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Kit Reveal - Gungan Phalanx

Emperor's Demise Event

UNIT NAME: Gungan Phalanx


CATEGORIES: Attacker, Gungan


Key Attributes:

  • Gains Taunt when the ally Shield Generator loses multiple stacks of Plasma Shielding in a turn
  • While the Shield Generator is active, Gungans are immune to Protection Disruption and gain Foresight whenever Phalanx assists
  • Raise Da Shield to reflect some of the incoming damage with Retaliate and protect your allies with Shield Up
  • Assists his allies when he is not damaged by the enemy
  • Phalanx brings the first Omicron for Galactic Challenges. Now those pesky feats might not be as difficult.


  • When deciding on Phalanx we looked at the Gungan's Military unit Militiagung and saw a shield which would seem to be a perfect choice for a tank in the squad.
  • Both of Phalanx's special ability uses the shield in unique way one of which is deflecting incoming fire just like in the Battle of Naboo
  • For Phalanx abilities we looked at unique ways Phalanx could use his shield against the enemy

Strategy Tips:

  • Fierce Poke can inflict Defense Down or Daze if they already have Defense Down, and also provides Protection Over Time when attacking out of turn, making it difficult to defeat his other allies.
  • Heyo, Watch Out gives Phalanx Taunt and inflicts the enemy with Tenacity Down allowing for all the powerful Gungan debuffs to be applied. 
  • Phalanx gains Max Protection whenever he uses an ability while Taunting which increases his potential damage from Raise Da Shield.


  • When is the Gungan Phalanx available? 
    • His Marquee begins this Thursday at 11am Pacific time
  • Does his Marquee have daily rewards like Boss Nass and Captain Tarpals?
    • Yes!
  • Where is the Omicron?
    • It is a GC Omicron


BASIC: Fierce Poke

Final Text:

Deal Physical damage to the target enemy and Inflict Defense Down for 1 turn. If the target enemy already had Defense Down, apply Daze for 1 turn. Whenever Phalanx attacks an enemy out of turn the weakest Gungan ally gains 3 stacks of Protection Over Time for 2 turns.

SPECIAL 1:  Heyo, Watch Out (CD - 4 turns) (Tier 2)

Final Text:

Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Tenacity Down on them for 2 turns. If the enemies were Separatist, also inflict Provoked for 2 turns which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted. Phalanx Taunts for 1 turn. If Phalanx was already Taunting, he recovers 20% Protection.

SPECIAL 2: Raise da Shield (CD - 4 Turns) ( Tier 4)

Final Text: 

Dispel all debuffs on himself and deal Physical damage to target enemy. Deal an additional instance of damage equal to 10% of Gungan Phalanx's Max Protection. Inflict Vulnerable on all Separatist enemies for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, evaded or resisted. Gungan allies gain Shield Up (25%) for 2 turns and Phalanx gains Retaliate for 2 turns which can't be copied.

Shield Up - Gain a shield based on Max Protection

Retaliate -  Whenever this character is damaged by an attack, deal 20% of the damage received per stack to the attacker as True damage; this damage can't defeat enemies


UNIQUE 1: Let Mesa Help (Zeta)

Final Text: 

At the start of battle, Phalanx loses 75% Max Health and gains that much as Max Protection. Whenever Phalanx is not damaged by an enemy, on the next other ally Gungan's turn, that ally gains Potency Up for 1 turn, Phalanx will assist, and remove 8 stacks of recharge from the ally Shield Generator. If the ally Shield Generator loses 2 or more stacks of Plasma Shielding in a single turn Phalanx Taunts for 1 turn.

Whenever Phalanx uses an ability while Taunting he gains 2% Max Protection(stacking) for the rest of the encounter. Whenever the ally Shield Generator is destroyed, Phalanx recovers 50% Protection and Gungan allies dispel all debuffs on themselves. If there is an active ally Shield Generator, Gungans allies are immune to Protection Disruption. Whenever Phalanx assists another Gungan ally that ally receives Foresight for 1 turn.

While in Galactic Challenges 

At the start of the first turn, the ally Shield Generator gains 10 stacks of Plasma Shielding; Enemies can't assist if they are targeting Phalanx; At the start of the encounter and whenever an enemy is defeated, all Gungan allies gain 100% Evasion for 1 turn; Whenever a Gungan ally uses a Special ability, for the next 2 turns all Gungan allies have +50% Offense and their Basic abilities Expose the target enemy for 1 turn; Whenever a Gungan ally inflicts Defense Down all Gungan allies gain Offense Up for 1 turn; Whenever any Gungan ally attacks of out turn they remove 20% Turn Meter from the target enemy.


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