Introducing Arena Mode!
Very soon, we’ll be launching a beta of our new PvP mode - The Arena! For the first time ever in NBA LIVE Mobile, users will have the ability to play against opponents from across the world in real time. To ensure game stability, we’ll be rolling the new mode out to players over time. As we add new users, we’ll post updates on our social media accounts.
Users will get their first chance to play this new mode as a feature restricted beta targeted to release later this month! We’re very excited to launch this mode that has been in development for some time and we know that real time competition against other players has been a request from our players and we can’t wait for you to get your hands on it.
The Arena offers a brand new way to play against other players. Aside from it being in real time, it also uses a new tournament structure. Tournaments in Arena mode challenge you to win as many matches as you can until you reach the max wins or lose a certain number of games. For example, if a tournament is configured as 5 wins or 2 losses, your goal is to get as many wins as possible, up to 5, before you lose 2 matches.
Rewards are based off of the number of wins achieved during the tournament. We will be adding new and different tournaments over time, so be sure to keep checking back!
For every win in a tournament, you’ll accrue 1 Arena Point, which works similar to other point collection systems. The more points you accrue, the more rewards you unlock!
Talk Some Smack!
Another exciting feature we’ve added in Arena Mode is the ability to communicate with your opponent during a game! Hit a deep three? Get a sick block? Send your opponent one of 4 preset messages or one of 4 different “emoji” pictures!
Don’t want to see in game messages? Tap the button next to the communication drop down to mute them during your match!
Weekly Prizes!
Up until the launch of Season 4, we’ll be sending out weekly prizes to reward anyone who plays Arena Mode! For every match you play, you’ll be entered into the drawing once. Multiple plays will enter you multiple times!
Each week we’ll draw a few lucky players and send them some prizes just for playing! Be sure to keep playing the mode to increase your chances at winning! Even if you don’t win, we’ll be sending out some Arena Points to all users who play at least one match a week.
Be sure to keep an eye on our social channels for more information!
Q: What is Arena Mode?
A: Arena Mode is our new PVP mode where players can match up against other players and compete IN REAL TIME!
Q: How does Arena Mode work?
A: Arena is different than Showdown in that you don’t just matchmake right away. When you select the Arena button in the main menu, it will take you to a carousel of active tournaments. These tournaments have different restrictions on entry, such as lineup OVR, specific lineup and more. Select the tournament you would like to enter and tap the play button!
In the first phase of the beta, there will only be 1 tournament to choose from. Be sure to check back over time to see when new tournaments are added!
Tournament rewards are based on how many times you win before you complete the tournament or reach a certain amount of losses. In our first tournament, you can win up to five matches or lose up to two matches. Once you reach either condition, that tournament will end and you will receive rewards based on the amount of wins you achieved.
Q: Can I enter other tournaments while in an active tournament?
A: No, once you enter a tournament, you can only compete in that tournament until you complete it or press the “Give Up” button.
Q: What types of tournaments will we have during the beta?
A: The current plan is to start with one tournament and add more over time.
Q: How does matchmaking work in Arena?
A: At the core, it utilizes the same matchmaking as Showdown. However, we do matchmaking that prioritizes by region to ensure that you are getting the fastest and smoothest experience possible.
Q: Is gameplay different in Arena?
A: For the most part, no. However, you’ll notice quickly that playing against other users in real time is very different! There are some penalties that we don’t use in most of our existing game modes that will be present in this mode in order to ensure fair play.
We are also restricting the use of manual switch on defense due to technical limitations. All Arena matches are configured to use auto switching while we investigate possible solutions.
Q: Can I play against others in real time in other modes like League vs. League or Play a Friend?
A: Not currently, no. We are looking into the possibility of this in the future, but nothing to announce now.
Q: Can I choose what lineup I play with?
A: As long as it meets the tournament requirements, yes! For example, if the tournament requirement is to use a lineup at least 80 OVR, you can use any lineup you have as long as it is 80 OVR.
Q: Why is Arena launching as a beta?
A: With a mode as complex as this, we want to make sure users understand that there may be some issues while playing. We’ve put the mode through extensive internal testing, however, with a player base as global as ours, there are bound to be some issues with a roll out.
Q: When does the beta begin?
A: The beta is scheduled to begin in mid to late August.
Q: Who can participate in the beta?
A: All users will be eligible. The beta will be in the standard client version of the game that you already have. To ensure stability, we will start by rolling it out to subsets of users in specific regions and continue to expand after that.
Q: How long does the beta last?
A: We’ll be running Arena as a beta after S4 launches.
Q: What can we expect after the beta has ended?
A: We’re currently working on adding more functionality and features to Arena mode. Nothing to announce today, but hope to release more info as we get closer to the full feature release.
Q: Where can I leave feedback on the Arena Mode beta?
A: There will be surveys in game during the beta and you can also leave feedback on our different social media channels. Lastly, we have a EA Help page set up so you can see the latest known issues and let us know how your experience is. It is located here!
- Using any type of “interrupt” is discouraged while playing. This includes closing the app, interacting with OS notification banners, pressing the home button, etc. Doing so will cause your client to lose connection and desync from our servers.
- There are issues shooting free throws in the mode at the moment - the shot meter lags and can be difficult to use.
- Low End Devices will encounter frame rate loss during Gameplay.
- If a “no viable server” is encountered when trying to play RTPvP this means you currently do not have a stable connection to play or there is no available server near you.
Continue to stay tuned to our social channels for more information on all aspects of the game!
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