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Kit Reveal: Ahsoka Tano

Emperor's Demise Event
Infographic highlighting the in-game model and abilities of Galactic Legend Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.

UNIT NAME: Ahsoka Tano


CATEGORIES: Tank, Leader, Spectre, Unaligned Force User

Key Attributes:

  • Very involved, active tank with a high potential for extra turns
  • Heavily punishes enemies who use Protection Up


  • We always knew we would make a GL version of Ahsoka, and the show gave us the perfect opportunity.
  • One of the key themes to the Ahsoka show was reunions and being better when together. This led us to design both the Exile mechanic as well as the Reunite granted ability in Ahsoka’s kit.
  • The animation for Ahsoka’s first Ultimate ties together Morai as well as her signature move of using her lightsabers to cut a hole in the floor beneath her. 
  • There is more on-screen content of Ahsoka than almost any other character in Star Wars, making it a very fun challenge to fully capture everything special about her.

Strategy Tips:

  • Carefully utilizing Reunite to remove Exile from your team will be critical and may vary depending on who you’re against.
  • Her second Ultimate ability, Relentless Redoubt, has great defensive benefits. Properly timing it can help her team withstand damage of galactic proportions.

ZETA Upgrade Order Recommendation:

All of her zetas are worthwhile, but if you are running short this is our suggested order

  • Leader - Commander of the Wayward
  • Unique 1 - Daughter of Mortis
  • Unique 2 - Galactic Legend
  • Special 2 - Defiant Resolve
  • Special 1 - Shatterstrike
  • Basic - Aegis Charge


  • How do you acquire Ahsoka Tano?
    • She is a Galactic Legend and her event will be available permanently in the Journey Guide upon release.
  • Do I lose GL tickets when I lose one of her event battles?
    • No :)
  • Why no Jedi tag?
    • Even though she took on a Padawan Learner in Sabine Wren and used many of Anakin’s lessons in training her, Ahsoka herself famously walked away from the Order and declared to Darth Vader “I am no Jedi”.
  • Where are the space whales?
    • We love purrgil too, but felt Ezra was the one with the closer connection and history while Morai is a more continuous presence in Ahsoka’s story.
  • Why is she a Tank?
    • While Ahsoka can always put up a fight, this version is more wise and stoic. The game also already has multiple versions of Ahsoka that are all hard hitting attackers, so we enjoyed a new evolution of this beloved character.
  • Can I use Reunite if Exile isn’t present?
    • Yes, you can still use Reunite even if the character using it or target does not have Exile and will still gain the listed benefits.
  • How exactly do Deflective Ward and Deflective Target work together?
    • When an ally with Deflective Ward is damaged by an opponent, that ally takes 1 damage and Deflective Ward is removed. Then, the enemy who dealt damage to that ally is afflicted with Deflective Target. Ahsoka gains many benefits when attacking an opponent with Deflective Target. 
    • This concept is inspired by Darth Vader’s “Merciless Massacre” ability, which felt fitting.
  • Can Ahsoka use her first Ultimate ability, Worlds Apart, multiple times?
    • No, when she uses Worlds Apart it is replaced with her second Ultimate, Relentless Redoubt, for the remainder of the battle (as well as an outfit change).
  • Why does her Leader ability, Commander of the Wayward, give Max Health and Max Protection but only if Ezra (Exile) isn’t there?
    • We found during balance testing that the team really benefitted from additional Max Health and Max Protection that Ezra (Exile) provides, but when he wasn’t present the team simply did not have the survivability to withstand many attacks from top teams. However, when both Ezra (Exile) and Ahsoka were together, it was too much. 
    • This current iteration allows Ahsoka’s team to still perform how we want against these top teams, but is still greatly enhanced if Ezra (Exile) is there.
  • Why is Ahsoka immune to Damage Immunity? Wouldn’t this be a great buff for her?
    • Yes, too good you might say… We found during balance testing that in scenarios where Ahsoka gained this buff, it could lead to a very unenjoyable play experience when facing her and could cause some battles to drag out longer than we were comfortable with.
  • Why is Morai not green-tinted?
    • We aimed to capture the most recent on-screen portrayal of Morai in Galaxy of Heroes. By aligning with the live-action depiction, we ensure consistency with the latest representation seen by audiences now and in the future. We appreciate the passion and attention to detail from our players, and we strive to balance creativity with authenticity to the evolving Star Wars universe.



