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Madden NFL Mobile 23 Gridiron Notes

Madden NFL 23 Mobile Gridiron Notes: OVR & Progression

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Hello, Madden NFL Mobile Fans!

First and foremost, thank you all for playing Madden NFL 22 Mobile! We feel the excitement from you each year and we know how passionate you are about the game.

In this edition of Gridiron Notes, we are going to discuss OVR & Progression in Madden NFL 23 Mobile. On 7/20/22, Lead Product Manager Aaron joined the Madden Mobile Segment and discussed what choices users can make to increase their team and player OVR!

When discussing OVR & Progression, Aaron felt it was most important to start with some high-level direction on Total OVR acquisition in Madden NFL 23 Mobile and go from there.

1.       First and foremost, the best strategy for increasing team OVR is to Obtain better players. Determining which players are better and who users should be acquiring is done first by identifying their rarity, and then the player’s OVR number. Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), and Iconic (Gold) are the types of rarities a player can appear as. They are specifically ordered by the amount of OVR players with that distinction can have. For example, an Uncommon player will not have a higher OVR than a Rare player, and a Rare player will not have a higher OVR than an Epic player.

2.      Secondly, users can Increase a player’s level, which subsequently, will increase team OVR. Increasing a player’s OVR is accomplished in the roster management or item list tab by tapping on the player to see their advanced stats. Users will then be presented with a menu where resources gained from playing the game can be spent to upgrade players, increasing their individual stats and total OVR number. The cost of leveling up players is determined by their rarity, with Uncommon being the least expensive and Iconic being the costliest.

3.      The third and final way to increase your team OVR is by activating Weight Room boosts. Weight room boosts increase a players OVR based on positional groupings, but we will get more into that with Stefan next week. Stay tuned!

Now that the most basic concepts are outlined, we can dive into some more nuanced ways to find better players. One of the best ways to continue upgrading your ultimate team is to use Player Trades!

1.      The most frequent example of this is how users will be able to trade in players of a lower rarity for a player of a higher rarity! For example, a user can trade in 7 rare players and get an Epic player which will have a higher OVR than any of the rare players that were traded in. Users will also be able to select these trade-ups based on positional groups, for a more focused way to chase the players needed to fill out their roster!  This is a returning feature to Madden NFL 23 Mobile, as community feedback around providing an avenue to trade old players in for better ones was heard loud and clear.

2.      Madden NFL 22 Mobile player items coming into 23 are also able to be traded in! Once users no longer want them on their roster, they can be converted into Madden NFL 23 Mobile resources and players via especially designed trades for carry over content. This means that all the player acquisition efforts of Madden NFL 22 Mobile will lead to head start progress in Madden NFL 23 Mobile!

3.      Iconic Marvels from Madden NFL 22 Mobile will have a special trade option in 23 for when users no longer need or want to use them in their lineup. All we can say for now Is, the Iconic Marvel trades will specifically help users chase Madden NFL 23 Mobile’s newest players.

Speaking of Madden NFL 22 Mobile Players, you may be asking how they immediately translate into Madden NFL 23 Mobile. While we can’t give you specific OVR numbers at the time, we can give you a few details to help you get ready for August 18th,, 2022!

1.      Madden NFL 22 Mobile players of the same rarity will be slightly lower in OVR than their Madden NFL 23 Mobile counterparts. This means, having a litany of high rarity Madden NFL 22 Mobile players to put in a lineup at launch will allow users to progress further and faster at the start of the Madden NFL 23 Mobile. *As mentioned previously, Madden NFL 22 Mobile Iconics, Iconic Elites and Iconic Marvels will all fall under the Iconic rarity in Madden NFL 23 Mobile. However, Iconic Elites will have a higher starting OVR than Iconics, and Iconic Marvels will have a higher starting OVR than Iconic Elites.*

2.      Madden NFL 23 Mobile Promo and Field Pass players will launch as and remain the highest OVR players available at the time of release for their respective rarities

3.      At the start of the season, converted Iconic Marvels from Madden NFL 22 Mobile will be on par with Madden NFL 23 Mobile Promo/Field Pass players at launch.

We touched on it a bit before, but let’s dive a little bit further into Levels, Presence and Ranks. 

1.      Based on overwhelming feedback from the community, Presence and Ranks have been removed. We heard that users did not understand what presence was or how it affected their lineup. We also saw users did not enjoy ranks or ranking up their players. For Madden NFL 23 Mobile, we want to make sure everything is clear and has value to the user, so we are moving towards just having player acquisition and leveling as the primary ways of increasing OVR.  

2.      Don't forget! The amount of Ranks a Madden NFL 22 Mobile player has will lead to more value/resources users will have at the launch of Madden NFL 23 Mobile. 

3.      Without Ranks, levels received a lot of our attention. We have stream-lined the process, where users will only need to manage two total currencies for leveling. We are, however, still working on the tuning and how many levels will specifically be available for each rarity. Higher rarity players like Iconics and Epics will receive more OVR gain from each level compared to their lower rarity counterparts. This also means Iconic rarity players will be able to increase their Team OVR at a higher percentage increase than lower rarities. The amount of OVR gained from leveling is relative to the starting OVR of the player, meaning leveling will have a consistent impact on player OVR throughout the season, rather than new players gaining the same OVR as older players, despite having a higher starting OVR.

Finally, the last thing we wanted to touch on is progression moving forward. If a user starts in December, what benefits will they have, what challenges do they face.

1.      As usual, with every new month, new promos and a field pass will bring new and higher OVR players to earn into the game. This does not mean the chance to earn certain players in the core game will continue to get diluted throughout the season. Instead, the older players with lower OVRs in each rarity will be rotated out of all the core packs in the game to make room for the new players introduced in the previous months.

2.      It will be ever important to be fully engaged and to acquire + level up new players, as they will help unlock OVR requirements in subsequent months activities. This means users who have been consistently playing and working hard in the game will have access to different tiers of content/events compared to a new user who is just starting. We want to reward continual effort and long-term play. For example, come December, users who have been playing since the start of the season will be primed to earn top tier content, while new installs in December will have to work harder for that top tier content. They will be able to catch up with users who have been playing a long time, it just won’t happen overnight. 

3.      Remember, all earned players throughout the season will have value, even after they are no longer making the lineup cut. Make sure you turn in old, unused players into the previously discussed player trades for higher OVR players or resources to keep advancing your lineup.

The team is hard at work at designing and developing new features to make the game more fun. Stay tuned, we hope to bring a lot more to you later this season.

Want more discussion on OVR & Progression and Madden NFL Mobile? Tune into Sponsored Madden NFL Mobile & EA Creators Evenflow & Phfredd on Thursday, 7/21, at 1:30 PM ET on Twitch! Click HERE to be taken to Evenflow’s channel. He will be discussing the details gone over on the Madden Mobile Segment as well as introducing his own thoughts and opinions on what OVR & Progression will look and feel like in Madden NFL 23 Mobile.



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