Community Challenge:
Defeat Zombie Waves, Get Rewards!

Getting Seed Packets
Get ready PvZ fans, because Zomboss is up to no good. He's sending out wave after wave of his Zombie lackeys, and it is up to all of us to stop them on the lawn! It's going to take everyone working together though, but if we manage to halt this zany Zombie invasion, everyone will reap the benefits.
Starting now, we have until Monday, October 9th at 9am PDT (16:00 GMT) to defeat 320 million Zombie waves as a community!
If we overcome this challenge, a limited time Premium Piñata will be available in the store for only 1 Coin! This one-time purchase will be a helpful boost to level up your powerful Plants.
Just play! Whenever you play a level, Zombies will appear in waves like they normally do. Each one you defeat will be counted toward the Community Challenge.
We did it! Over 320 million Zombie waves were defeated, and that means the Premium Piñata is now available in the store for 1 Coin. Don't delay though, the Piñata will be available until Monday October 16th at 3pm PDT in the Hot Deals tab.
To claim the reward, be sure you're playing with the most recent version of the game.
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