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January Community Roundup: Fan Artist Shalizeh Spotlight

December Community Roundup

As the launch of Mass Effect: Andromeda draws closer, our community artists continue to set an incredibly high bar for Mass Effect fan art and cosplay. One such artist is Shalizeh, who has made several fantastic pieces inspired by the game we’re all waiting to play in March. We took a moment to talk to Shalizeh about her creations, and Mass Effect: Andromeda, in this month’s Community Roundup!

Ryder Twins

What inspired you to make fan art of the characters introduced in Mass Effect: Andromeda so far?

So far I have painted pictures of Peebee, Vetra and [the] Ryder twins. I love Peebee because of her “tomboyish” vibe, I’m very interested to see what her character is like in the game. Vetra is exciting because we get another female turian squadmate, yay! And I LOVE the idea of our Pathfinders being siblings. :)



What are you looking forward to the most in Mass Effect: Andromeda?

I’m looking forward to exploring all the different planets in Mass Effect: Andromeda. It was my favorite pastime in ME1, I’m so happy it’s coming back!

Female Ryder

How many hours does it usually take you to complete a piece?

It usually takes a couple of days to complete a picture. Sketchy stuff can take up to one evening if I’m very lucky. XD

Female Ryder 2

You can follow Shalizeh’s work on tumblr and DeviantArt. Got any fan creations of your own? Share them with us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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