SimCity BuildIt Introduces Mayor's Clubs

Mayor's Clubs have arrived in SimCity BuildIt! As of January 3rd, players can use Mayor's Clubs to access brand-new social features in their game.
Whether you choose to join someone else's Club or create your own, you can have a wonderful time trading resources, exploring other Cities, and making new friends.

How do Mayor's Clubs work?
Mayor's Clubs are groups of up to 25 players. After you join a Club, you'll get to join its group chat, where you can talk with your fellow Club members about anything you like—resources, tips and tricks, advice, et cetera. Looking for a certain resource? Why not ask your Club if anyone has some available? You can instantly visit their city and trade.
Can anyone join my Club?
That's up to you, Mayor! If you create a Club, you become the Club President, and you can decide if your Club will be Open (anyone can join), Private (anyone can request to join), or Closed (only people you invite can join). You can also appoint Vice Presidents or Seniors who can help manage invitations and requests.

How do I invite someone to join my Club?
Great question, Mayor! When you're visiting someone else's city, look for a green “Invite to Club” button underneath their City name. Each player can only be a member of one Club at a time, and must be level 18, so if the button is missing that may be why. You can also give your Club's unique five-digit tag to a friend, and they can look up your Club manually. When someone new joins your club, accepts your invitation, or sends a request to join your Club, you'll see a notification in your Club's chat.
What if I change my mind?
You can leave a Club at any time (even if you're President). Club Presidents can also re-name or change the description of their Club whenever they like. Try it out for a while and see what you think!
We are so excited to bring this new feature into SimCity BuildIt for you to enjoy. Be sure to share your thoughts with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Happy New Year, Mayor!
SimCity BuildIt can be downloaded for free from the App Store, Google Play or Amazon.