Madden NFL 25 Mobile - Launch Info
July 23, 2024
Hello, Madden NFL Mobile Fans!
First and foremost, thank you all for playing Madden NFL 24 Mobile! Once again it’s that time of year where a new season is about to start for both the NFL and Madden Mobile.
The anticipated release date of the upcoming season is August 8th, 2024 (This is subject to change). In this edition of Gridiron Notes, we will be giving you details about what to expect from Season Rollover as well as some new features you’ll be seeing in the new season!
Seasonal Rollover: Currencies, Stamina, And Profile/League Level
First and foremost, Madden Cash balances will transfer over to Madden NFL 25 Mobile. Coin and League Tokens will not transfer over and will be zeroed out at the start of Madden NFL 25 Mobile. Training Points, Weights, Headsets and Bronze/Silver/Gold Level Tokens will be removed from the game entirely.
Core and Event Stamina will be reset to their starting values as will your Profile Level and League Level.
Seasonal Rollover: Players & Legacy Trades
All Madden NFL 24 Mobile players, besides Starter rarity players, will transfer to Madden NFL 25 Mobile. As in seasons past, the OVR for these transferred players will be reduced but they can be added to Madden NFL 25 Mobile lineups.
All transferred players will retain their same rarity and players of the same rarity will share an identical OVR, regardless of when they were released in Madden NFL 24 Mobile. These OVR adjustments for each rarity are listed below:
A number of Legacy Trades will be available at the launch of Madden NFL 25 Mobile that will allow you to convert transferred Madden NFL 24 Mobile players into Madden NFL 25 Mobile Players and/or resources.
Seasonal Rollover: What Happens To Coaches?
The concept of Coaches will not be present in Madden NFL 25 Mobile which means Coaches will not transfer over. That being said, there are some exciting changes around Playbooks which we’ll detail later.
New Feature: Season Team Training
As you may have guessed from seeing that Training Points, Weights, and Bronze/Silver/Gold Level Tokens are not going to be present in Madden NFL 25 Mobile, there are big changes coming to how you improve your lineup outside of acquiring higher OVR players.
First, player leveling mechanics and Weight Room functionality will not make a return in Madden NFL 25 Mobile. Instead, the ability to increase your player’s OVR beyond its base value will be done by engaging in the all-new Season Team Training system.
At the start of each Field Pass, you will be able to increase player OVR in each lineup category (OFFENSE, DEFENSE, SPECIAL) as well as increasing the OVR of a specific position or position group.
- Example:
increasing your Season Team Training in OFFENSE to Rank 2 provides a (+2%) OVR increase for EVERY player in your offensive lineup. Increasing your Season Team Training in WR to Rank 2 provides a (+2%) OVR increase for ALL WR in your offensive lineup.
Overall, this new system means that any player you acquire will take on the benefits your current Season Team Training ranks! Additionally, your current Team Training ranks will also be applied to players you have not yet acquired so as to make player comparisons easier and more straightforward.
- Example:
you have increased your Season Team Training OFFENSE rank to 3 and your QB position rank to 2. This results in a (+5%) OVR increase for any QB you add to your lineup. Your current QB has a base OVR of (100) which results in their modified OVR being (105). A new event starts that has a QB with a base OVR of (105). This QB’s OVR would actually be (110).
Ranking up Season Team Training will require Team Training Points and Coins. Team Training Points will be readily available throughout various modes in the game such as Journeys, Madden Base, Field Pass Milestones, competitive modes and more!
Beside providing an OVR bonus to your team, each Field Pass will reward you for hitting Season Team Training rank milestones with player rewards that can ultimately be traded up to one of the higher OVR players currently available in game!
New Feature: Custom Extended Playbooks
This year, Madden NFL 25 Mobile puts the power in your hands to create your own playbook! At the start of the new season, every player will start with the same base playbook as well as a pre-selected “extended” playbook. Where things start to get interesting is that this extended playbook can be customized to include plays that you have unlocked as long as you stay under your current playbook “budget”.
Each play within the extended playbook will have an assigned budget cost and including a play will deduct its cost from your overall playbook budget. Plays can have different costs making some plays take up more or less of your playbook budget. Over the course of Madden NFL 25 Mobile, you’ll be able to increase your playbook budget by increasing your Profile Level.
New plays will be released each month with the monthly Field Pass, Events, and Store offers. Some plays will even have an associated +OVR bonus that gives your entire team an OVR boost when that play is selected!
You will have the ability to create and save multiple playbook loadouts and these can be assigned to your lineups. Want to create a lineup with WR in the flex that has a heavy emphasis on Long Pass plays? Now it’s in your hands to do that!
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