 stacks of Defensive to self and the 2 most wounded Fellowship or Dwarf allies. Grant 3 stacks of Regeneration for 2 turns to self and the 2 most wounded allies.

Passive Ability: Son of Glóin

Ability Description at unlock: When a Fellowship or Dwarf ally drops below 75% Health, Retaliate against the attacker, dealing +75% bonus damage. Gain 1 stack of Provoke and grant 1 stack of Defensive to the ally who triggered the Retaliate. This can trigger once per ally.

Ability Description at max upgrade: When a Fellowship or Dwarf squad member drops below 75% Health, Retaliate against the attacker, dealing +75% bonus damage. This can trigger once per squad member. During Retaliate, gain 1 stack of Provoke and grant 1 stack of Defensive to the ally who triggered the Retaliate.

Key Attributes:

Gimli dual wields a pair of axes enabling him to perform powerful attacks. What he lacks in grace in battle, he makes up for in strength and efficiency on the battlefield. A disciplined and experienced warrior, having survived countless battles, he is as sturdy a fighter and a friend you could ever have by your side.


Gimli, son of Glóin, Dwarf of the House of Durin, volunteered to accompany the Fellowship to Mordor to destroy the One Ring. Despite a tense history between Dwarves and Elves, Gimli readily fought alongside the Elves in the War of the Ring against Sauron. He was also the first dwarf to enter the Woods of Lothlórien since the fall of Moria. It was here in Lothlórien that Galadriel generously gave him 3 strands of her hair, an honor she refused Fëanor years before. So great was Gimli’s friendship with the Elves, especially Legolas, that he was granted passage to the Undying Lands alongside Legolas.

Strategy Tips:

  • Gimli’s ability Heavy Hands grants Might so be sure to use it on the turn before Deadly Throw to maximize Gimli’s damage output.
  • Gimli’s passive ability Son of Glóin helps protect his squad members but is also a great source of damage. If you know it will trigger soon, use Heavy Hands in advance to maximize its damage output.
  • Gimli is a high armor tank character meaning he is susceptible to armor piercing attacks and Banes like Expose. Bring squad members that can help cover his weaknesses.

Gimli’s Adventure - A Mighty Foe! - is coming to your games soon!

Starts: 8am, July 17, 2023. (Pacific Time)

Ends: 8am, July 24, 2023. (Pacific Time)

“Faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens,” said Gimli at the start of The Fellowship’s journey. Living up to his word, Gimli earned renown for his prowess on the battlefields of Helm’s Deep and the Pelennor Fields.

Players will need to be at least level 30 to participate in this event and unlock Gimli at 3 stars. Players can earn additional rewards from the final two tiers by leveling/gearing their newly unlocked Gimli. The final tier requires a 5 star Gimli, but provides some of the most exclusive rewards, Epic Ability Materials. Get these now as you won’t get another opportunity to do the final tier. 


Tier 1 - 25 Gimli Shards 

Tier 2 - 25 Gimli Shards

Tier 3 - 25 Gimli Shards

Tier 4 - 25 Gimli Shards

Tier 5 - 10x Luminous Crystals, 50,000x Gold, 15,000 Character XP

Tier 6 - 10x Epic Ability Materials, 500,000x Gold, 250,000 Character XP

For the latest news, and all things The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as our Discord!

Includes in-game purchases (including random items). Abilities may require certain gear tiers to be reached.  Please see in-game for more details.

© 2023 MEE. The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings and the characters, items, events, and places therein are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC used under license to EA.

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