Need for Speed Payback
Patch 01 Notes

Patch 01
- Improved game performance during the event ‘Solar Sprint’
- The event ‘Aki kimura: The Drift King’ will no longer sometimes cause a game crash
- The ‘Silver Canyon Getaway’ event will no longer cause a crash after the first spike strip
- Improved performance within Ranked Speedlist
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur during initial loading
- The game will no longer sometimes crash during the purchase of Shipments on a non-English language
- Repeating the event ‘Drifting the Block’ several times will no longer cause the game to crash
- Fixed a crash that occurred after the race between Mac and Jess to the airfield
- The game will no longer hang on a black screen at the start of the third section of the ‘Convoy’ mission
- While playing through ‘The Highway Heist’ mission, the game will no longer hang after the ‘Get to the Rendezvous’ section
- All checkpoints during the event ‘Safety Last’ will now award bonus time
- Improved cop AI within the ‘Failed Heist’ mission
- The ‘Cavalry’ event now has the correct car requirements assigned to it
- The objective in the ‘Disconnect’ event has been changed to ‘Reach the finish line’
- Cops now take more damage when ramming them from behind at high speed
- Chevrons are now correctly placed during the event ‘Underground Soldier: Sabotage’
- You will no longer received a “checkpoint missed” message during the event ‘Downforce’ drift trial when going through a checkpoint
- AI drivers will no longer drive straight into a wall when starting the Outlaw’s Rush
- The helicopter in the ‘Skyhammer’ event now flies correctly
- The AI drivers during the ‘Outlaws Rush’ event will now drive the correct route
- The mini-map during the ‘Outlaws Rush’ event will now display correctly
- The voice over that takes place at the end of the ‘Racer’s Revenge’ mission will no longer repeat itself
- Improved off-road handling of the BMW X6M
- Fixed an audio issue where the sound of an impact would not always be heard when crashing into barriers
- Cars will no longer get stuck when collecting one of the billboards in the desert
- Courier missions will now display completion time instead of tracked time on the outro screen
- ‘Downtown Escape’ can no longer be started a street away from its intended position
- Traffic vehicles have been sent back to driving school and will no longer attempt to perform an illegal turn
- Improved AI of cops during pursuits
- Tuned the AI (hard difficulty) in the event ‘Junkyard Solem’ on hard difficulty
- Grass and bush debris will no longer duplicate
- The wheels on the 1969 Dodge Charger no longer protrude through the fenders when steering left or right
- Multiple events now have the correct colour of event icons displayed
- Tuned hard difficulty on various events, it’s now harder…good luck
- The ‘Gearbox’ roaming racer has gone back to driving school and will no longer crash into rocks while driving around Fortune Valley
- If you challenge the ‘Gearbox’ roaming racer at the tunnel entrance you will no longer start the race directly in front of a pillar
- Even if you lose to the first race against Rav, you will now receive a Speed Card
- The on-screen text displayed during the Live Tuning tutorial now displays correctly
- Sparks will no longer appear from the front wheels when performing sharp turns on asphalt surfaces
- The AI will no longer take the wrong turn 1.27km away from the objective during the ‘Canyon Brawl’ event
- You can now paint Derelict cars that have been purchased from a dealership
- The AI has been improved in the ‘Holtzman: The Coming Storm’ event
- The body panels on the Volkswagen Beetle Derelict now display correctly
- Derelict wheels will no longer glow a strange orange glow when out in the world awaiting collection
- Fixed a visual issue on the suspension and brakes of the Chevrolet Bel-Air derelict
- Entering a part shop while in hood or bonnet cam will no longer create a camera spin around the shop
- Corrected an issue on the Mazda MX-5 when using a Ghost branded Diffuser that caused nitrous to appear in the wrong place
- Fixed an issue that was blocking decals from being applied to the front of the Dodge Charger 1969
- Failing to make the jump at the end of the ‘Hairping Dragging’ event will no longer result in your car being placed back on the road, upside down
- The last two checkpoints from the ‘Flash Bang’ Speed Run are now activity checkpoints instead of race ones
- The character model no longer clips through the driver seat of any of the 1965 Ford Mustang Derelict Super Builds
- The tires on the Ford Roadster no longer get shiny and black when they get dirty
- The game will now save before the final cinematic resulting in having to repeat the race against Lina in the Outlaw’s Rush
- Starting a race in the Chevrolet C10 Pickup while in bonnet cam will no longer place the camera behind the windscreen
- The Ford Mustang 1965 Super Derelict build of the race class will now look different to the standard race build
- Poker chips and billboards are now marked as completed on both the minimap and the map
- Music now plays correctly during the final credits
- Drag specific rims (The Alchemist) are now available for other car classes
- The camera will no longer shake when exiting the garage
- Numerous audio fixes
- Multiple UI fixes
- Various localization issues have been fixed
- Various improvements to character animation
- Numerous minor fixes, tweaks and improvements

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