Mandalorian Supply Drop

Fall in, pilots. We’ve received a critical transmission from our allies in outlying sectors. The Mandalorian Season 2 is upon us! In preparation for the much-anticipated second season, we’ve flown in a frigate to provide you all with a themed supply drop!

We've worked with Lucasfilm to bring a few Mando-themed goodies to Star Wars™: Squadrons. The Mandalorian is something that has often been a source of inspiration for us due to its close proximity to our game’s timeline, so it only felt natural to pay homage to it.
But of course, we know there’s a particular new cosmetic most of you are hoping for. . . .

Paying homage to the iconic character, we’ve made sure to create this wonderful new dashboard decoration based on a “Mysterious Creature.” This figure can adorn any dashboard across the New Republic’s starfighters, meaning the fan-favorite Tuggtar bobblehead now has a rival! Both factions will receive one hologram, one decal, one dashboard flair, and one hanging flair, meaning eight new cosmetics in total for you to unlock.
Until the update on the 28th, fly safe and watch each other's backs. You never know when your squadron will need you most. And if you want to check out the second season of The Mandalorian (since we definitely will be), be sure to tune in on October 30th over at Disney+. This is the way.
See you in the stars, pilots.
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