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Skate Insider Playtesting

Sign up for the chance to play and help shape the future of skate. Console playtesting coming this Fall!


What are Skate Insiders?

Insiders have the opportunity to playtest early versions of the game and provide feedback throughout development.

Plus, Insiders can get access to exclusive rewards and benefits.

Exclusive Rewards

Insiders will receive an exclusive in-game skateboard and stickers as rewards* when the game releases in Early Access in 2025.


Where Can I Play?

We are currently playtesting on PC and mobile with console playtesting coming this Fall.


When Can I Play?

We can’t guarantee how soon you’ll get to play but we’ve begun to increase the amount of players invited.


Sign Up For A Chance To Play


Important Playtesting Reminders

The skate. Insider playtests will be CLOSED playtests for anyone selected to participate. Sharing any videos, captures, screenshots or streaming of anything in the game is prohibited. Please make sure to read the Pre-Release Feedback Agreement and the full terms and conditions before signing up.


To find out more about skate., the Insider program and playtesting head over to our FAQ.