How Do I Earn and Unlock New Components?
Unlock new components to upgrade your starfighters’ performance and abilities. Components from renowned manufacturers such as Sienar and Incom include weapons, hulls, engines, shields, and more.
How to Unlock New Components
Components are unlocked with Requisition (one of Star Wars™: Squadrons’ two in-game currencies).
Requisition is obtained when levelling up – this is your only source of Requisition. Upon reaching level 40, you will have enough Requisition to unlock every component in the game. Beyond that, leveling up will only grant you Glory. Requisition cannot be obtained with real money – there are no microtransactions in Star Wars™: Squadrons.
Players can unlock components for their starfighters in the hangar. The hangar can be accessed in two ways:
- Player can access the Imperial and Republic hangars from the customization tile in the main menu
- When starting a multiplayer match, players will have a period of time where they can access their assigned faction’s hangar.
Once you are inside a faction’s hangar, follow the below steps:

Look at the starfighter and interact with it.

You are now on the starfighter ship selection screen.
Select the ship you wish to customize.
Note that you may have multiple loadouts and configurations available based on your progression (represented as bars beside the starfighter icon).

You are now on the Starfighter components tab.
Select the component slot you wish to edit.

You are now viewing components compatible with the selected component slot.
Equip the desired component or unlock it with Requisition.
Every component costs exactly one Requisition to unlock.