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Kit Reveal: Wrecker (Mercenary)

Emperor's Demise Event
A character named Wrecker, labeled as a mercenary from the light side, stands confidently in armor.

UNIT NAME: Wrecker (Mercenary) 


CATEGORIES: Tank, Bad Batch, Mercenary

Key Attributes:

  • Tank for the new Bad Batch squad
  • Wrecker will dispel buffs from a single enemy using his Basic ability, Haymaker
  • Wrecker provides Turn Meter manipulation throughout his kit



  • The third season of the Bad Batch had Wrecker (and Hunter) as Mercenaries, so it made sense to make these two characters Mercenaries in their kits based on that season
  • Although the animation for Special 2, Improvised Weapon, is technically taken from Season 2 Episode 9, The Crossing, we felt it was “too Wrecker” to not include here (Turn sound on)

Strategy Tips:

  • Wrecker’s Special 2, Improvised Weapon, should be used strategically in battle to prevent losing stacks of Target Practice by hitting multiple targets
  • Tenacity mods will make it harder to remove stacks of Soldier of Fortune from Wrecker
  • As his SoF stacks get higher it gets harder and harder to remove them from him


  • How do I acquire Wrecker?
    • Wrecker is the penultimate character in the Era of the Cavalry. His Marquee event begins on Feb 25, 2025 at 11a Pacific.
  • With his Omicron, when he revives an ally do they go back into Captive before they are defeated again?
    • No, each Bad Batch character can only gain Captive once. 



BASIC:   Haymaker

Final Text: 

Dispel all buffs on target enemy and deal Physical damage to them twice.

During Wrecker's turn, remove 5% Turn Meter for each buff dispelled from the target enemy. All other Bad Batch allies gain 10% Turn Meter.

SPECIAL 1:  Colossal Smash (Cooldown: 3)

Final Text: 

Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Disarm for 2 turns or until Wrecker (Mercenary) is defeated and remove it from all other enemies, which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted. If the target enemy was already Disarmed, this ability deals 50% more damage (excluding Galactic Legends). 

If Wrecker has more than 30 stacks of Soldier of Fortune, he and the weakest other Bad Batch ally gain 50% Turn Meter. 

Taunt for 2 turns.

SPECIAL 2: Improvised Weapon (Zeta; Cooldown: 6)

Final Text: 

Deal Physical damage and Stagger all enemies for 2 turns. Dispel all debuffs on Bad Batch allies. If Defense Down, Speed Down, or Tenacity Down were dispelled on a Bad Batch ally, they gain the opposite version of that debuff for 2 turns.

Each time this ability is used, Wrecker gains 25% Defense, Max Health, and Max Protection (stacking, max 100%) until the end of battle.


UNIQUE 1: You Gotta Be in Front To Win (Zeta, Omicron)

Final Text: 

Bad Batch allies gain 75% Tenacity. At the start of each encounter, Wrecker Taunts for 2 turns.

Whenever an enemy attacks out of turn, Bad Batch allies recover 5% Health and Protection.

Whenever Bad Batch allies are inflicted with Healing Immunity, they dispel it, recover 25% Health and Protection, and gain Defense Up for 2 turns. Whenever an enemy gains 50% or more bonus Turn Meter before a Bad Batch ally takes a turn, all Bad Batch allies gain 15% Turn Meter.

When another Bad Batch ally is inflicted with Captive, the cooldown of Improvised Weapon is reset and Wrecker gains Taunt for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. While another Bad Batch ally is inflicted with Captive, Wrecker has +25% Max Health and Protection.

While in Territory Battles: Bad Batch allies gain 100% Max Health and Max Protection and 50% Offense.

At the start of each encounter, Wrecker gains 100% Defense (stacking) until the end of the battle, which persists through defeat. Whenever an enemy takes a turn, Bad Batch allies gain 5% Turn Meter.

If a Bad Batch ally is defeated after Captive has already been used while Wrecker is active, they revive with 100% Health and Protection and Stealth for 2 turns, this effect can only occur once per character.

UNIQUE 2 : Soldier of Fortune

Final Text: 

At the start of battle, Wrecker (Mercenary) gains 1 stack of Soldier of Fortune for each Relic Amplifier level he has. Whenever a Bad Batch or Mercenary ally is critically hit, Wrecker gains 3 stacks of Soldier of Fortune. 

Whenever Wrecker is inflicted with a debuff, he loses 5 stacks of Soldier of Fortune.

At the start of their turn, each Mercenary ally gains 5% Defense (Stacking) and 1% Tenacity (Stacking) for each stack of Soldier of Fortune they have until the end of their next turn.

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