Rocket Arena Update 1.1 Notes
Check out what’s coming with Update 1.1 and our Blast in Paradise event!
Our first season event is ready to get underway – BLAST IN PARADISE! And with it, we’ve got a new update to address some bugs, add some features, modes, and playlists, and improve the quality of life of our Rocket Arena community.
After reading A LOT of comments from you, our awesome fans, we wanted to dive into some of the things that we’ve worked on since our first update, so let’s check under the hood:
Game Modes
- Added limited time game mode variants, including Beach Ball and 2v2 Knockout
- Added a Cross-Play activation message box
- Added several rotating event playlists
- Adjusted the idle boot time from 45 seconds to 60 seconds
- Reduced Kayi's buffed Primary damage while inside Snow Globe from 50.0 to 40.0
- Text to Speech is now available outside of the Settings menu
- New map! - Lagoon of Doom permanently added to the game
- New map! - Grand Harbor permanently added to the game
- Megadon Junction - Increased the impulse strength of the Rocket Rail Express
Regular Playlists Updates
- Added Lagoon of Doom and Grand Harbor to the Social, Ranked, and Private Match playlists
Blast in Paradise Limited Time Events
NOTE: The following updates are limited time events scheduled for the release of the Blast in Paradise update. Playlists will be updated over the course of the event!
- Added Beach Ball to Social Arena
- Added Beach Ball to Private Match
- Replaced Social Knockout with Social 2v2 Knockout
Bug Fixes
User Interface
- Fixed a couple profile settings not saving on consoles
- Fixed the scoreboard being accessible during pregame with a gamepad
For full details of the Blast in Paradise event, check out
As always, we value your feedback and if you’d like to leave us some now, or in the future, hit us up on the Rocket Arena Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Twitch Streams, DMs, etc. - we read as much as we can!
Thanks for being part of our community and we’ll see you in Crater! #LETSROCKET
The team at FSG