Tips and Tricks: How to play Team Vanquish (PvP Playlist)
Team Vanquish is an 8v8 PvP Playlist where each team competes to be the first to reach 50 Vanquishes.

In Team Vanquish, you’ll go all out against your enemies – every plant or zombie vanquished by your team counts as a point, while each revive subtracts a point from the opposing team. Ready to blast those bloomers and doomers? Get it going in these maps:
Rocky Flats: Since the zombies busted the pipeline that carries melted cheese into town, Neighborville folks hiding in their homes have had to experiment with different orange toppings for their nachos. Autumnal leaves. Shredded traffic cones. Pencil shavings. It’s. . . not great.
Colossal Fossil: Some of the world’s largest dinosaurs were discovered in Neighborhoodvillian mines – the Enormosauraus, the Voluminousiraptor, the Tremenduceratops. Even the legendarily large B-Rex (the “B” stands for “big”)!
Z-Tech Factory: Where do zombies get all those wonderful traffic cones, buckets, screen doors, and tackle dummies? Why, the Z-Tech Factory of course! It’s the only factory whose “Days Since Last Workplaces Accident” counter goes into negative numbers!
Ruiny Ruins: What did the gnomes use this ancient temple for? Is it a time-energy nexus? A forge for their powerful hammers? A way to get rid of hundreds of stones with the same face carved into them that they accidentally ordered online? Nobody knows!
Pressure Pier: The town lighthouse used to just be a guy named “Old Slappy” who would stand on the beach with a flashlight during regular business hours. Then one day Old Slappy just had to go to that flashlight convention and BOOM – shipwreck. Now, there’s a lighthouse.
Daisy Drive: Learning to ride a bike, playing street hockey with your friends, watching a Sunflower lay down the hurt on an Imp from your house that’s been raised off the ground by giant mechanical Z-Tech thingamabobs – just a typical day in the life of a Neighborville kid.
- Take a look at which characters other players on your team are playing and switch up your character to help fill any gaps
- Traveling together as a group helps ensure you're never caught out on your own
- Revive your teammates! No seriously, reviving your teammate will subtract a point from the enemy team and your teammate will be revived on the spot
- Have fun!
See some Team Vanquish In action and learn some quick tips from iLogics HD