May was declared Zombie Awareness month. It's a very fitting month, considering Birthdayz, the true dawn of the fundead, centers around May 5th - and there's big news for Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 coming up later in the month. While this will no doubt please those of you on #TeamZombie, Zomboss has seen a clear problem. If any Zombie deserves a whole month of awareness, surely it is Zomboss himself.
Across Zomburbia, and space and time as a whole, Zomboss has declared the month of May as Zomboss Awareness Month!
During the month of May, we want to see your awesome Zomboss-inspired fan creations, cosplay, and anything else you can come up with to celebrate the Zombies' glorious leader. Share them with us on Twitter using the #ZombossAwareness hashtag.