Hello, Madden NFL Mobile Fans!
In this edition of Gridiron Notes, we are going to discuss the all-new Season Team Training feature that will be introduced in Madden NFL 25 Mobile. Season Team Training will be your way to boost your player’s OVR and improve their performance on the field.
With the release of Madden NFL 25 Mobile, a new “TEAM TRAINING” element will be visible on the MY TEAM screen.
Tapping on this element will take you to the Team Training Screen.
At the start of each Field Pass, you will be able to increase player OVR in each lineup category (OFFENSE, DEFENSE, SPECIAL) as well as increasing the OVR of a specific position or position group.
Example: increasing your Season Team Training in OFFENSE to Rank 2 provides a (+2%) OVR increase for EVERY player in your offensive lineup. Increasing your Season Team Training in WR to Rank 2 provides a (+2%) OVR increase for ALL WR in your offensive lineup.
Overall, this new system means that any player you acquire will take on the benefits your current Season Team Training ranks! Additionally, your current Team Training ranks will also be applied to players you have not yet acquired so as to make player comparisons easier and more straightforward.
Example: you have increased your Season Team Training OFFENSE rank to 3 and your QB position rank to 2. This results in a (+5%) OVR increase for any QB you add to your lineup. Your current QB has a base OVR of (100) which results in their modified OVR being (105). A new event starts that has a QB with a base OVR of (105). This QB’s OVR would actually be (110).
Please note that all Season Team Training upgrades acquired during the current Field Pass will be reset at the start of the next Field Pass though there is a Mastery component which we’ll detail later in these notes.
When first entering the Team Training Screen, you will be able to individually rank up your OFFENSE, DEFENSE, or SPECIAL lineup category. Each lineup category will have a “MASTER TRACK” that can be ranked up by tapping the UPGRADE button for that category.
Above is an example of the OFFENSE lineup category and its UPGRADE button being called out.
Tapping on the UPGRADE button will allow you to spend Coins and Team Training Points to increase the OVR of every player within that lineup category. Each rank up will provide a +1% OVR boost.
Above is an example of the OFFENSE lineup category at Rank 1 which provides a total of +1% OVR boost to all players on your offensive lineup.
Once you have increased the master track rank of a lineup category, the position groups associated with that lineup category can also be upgraded. Each rank up for a position group will provide a +1% OVR bonus.
The maximum rank a position group can be increased is dictated by the rank of the master track. For example, if you want to increase the HB/FB position group to rank 3, the OFFENSE master track will need to also be at a minimum of rank 3.
Above is an example of the OFFENSE lineup category at Rank 1. This has unlocked the ability to upgrade each of the position groups up to a maximum of Rank 1.
Tapping on the UPGRADE button on a position group will allow you to spend Coins and Team Training Points to increase the OVR of all players within that position group.
For example, upgrading the HB/FB position will provide an OVR bonus to any HB or FB player you have in your lineup. You can also toggle between all players you currently have in your lineup to see how a rank up will affect their OVR.
Above is an example of the HB/FB position group upgrade view.
Once you have ranked up a position category, you will be able to see the current +OVR benefits being applied to your team on the Team Training Screen.
Above is an example of the HB/FB position group that has been increased to Rank 1. All HB/FB players in the lineup have a +1% OVR boost being applied which is resulting in a total of +1.7 OVR being added to this team’s total OVR.
Upon returning to the MY TEAM screen, all Season Team Training changes will be visible. The TEAM TRAINING element will display the lineup category’s rank while any position groups that have been upgraded will also display their rank.
Above is an example of a team that has increased their OFFENSE master track and HB/FB position group to Rank 1.
Beside providing an OVR bonus to your team, each Field Pass will reward you for hitting Season Team Training rank milestones with player rewards that can ultimately be traded up to one of the higher OVR players currently available in game!
On the Team Training Screen, tap the ALL REWARDS button to view what reward you gain per rank up milestone.
Each Field Pass will have all-new Season Team Training milestone rewards to collect.
Besides the milestone rewards you will receive along the way, going the extra distance to fully max rank all Season Team Training master tracks and position groups results in you acquiring a Mastery Bonus.
Upon activating the Mastery Bonus, your entire team will receive a +5% OVR boost for the current Field Pass season as well as automatically having a Mastery Bonus active for the next Field Pass Season.
Example: in the Preseason Field Pass (S1), you have max all Season Team Training ranks in each lineup category (OFFENSE, DEFENSE, SPECIAL) as well as all position groups. At this point you can activate the Mastery Bonus to gain +5% OVR to your entire team for the Preseason Field Pass (S1).
You will also automatically have the +5% Master Bonus active for the following Field Pass (S2) when it starts.
As mentioned previously, upgrading your Season Team Training will require Coins and Team Training Points.
Team Training Points are a dynamic currency that updates with each Field Pass season. This means that at the start of each Field Pass, all instances where Team Training Points are rewarded will update to the current Field Pass version of the currency.
Example: the Preseason Field Pass season (S1) is about to end. All Team Training Points in the game are currently Team Training Points (S1). Once the next Field Pass starts, all Team Training Point rewards and offers in the game will update to be Team Training Points (S2).
An important thing to remember is that any unused Team Training Points from previous Field Pass seasons DO NOT update to the current version of the currency.
You can gain Team Training Points throughout various modes in the game such as Journeys, Madden Base, Point Attack, League vs League, League Siege, and Daily/Unlimited Arena.
You can also find this resource by completing Daily Goals and League Goals as well as there being purchase options in the League Store, League Token Store, and offers in the Store.
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