Join the Fight with the Multiplayer Recruit Pack

Now available, four powerful Recruit Packs each featuring a rare alien Character Kit.
Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Recruit Packs are now available for Xbox One, PlayStation®4, and Origin™ on PC.
Devastate the opposition with one of four awesome Multiplayer Recruit Packs chock full of everything a new player needs to loadout a powerful character that sets you up to lead the fight for humanity.

You choose the character that suits your playstyle or buy all four packs to keep it interesting! Each Multiplayer Recruit pack gives you a powerful character to lead your team of elite fighters in APEX missions and multiplayer matches. Grab the character(s) that fits your fighting style and get ready to join the fight! (Note: Each MP Recruit Pack can only be purchased once.)
If you prefer charging in hard and dealing with your enemies up close, grab the Krogan Vanguard MP Recruit Pack. You’ll get the Krogan Vanguard character – a deadly frontline fighter, the Vanguard uses a combination of weapons, biotics, and hand-to-hand combat. The pack includes the powerful Ruzard shotgun, along with shotgun mods and a Berserker Package.
If you like a sneakier approach, the Salarian Infiltrator MP Recruit Pack has everything you need to execute surprise attacks with the Tactical Cloak and high-damage weaponry. With the Vanquisher Sniper Rifle and plenty of Sniper Rifle mods, this pack is the best choice for making your presence known to enemies at long range.
The Asari Adept pack brings plenty of firepower to add to these biotic combat specialists. With powerful shotgun and assault rifles and accompanying mods, the battlefield is your playground as you unleash devastating biotics.
If you just want pure firepower, grab the Turian Soldier pack to own your enemies! With the famed X5 Ghost Assault Rifle and the Widow Sniper Rifle, you’ll never be short on punishment to dish out on enemies. And with the Stronghold Package, you’ll have enough armor to make sure you’re the one standing after a firefight.
Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Recruit Packs are now available for Xbox One, PlayStation®4, and Origin™ on PC.