Plants vs. Zombies supports Team Trees This Holiday
Even the zombies are supporting the cause!

Zombies planting trees? It’s a Feastivus miracle! In the spirit of giving back to our community and because we really love plants, Plants vs. Zombies™ will be donating $500K this holiday to support the Team Trees initiative. This money will be used to plant 500K trees!

What is Team Trees?
Team Trees is an initiative which aims to earn enough money to plant 20 million trees by January 1, 2020. Every $1 donated is equal to one tree. The trees will then be planted throughout the year starting in January 2020, to be completed no later than December 2022. For more information, please visit the Team Trees website and FAQ.
Thanks for your support, PvZ™ pals. We’d like to wish you a very merry Feastivus from all of us here in Neighborville!
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