Every character has things that make them really fun and special to work on, but Ahsoka probably takes the cake. She is such an important character to so many fans with some truly fantastic moments. When designing her, we knew we had to do something authentic and different from the other versions we already have in game; there are core aspects of who Ahsoka is and how that gets reflected, but tapping into those and dialing them up for her Galactic Legend iteration was paramount. 

Probably the most fun and also most complex aspect of her development was with Relentless Redoubt, her second Ultimate ability. We tried several different concepts that felt neat, but nothing that really jumped out and felt right. Then, someone had the idea of, “What about Merciless Massacre, but uh, “Merficul” instead?” which led us down the path we ultimately chose.

Throughout all of her journeys, but especially during her own show, we saw a tremendous amount of growth and change for her. This was the initial inspiration for introducing two different Ultimate abilities into the kit. It also led to a very tactical play experience where trying to get her first Ultimate out as efficiently as possible is a key aspect to the team's overall experience.

She was very challenging, but also creatively fulfilling to work on. There’s a lot of passion that went into every aspect of her design, and we hope you feel that when adding her to your roster!



When designing the event for Ahsoka Tano we realized that this character has a TON of key moments that we wanted to recreate in our game. Narrowing it down to just 6 tiers was a challenge, but we think we captured the most pivotal moments in her life. We then concentrated our efforts in making sure that the new environments and character models were faithful to their on-screen counterparts. Finally, deciding on which tiers got cut-scenes was the most difficult part as we felt every moment was cut-scene worthy, but we think we arrived at a satisfactory place in showing off what we did. 



Ahsoka is all over my house so I’ve been excitedly waiting for her GL version to finally land. I’ve always been inspired by her character, watching her grow and seeing her commit to her values of helping others and doing what she feels is right even when that path seems much harder. Leaving the Jedi Order and facing the real world was an incredible challenge for her to take on and come out stronger. Plus, her acrobatic fight scenes are super fun to watch. We hope you enjoy playing her as much as we enjoyed making her!



BASIC: Aegis Charge (Zeta)

Final Text: 

Deal Physical damage to target enemy twice and dispel all buffs on them. Gain 5% bonus Protection (stacking) until the end of the encounter. If Ahsoka has Perfect Defense, increase its duration by 1.

The weakest other Light Side ally recovers 10% Health and Protection.


SPECIAL 1: Shatterstrike (Zeta) (Cooldown: 4)

Final Text:

Deal Physical damage and inflict target enemy with 2 stacks of Off Balance until they are damaged by an attack, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted and Armor Shred until the end of the battle. Light Side allies recover 5% Health and Protection, doubled for Spectre allies.


SPECIAL 2: Defiant Resolve (Zeta) (Cooldown: 4)

Final Text: 

Ahsoka dispels all debuffs on herself and Taunts for 2 turns. Dispel Resilient Defense from all allies. For each stack of Resilient Defense dispelled, Ahsoka gains 10% Defense and Mastery (stacking) until the end of the battle. If Ahsoka had Defense Up and Tenacity Up, she dispels them and gains Perfect Defense for 2 turns. If she already has Perfect Defense, increase its duration by 2.

Target other ally gains 25% Turn Meter, and if they are a Spectre, they also gain  Morai's Wisdom  if they didn't already have it until the end of the battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. 

 Morai's Wisdom:  +15 Speed; take 10% less damage; take reduced damage from percent Health damage effects; immune to turn meter reduction


UNIQUE 1: Daughter of Mortis (Zeta)

Final Text: 

At the start of battle, Ahsoka gains Morai's Wisdom until the end of the battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Ahsoka has 100% counter chance and is immune to Damage Immunity.

While Ahsoka has Perfect Defense, she recovers 15% Health and Protection whenever she attacks out of turn.

At the start of each encounter, Ahsoka Taunts for 2 turns.

At the start of each of her turns, Ahsoka has Offense equal to 35% of her Defense until the start of her next turn. Whenever she uses a Special ability, she gains 6% Ultimate Charge.

If all allies were Spectre at the start of battle, whenever an ally is Dazed, they dispel it and gain 15 Speed (stacking), until the end of the battle. 


UNIQUE 2: Galactic Legend (Zeta)

Final Text:  

This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects.

This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%. 


LEADER:  Commander of the Wayward (Zeta)

Final Text:  

Spectre allies have +30% Defense, Mastery, and Offense.

