• Lost in Random: Combat Tips and Tricks Learn to play the odds as you battle to beat the curse of Random.

    Build your deck, analyze the unique circumstances of each game board, and give Dicey a roll. Surviving your journey through Random is all about understanding the odds to make them work in your favor.

    How to Build Your Deck 

    You can earn cards by completing quests, or purchasing them from Mannie Dex using coins. Coins can be found by smashing pots with your slingshot.

    There are five types of cards to collect: Cheat, Damage, Defense, Hazard, and Weapon.

    Weapon: Even’s default weapon is a slingshot which is great for smashing pots and crystals, but not for dealing damage to enemies. You’ll need to equip her with a Weapon card for that. Summon a weapon, like a sword or bow, that Even can wield against foes.

    Damage: Deal damage in other ways, like by summoning dangerous icosahedrons to rampage around the arena. You can even make Dicey explode near enemies (don’t worry, he’ll be fine). Careful – some of these cards might hurt Even, too, if she’s too close.

    Defense: Heal and protect Even using things like elixirs and shields. It’s good to have Defense cards on hand when enemies are closing in or your health is getting low.

    Hazard: Add features like traps to the arena that hurt, weaken, slow down, or otherwise interfere with your opponents to turn the odds against them. You might set up a cannon to attack enemies, or summon the dreaded Bloob to break their crystals.

    Cheat: Shift the odds in your favor with special effects like lower card costs or extra tokens. Cheat cards can help you achieve combos faster, move the player piece farther, and build up more card drawing energy.

    You can have up to 15 cards in your deck at one time. Unused cards will be stored in your inventory. 

    How to Battle

    Combat is all about playing the odds. Understand every possibility to tip the scales in your favor and claim victory!

    Combat takes place in arenas that are set up like game boards. Actions you can take include building energy to draw cards, rolling Dicey, and playing cards.

    Board Game Arenas

    You will fight enemies, like the Queen’s mechanical minions, in giant board game arenas where a large player piece will move to different spaces based on the numbers you roll with Dicey.

    If you roll a two, the player piece will move two spaces. Because Dicey will not have all of his pips at the start of the game, the progress of the player piece will be slower and easier to predict in earlier battles than later on when you can roll anything from a one to a six.

    Effects will be triggered depending on the spaces the player piece lands on. These effects can be good or bad for your odds of winning. Rolling a two might mean slowing down enemies or healing, where rolling a three could mean more enemies will spawn.

    Every battle has a goal to reach in order to win and usually this goal is to get the player piece to the end of the path.

    Building Energy and Drawing Cards

    In order to draw cards from your deck to your hand, you will need to build energy.

    To build energy, break the crystals attached to enemies with your slingshot. The crystals will break into energy cubes for Dicey to collect.

    As you send Dicey to gather cubes and build up energy, random cards will automatically be pulled from your deck into your hand. You can have up to five cards in your hand at one time.

    Rolling Dicey

    Once you have at least one card in your hand, you’ll be able to roll Dicey. The number Dicey lands on will determine how many tokens you have to spend on cards, as well as how many spaces the player piece will move in the arena.

    At the beginning of the game Dicey will not have all of his pips, so the numbers you can roll with him will be lower. Collecting his pips through quests will allow you to roll higher numbers and play more expensive cards.

    Playing Cards

    When you build up energy, cards will be automatically drawn from your deck and added to your hand. You can play cards from your hand when you have enough tokens to afford them, and you get tokens by rolling Dicey.

    You can play a card so long as it is in your hand and you have enough tokens for it, but sometimes you may still want to wait until you have more than one card so that you can combine them. For example, you could combine a Weapon card like Bow of One with a Damage card like Shadowman’s Touch to add a poison effect to arrows fired from your bow. Or, you could combine a Hazard like Dicemensional Pull with a Damage card like Dice Slice to pull all your enemies together with a vortex before slicing through them. Discover more combos to create your own unique strategy.

    Combat in Random is a board game, a dice game, a card game, and a fight for survival all at once. Only the brave can make randomness work in their favor. Play the odds. Win the game. 

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