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The EA SPORTS family is deeply saddened by the passing of our great inspiration, Coach John Madden. Through his love of play he had an immeasurable impact on both the world of football and our company. We extend our hearts and minds to Coach’s family and friends, of which he had so many.

The EA SPORTS family is deeply saddened by the passing of our great inspiration, Coach John Madden. John Madden's Legacy - the Coach See our tribute
You can tell how people know you by what they call you. I mean there are people who call me ‘Coach’ and then people who call me ‘Madden’. ‘Hey Madden,’ (you know it’s the video game) ‘I’ll see you over at my house. We’ll play Madden.’ Then they see me and they say, ‘Hey there’s Madden. Hey Madden!’ Really though, I’m a coach, you know. And that’s what I am and everything that goes around that. “I remember my dad — my dad was a mechanic and he worked hard – and you know, I used to say ‘I gotta get a job, I gotta get some money’. He said ‘Don’t work.’ He said ‘Just play.’ He said ‘There’ll be a time when you have to go to work and when you have to go to work, you’ll work the rest of your life so don’t start it too soon.’ …and my dad would be proud to know that I never started it…” “I did say to him once, I said ‘Do you realize that you are immortal?’ And he said, ‘What do you mean?’ I said, ‘in another five hundred years, the Madden game will still go on. Hence, John Madden is an immortal.’ John loves that. When I told him, he’s just laughing.” David Hill Former Chairman, Fox Sports Media Group The EA SPORTS family is deeply saddened by the passing of our great inspiration, Coach John Madden.