At the start of the battle, all other non-Summon Spectre allies that didn't already have it gain Exile until the end of the battle, which can't be copied or dispelled and they gain the granted ability  Reunite . If there is an ally Ezra Bridger (Exile), he gains 25 stacks of Purrgil Migration. If there is not an ally Ezra Bridger (Exile), Spectre allies gain 100% Max Health and Max Protection.

Whenever an ally with Morai's Wisdom uses a Special ability, Ahsoka gains 6% Ultimate Charge. Whenever an ally uses Reunite, Ahsoka gains 30% Ultimate Charge. Whenever Huyang gains any version of History of the Galaxy, Ahsoka gains 30% Ultimate Charge. 

Whenever a Spectre ally has a buff dispelled on them, they gain 10% Turn Meter and 5% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the battle.

Whenever an enemy gains Protection Up, Spectre allies gain 15% Offense (stacking) until the end of the battle. Whenever an enemy with less than 100% Turn Meter gains bonus Turn Meter, they take True damage, which can't be evaded (this damage can't defeat enemies).

 Reunite:  Remove Exile from this character and another targeted ally; gain 25% Mastery until the end of battle, and take a bonus turn; this ability is on a shared cooldown between allies who have Reunite and is immune to cooldown manipulation.



ULTIMATE 1: Worlds Apart

Final Text: 

Requires 100%  Ultimate Charge  to activate.

 Ultimate Charge:  Ahsoka Tano gains 30% Ultimate Charge whenever an ally uses Reunite, 30% Ultimate Charge whenever Huyang gains any version of History of the Galaxy, 6% Ultimate Charge whenever she uses a Special ability, and 6% Ultimate Charge whenever an ally with Morai's Wisdom uses a Special ability.

Reset the cooldown of all allies, and set the cooldown of all enemies to their max, which can't be resisted. 

Spectre allies recover 50% Health and Protection. Remove Exile from a random ally, and a random Spectre ally who didn't already have it gains Morai's Wisdom until the end of battle which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Ezra Bridger (Exile) gains 10 stacks of Purrgil Migration.

Target enemy is Exiled for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted.

This ability transforms into  Relentless Redoubt.


ULTIMATE 2: Relentless Redoubt

Final Text: 

Requires 50%  Ultimate Charge  to activate.

 Ultimate Charge:  Ahsoka Tano gains 30% Ultimate Charge whenever an ally uses Reunite, 30% Ultimate Charge whenever Huyang gains any version of History of the Galaxy, 6% Ultimate Charge whenever she uses a Special ability, and 6% Ultimate Charge whenever an ally with Morai's Wisdom uses a Special ability.

The other strongest Spectre ally gains  Deflective Ward , which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented until the end of the encounter.

Whenever an ally with Deflective Ward takes damage from an enemy, Deflective Ward expires and the enemy who damaged them is inflicted with 2 stacks of Off Balance for 1 turn, which can't be resisted, and if they weren't Stealthed,  Deflective Target . Whenever Ahsoka uses an ability during her turn, Deflective Target is removed from the target enemy and Ahsoka takes a bonus turn. If the target did not have Deflective Target, it is removed from all remaining enemies. Ahsoka can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Deflective Target. Whenever Ahsoka is damaged by an enemy, at the end of that turn she dispels Deflective Ward from a random ally. 

  •  50% Ultimate Charge:  Ahsoka recovers 25% Health and Protection, and all Light Side allies gain 10% Mastery until the end of battle
  •  75% Ultimate Charge:  Ahsoka recovers an additional 25% Health and Protection, and all Light Side allies gain an additional 20% Mastery until the end of battle; the strongest and weakest other Spectre ally who didn't already have it gain Deflective Ward which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented until the end of the encounter; inflict Ability Block on target enemy for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted
  •  100% Ultimate Charge:  Ahsoka recovers an additional 50% Health and Protection, all Light Side allies gain an additional 30% Mastery until the end of battle, and all other Spectre allies who didn't already have it gain Deflective Ward which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented until the end of the encounter; inflict Ability Block on target enemy for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted

 Deflective Ward:  Damage received is reduced to 1

 Deflective Target:  Ahsoka can ignore taunt effects to target this character, and takes a bonus turn after using an ability while targeting this unit; dispels if this character Stealths


New Effects

  • Morai's Wisdom
    • +15 Speed; take 10% less damage; take reduced damage from percent Health damage effects; immune to turn meter reduction
  • Deflective Ward
    • Damage received is reduced to 1
  • Deflective Target
    • Ahsoka can ignore taunt effects to target this character, and takes a bonus turn after using an ability while targeting this unit; dispels if this character Stealths



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