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Madden NFL 24 Mobile - Coaches & Playbooks

Everything you need to know about Coaches & Playbooks in Madden NFL 24 Mobile

Hello, Madden NFL Mobile Fans!

First and foremost, thank you all for playing Madden NFL 23 Mobile! We feel the excitement from you each year and we know how passionate you are about the game

In this edition of Gridiron Notes, we are going to discuss Coaches and Playbooks in Madden NFL 24 Mobile. That’s right! Coaches will be returning and we will detail what effect they will have on your gameplay and playbooks this season!

In Madden NFL 24 Mobile, users will have access to Coaches that can be added to their lineup. In total, roughly 28 Coaches will be released throughout the Madden NFL 24 Mobile season. These coaches will have an assigned Play Style (e.g. Run, Short Pass, Long Pass, Spread) and will provide bonuses to plays of their assigned Play Style. Conversely, Coaches will also have a Play Style that they are defensively weak against. Leveling up coaches will provide access to more plays, improved Play Style bonuses, or reduced Defensive Weaknesses. Let’s dive into each of these concepts specifically:

Coach Level

Upon acquisition, Coaches will start at Level (0). Coaches can be leveled up using Coins and Headsets. See the chart below for the breakdown of cost per level.

Coach Level Coin Cost Headset Cost
1 94,500 1,200
2 126,000 1,600
3 157,500 2,000
4 204,750 2,500
5 252,000 3,100
6 315,000 3,900
7 378,000 4,700
8 456,750 5,600
9 533,500 6,600
10 630,000 7,800

Increasing the level of a Coach will provide several benefits, including playbook expansion, Play Style Bonus increases, and Play Style Weakness reductions.

  • Play Unlocks: A new play is added to the Coach’s playbook. This play is only available for selection when the Coach is in an active lineup.
  • Play Style Bonus: When a play is selected from this Play Style, the on-field players will have their OVR and/or attributes increased. This bonus can be applied to specific positions or to the offense as a whole, and is only available when the Coach is in an active lineup.
  • Play Style Weakness Reduction: Some Coaches may have a Play Style Weakness. This means their defense will have a reduced ability when the opposing team selects a play from the Play Style that Coach is weak against. Increasing the Coach’s level will reduce the penalty received in these situations.

Here’s an example of how a play unlock, play style bonus and play style reduction may look within a Coach:

Coach Level Bonus

Play Style Bonus: increase Release, Route Running by (5%) on Short Pass plays

Play Style Weakness: decrease Tackle, Hit Power, Pursuit by (-10%) vs Run plays

1 Unlock Play: ShortPass Play
2 Play Style Bonus: increase Pass Block by (5%) on Short Pass plays

The higher you level your Coach, the more bonuses you will get. Don’t forget! The coach is assigned to a lineup, so you need to be using the lineup to get the bonuses.


Along with having an assigned Play Style, Coaches will have preset playbooks that are skewed more toward their Play Style. Remember, some plays will initially be locked. Leveling up a Coach is the only way to unlock these plays.

  • Initially, users will only have access to the standard starting Coach. The standard Coach will have the default playbook which will have a number of base plays for each Play Style (Run, Short Pass, Long Pass, Spread). Each playbook can be extended by selecting to focus on one of the four available Play Styles. Be aware, the starting Coach is UNABLE to level up, therefore no additional plays beyond the base playbook + Play Style plays will be added to the playbook when this Coach is in the lineup.
  • The non-starter Coaches will come with the base playbook, as well their own extended playbook that leans heavily towards their assigned Play Style. Again, some of these plays will be locked, but eventually can be made available by increasing the level of the Coach.

Play Style Bonus

Depending on a Coach’s assigned Play Style, they will provide a bonus to calling plays of that Play Style in-game. This bonus could be a specific attribute bonus, a bonus to OVR, and/or target-specific positions for those bonuses. The effectiveness of a bonus can increase along with the Coach’s level. Here’s some examples:

  • Play Style Bonus Example:  Here is a Coach that has a Play Style Bonus for Long Pass plays. At Level (0), the Coach has a (+5%) increase to Release and Route Running attributes that is applied to the WR, TE, HB, and FB positions when a Long Pass play is called.
  • When the level of the Coach is increased to (2), a Play Style Bonus of (+5%) to Pass Block is applied.
  • When the level of the Coach is increased to (5), the Play Style Bonus to Release and Route Running is increased from (+5%) to (+8%).

Play Style Weakness

While a Coach may provide bonuses to a lineup, Coaches can also be susceptible to the opposing team’s playcalling choices. When selecting a Coach, take note of both their Play Style bonus and weakness. One of the advantages of the starter Coach is that, while they can’t be leveled up, they have no Play Style Weaknesses. Non-starter Coaches can have this detriment which is a tradeoff for the additional plays and bonuses they receive.

  • If a Coach has a Play Style Weakness, when the opposing team selects an offensive play that matches that weakness, the defense is negatively affected. This will come mainly in the form of attribute reductions.
  • Play Style Weakness Example: Coach A has a Play Style Weakness versus Short Pass. During Unlimited Arena, LvL matches, or defense-based challenges, if the opposing team selects a Short Pass play, players in Coach A’s lineup will have their coverage-based attributes reduced by (-10%).

Play Style Weaknesses will primarily come to the forefront in competitive modes, such as LvL and Unlimited Arena, where users will need to be cognizant of what Coach they are going up against and can skew their play calling toward the opposing Coach’s weakness.

Coach Acquisition

On launch, a starter Coach will be assigned that has access to the standard playbook, and will have no assigned Play Style or Play Style bonus/weakness. This starter Coach will allow any Play Style to be selected. Various additional Coaches will be present to be acquired. Acquisition can take many forms including the following:

  • Coach Journey: Successfully completing events within the Coach Journey will give you access to (4) Coaches.
  • Field Pass Reward: Hitting a milestone threshold within the Field Pass.
  • Direct Purchase: The Store can have offers that include a Coach. These could appear as bundles that offer a Coach and a number of Coach leveling resources.

Coach Player Items

Much like players, Coaches will be represented via player items. The overall style of a Coach will be similar to players with a number of distinct differences:

  • No Rarity: Coaches do not have a rarity. Instead, their associated play style will be reflected visually on the card.
  • Play Style Representation: Instead of an OVR and position, the Coach’s associated playstyle will be indicated via the play style icon as well as potentially a color treatment applied to the card.

When flipped, the back of a Coach card will display the following information:

  • Play Style
  • Play Style Bonuses
  • OVR Bonus
  • Play Style Weakness
  • Play(s) Unlocked

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