A towering Kaleesh cyborg, the mere presence of General Grievous causes unease amongst his enemies.

Playing as General Grievous
Grievous switches between two and four lightsabers as he advances like a horrifying machine.

General Grievous' Abilities
- Thrust Surge: General Grievous lunges forward, stabbing his enemy as he pins them down.
- Unrelenting Advance: Grievous ignites four lightsabers, deflecting attacks and inflicting damage on anyone foolish enough to challenge him.
- Claw Rush: Dropping to a crawl, Grievous scrambles forward, damaging his enemies as he drives them back.
Other Heroes
Darth Maul
The sinister Sith Lord aggressively wields a double-bladed lightsaber and the savage power of the dark side.
Boba Fett
Few are more feared than the mysterious, intimidating Boba Fett, one of the galaxy's most accomplished warriors.
An escapee from the wastes of Jakku, Rey wields a signature blue lightsaber and uses mind powers to control the battlefield.
Han Solo
Han packs a tremendous punch at close range. His DL-44 can cause massive damage for short periods of time before overheating.
Yoda is an expert at turning defense into attack, using the Force to repel blaster fire, heal his wounds, and protect him from harm while using his lightsaber to inflict damage.
Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren knows the raw power of evil, and commands the dark side of the Force with a rage worthy of his grandfather, Darth Vader.
Iden Versio
Commander Iden Versio leads the Imperial special forces unit Inferno Squad. An expert pilot and soldier, she solves the Empire’s problems through unconventional means.
Luke Skywalker
The Force is strong with Luke Skywalker. The young Jedi Knight is a guardian of peace and justice in a dark time, and protects the weak with his flashing blade and mastery of the light side.
Darth Vader
Anger fuels the dark side of the Force, and Vader’s rage is nearly boundless.
Leia Organa
A driving force behind the Rebellion, Princess Leia is one of the galaxy's greatest commanders and a skilled soldier.
Emperor Palpatine
The sinister ruler of the Galactic Empire is a daunting opponent. The Emperor's mastery of the dark side allows him to wield terrifying powers against the forces of good.
The savage bounty hunter isn't fighting for causes and principles. He's here to get paid.
Lando Calrissian
Lando might be known for his charm and wit, but he's also one of the most clever and capable fighters in the galaxy.
A warrior so fearsome even Jabba the Hutt called him "mighty," Chewbacca is a force of nature in combat.
As a hero of the Resistance, Finn can take his allies undercover behind enemy lines or hold his ground to defend their objective. His skill with a blaster makes him a formidable opponent.
Captain Phasma
The commanding officer of the First Order, she has an answer for every situation, ensuring she’ll win any mission.
General Grievous
A towering Kaleesh cyborg, the mere presence of General Grievous causes unease amongst his enemies.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master and General of the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, he commanded the 212th Attack Battalion and defeated General Grievous on Utapau.
Count Dooku
Once trained by Grand Master Yoda, Count Dooku turned his back on the Jedi Order with a thirst for more power and devoted himself to the dark side.
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker was believed to be the Chosen One, who would bring balance to the Force by ending the Sith.
A brave and resourceful astromech droid, BB-8 accompanied Poe Dameron on many dangerous missions for the Resistance.
A top-of-the-line astromech droid, BB-9E was assigned to the First Order flagship Supremacy to keep machinery, procedures, and potential intruders in check.
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