Two New Heroes Land in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes
Along with Beta-Carrotina and Huge-Gigantacus come Rarity and Balance Changes

Big news, PvZ Fans: two new Heroes are coming to Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. Beta-Carrotina and Huge-Gigantacus join as the Lawn of a New Battle continues to go galactic! Along with these two new Heroes also comes a number of Rarity and Balance changes, and we've got the details below. Get ready for Ranked Season 3 by reading on.
Brand New Heroes
Beta-Carrotina [Guardian / Smarty]
As leader of the Plant-etary Guard, Beta-Carrotina is ready to root our Zombies where ever they crop up. She can conjure up a storm, and her crew of carrots will put the zombies in their place.

- Ensign Uproot - 1 Sun. 2/2. When played: Move another Plant or Zombie.
- Lieutenant Carrotron - 1 Sun. 2/1. Team Up. When played: Conjure a Root.
- Lightspeed Seed - 1 Sun. Trick. Conjure 2 Tricks.
- Genetic Amplification - 1 Sun. Trick. Conjure a 2-cost Plant. It gets +1/+1, Amphibious, and Team-Up.
Huge-Gigantacus [Brainy / Sneaky]
Huge-Gigantacus leads the zombie space invasion, and will “Terror-Form” the Earth with all kinds of strange Environments. Go on, tell him he's actually quite small. See what happens. You're not going to like it.

- Iron Boarder - 1 Brains. 2/3. Bullseye. While in an Environment: This gets +1 /+1.
- Teleportation Station - 1 Brains. Environmental. Start of turn: If there's a Zombie here, gain a Teleport.
- Ice Moon - 1 Brains. Environmental. Zombies here get Strikethrough. When played: Freeze all plants here.
- Terror-Former 10,000 - 1 Brains. Trick. Conjure an Environment. All cards in your hand cost 1 less.
Rarity and Balance Changes
Opening and playing with Super-Rare and Legendary cards are some of the most exciting moments in the game. To make sure those cards are especially awesome, we've made several of them more powerful, adjusting the rarities to match. We've also taken this opportunity to tighten the balance between strategies by giving some extra improvements to strategies that could use a little boost. Here's the full list of balance changes - other than tweaks to Mushroom Grotto and Medulla Nebula, they are all power-ups:
- Mushroom Grotto is more expensive (3 Sun, not 2).
- Medulla Nebula is more expensive (3 Brains, not 2).
- Poppin' Poppies' Lil' Buddies now heal your Hero for 2 each.
- Wall-Nut Bowling is cheaper (9 Sun, not 10).
- Sergeant Strongberry is tougher (4 Health, not 3).
- Kernel Corn is bigger (6/6, not 5/5).
- Party Thyme is tougher (2 Health, not 1).
- Snapdragon is tougher (2 Health, not 1).
- Sow Magic Beans now also draws a card.
- Brainana is stronger (4 Strength, not 3).
- Winter Melon is cheaper (6 Sun, not 7) and tougher (5 Health, not 4).
- The Great Zucchini is bigger (7/7, not 6/6).
- Twin Sunflower is Cheaper (2 Sun, not 3) but more fragile (1 Health, not 2).
- Chomper is tougher (2 Health, not 1).
- Briar Rose is Cheaper (4 Sun, not 6).
- Three-Headed Chomper is tougher (6 Health, not 5).
- Deep Sea Gargantuar is bigger (7/7, not 6/6)
- Nurse Gargantuar is stronger (6 Strength, not 4)
- Octo Zombie now keeps coming back.
- Portal Technician is cheaper (5 Brains, not 6).
- Aerobics Instructor is stronger (2 Strength, not 1).
- Disco-Tron 3000 now has Gravestone.
- Gargantuars' Feast is cheaper (11 Brains, not 12)
- Team Mascot is tougher (4 Health, not 3).
- Zombie Coach is stronger (3 Strength, not 2).
- All-Star Zombie is tougher (6 Health, not 5).
- Zombie King is stronger (2 Strength, not 0).
Hero Quest Changes
Along with the Rarity and Balance changes, we've also made some adjustments to our Hero Quests, since Hero Quest #4 asks you to craft a card. To make sure that the cards you have to craft are not too difficult, we have made the following updates:
- Solar Flare: Craft Bloomerang (was Metal Petal Sunflower)
- Spudow: Craft Potato Mine (was Poison Mushroom)
- Chompzilla: Craft Pepper, M.D. (was Whack-a-Zombie)
- Citron: Craft Spring Bean (was Navy Bean)
- Rose: Craft Iceberg Lettuce (was Chilly Pepper)
- Grass Knuckles: Craft Cactus (was Bonk Choy)
- Captain Combustible: Craft Berry Angry (was Party Thyme)
- Brain Freeze: Craft Dog Walker (was Zombie Chicken)
- Impfinity: Craft ot Dog Imp (was Cakesplosion)
- Neptuna: Craft Headstone Carver (was Pogo Bouncer)
- Professor Brainstorm: Craft Zombot Drone Engineer (was Electrician)
- Rustbolt: Craft Brain Vendor (was Landscaper)
- Super Brainz: Craft Stealthy Imp (was Surprise Gargantuar)