Update 1.2 Release Notes
Dive into all the latest fixes and changes from this update.

Hey pilots,
First off, thank you so much to all the pilots who have been playing Fleet Battles, providing us with feedback, and enjoying the game while we work through a few issues. It’s been great to see!
Right now, we’re tracking three main issues with our Fleet Battles mode and we’re working on each diligently. Thankfully, if you’re newer to the game, you should be less likely to run into the first issue due to a recent update.
With that said, we understand the frustration this has caused for those who have been impacted, so here is what we’re working on:
- Some players stuck at 0 skill rank or aren’t able to rank up as intended
- We’re working on a fix for players stuck at 0 skill rank and are exploring how best to reset ranks
- A small number of players unlocked the ranked helmet rewards due to a bug
- As the players who’ve experienced have guessed, we’ll likely remove these from inventories so they can be properly earned by all you aces out there, so we really appreciate their understanding here!
- Players abandoning matches is negatively impacting the experience
- We’re working on a new design for the overall matchmaking experience to make it better for all players. We’re working on improvements to matchmaking, lobby, and abandonment systems to make abandonment far less punishing for those who stay in the game, and less frequent overall. We are also making specific improvements for ranked play.
Thanks for your continued feedback on the game! We’ll share final details in our release notes for each update. Onto the notes for Update 1.2!
This hotfix provides a number of bug fixes and stability improvements across the board.
- Made improvements to the overall Fleet Battles tutorial experience
- Fixed an issue where the player could experience a black screen during or after customizing their pilots
- Fixed an issue where pilot models were blurry when being customized for some players
- Fixed a typo on the profile page
- Other stability improvements and minor fixes, including reduced crashing on PC
- Fixed an issue where dying during the Rebel prologue mission while fighting the Star Destroyer could block progress
- Fixed an issue where medals could be reset after uninstalling or updating the game
- Fixed an issue where players could not progress through Mission 3 if they defeated the Quasars too quickly
- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck when launching missions from the options menu
- Fixed an issue where the UI after completing the prologue through EA Play would not display correctly
- Fixed an issue where medal earned in the single-player story could be reset after playing other activities (previously fixed on PC)
- Updated Challenge text to make it clearer that they cannot be completed in Solo vs AI
- Fixed an issue where players didn't populate the EA Friends List
- Improved party stability
- Fixed an issue where the game crashed while transitioning into a match
- "Quick Match" will now remember your faction preference for Dogfight
Fleet Battles
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when loading into Fleet Battles
- Fixed an issue where players could not use the "Customize Ship" option in the hangar during the Fleet Battles briefing room state
- Fixed the issue where cutscenes would appear broken on the Valve Index when using Origin
- Improved performance while using Steam VR
- Fixed an issue where the D-pad wouldn't work in the settings menu while using Steam VR
- Made the fade to black transitions a smoother experience for Oculus Rift users
- Fixed a flickering helmet issue on Victory poses for Oculus Quest users
You can find a list of known issues here: LINK