Welcome back, pilots. In this briefing, we’re going to discuss some details of Star Wars™: Squadrons single-player story. However, we’re going to keep them light. We don’t want to spoil what’s to come, so this is just a taste!
This is a story of daring pilots and a deep-seated rivalry. At the start of the game, you’ll create two customizable pilots: one flying for freedom as a part of the New Republic and the other imposing the Galactic Empire’s vision of order. From both their perspectives, you’ll get to see how the war unfolded on both fronts, including the goals held by each faction’s leaders.
As a part of Opening Night Live, we released a brief glimpse at an Imperial mission that takes place early in the game. In this mission, Admiral Rae Sloane, the highest-ranking officer in the Imperial Navy, is providing Terisa Kerrill with her most important mission of the war: find and eliminate Project Starhawk. Be sure to check it out for yourself!
The team at Motive has been working hard on Squadrons’ story, script, and characters over the past few years. Through great collaboration with the Story Group at Lucasfilm Ltd., we’ve been crafting a narrative that fits well in the Star Wars galaxy and tells a tale that was pivotal to the war effort on both sides. Here’s what Jo Berry, our Writer, had to say about working on the story:
Jo Berry: Once we decided Squadrons would have a single-player story, the emerging gameplay set out the foundations. Players would need to learn to fly ships from both factions, so I knew we’d be telling our story from both an Imperial and New Republic point of view. The story also had to work from a first-person perspective, mostly from the cockpit, with two customisable protagonists from opposing factions, while giving players the fun characters and memorable moments they expect from a Star Wars tale.
One of the most interesting things about the time period Squadrons is set in—only a few months after the Battle of Endor—is that while we, the audience, know how all this ends, from our characters’ point of view there’s still a lot of uncertainty. The New Republic has only recently changed from a rebellion into a legitimate government with a galactic war on its hands. Meanwhile, the Empire has lost its Emperor, and the cracks are starting to show. Some Imperials are loyal, some are in denial, and while everyone agrees that the rebels must be destroyed, there are disagreements about what strategy to take—and who should lead.
As you switch perspectives throughout the course of the story, you’ll have an opportunity to interact with and fly alongside your respective allies: Vanguard Squadron for the New Republic, and Titan Squadron for the Empire.

Jo Berry: Squadrons is fundamentally about teamwork, so players need a good team at their side during the single-player story to effectively learn the ropes. For our characters in the New Republic, this moment is about taking apart what the Empire has made and building something better. It’s not just about winning the war, but winning it their way; staying true to themselves and what the Rebellion fought for, while facing an Empire that’s wounded but still extremely dangerous.
I admit, I love writing that kind of Lawful Evil perspective, and I’d enjoyed doing Imperial content here and there for Star WarsTM: The Old RepublicTM. For Squadrons, I wanted to give players a taste of what it was like to be a TIE pilot at the height of the Empire’s power; and then later, explore what might make an otherwise-reasonable person fight loyally for the archetypal evil regime. For our Imperial characters, everything they believe in is being tested. Titan Squadron and Terisa Kerrill are Imperial loyalists in a time when many of their peers are either infighting or deserting. So now, when the metaphorical ship is sinking and the captain is dead, the question for those characters is always, “Why are you still at your post?” Are you loyal to the ideals of the Empire, or to the squadron you serve with? What does being Imperial mean to you, and what are you willing to do to defend it?

We’re less than two months away from the release, but we still have a bit more to detail before then, so stay tuned! And as always, be sure to sound off with any questions or feedback you may have. We’re always eager to read your thoughts and share in your excitement.
Soon, though, the final member of each squadron will suit up and take to the skies: you. As you switch perspectives throughout the course of the story, you’ll have an opportunity to fly alongside your respective allies: Vanguard Squadron for the New Republic and Titan Squadron for the Empire. The galaxy awaits!
See you in the stars, pilots.
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