A Message From Abu.
Tales of Kenzera™: ZAU

The day I’ve been anticipating and dreading in equal measure has finally arrived.
Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is out at last.
We’ve spent the past few months talking about us: our game, our story, our vision, and what we’re trying to do with this amazing opportunity.
But now, I want to talk about you.
You, who stopped me on the street in LA after The Game Awards to tell me how much it meant to hear grief shared openly on stage in front of millions.
You, who pre-ordered the game sight unseen just because you wanted us to know you stood with us.
You, who wrote countless messages, emails and comments cheering us on as we barrelled toward the end of production.
You, who played the demo and gave us such thoughtful, valuable feedback that made us stronger.
And, yes, you who have been watching quietly, willing us to make it.
Trust me: your support is keenly felt every moment of every day, and I’m so unbelievably grateful. Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.
Well. Here we are. All of us, together, on the edge of this terrifying precipice. This game was ours, and now it’s yours.
I hope you like it.