New Year brings The Sims Birthday Preparations!
January 14, 2025
Update 1/14/2025
PC: 1.112.481.1030 / Mac: 1.112.481.1230
Console: 2.05
Hoople Borpna Simmers! Ok, itâs not February yet, but The Sims 25th Birthday is just around the corner and itâs exciting to think about twenty-five years of The Sims!
At 10 AM PST, the first update of the new year will begin to roll out bringing a range of improvements from a brand-new Main Menu to memory and performance optimizations, a refresh of the base game homes, and a few bug fixes.
Thank you for your support and continued reporting efforts via Answers HQ, it really helps us identify the issues you care the most about. If youâre ready to start the birthday party early, come join us in The Sims Discord!
Dag dag!
-The Sims Team
Whatâs New in The Sims 4?
Base Game Updates
Main Menu Visual Refresh
To start off with, we have a brand-new Main Menu visual refresh! Weâve pushed aside the clutter to make space for your Sims! New Game / Resume Game has moved from right to left, as have a few of the other navigation options. Home, Events and Store can be found at the top, along with the Options panel in the far right. It may take a moment to get used to the New Game / Resume Game new location, I know it took a moment for some of us. A few other changes to mention:
- The visual update includes a bit of fresh paint, a little less clutter, with the desire to keep information clear and discoverable for you!
- The Sims in the center are your last played household Sims, all of them!
- And important updates and information from The Sims are focused on the right side.
Speaking of the Main Menu, youâll receive a message about the upcoming Blast from The Past Event.Â
Starting on February 4th, this birthday event will feature rewards inspired by iconic items from the 2000s, such as a milk carton, telephone, alarm clock, triple-tiered birthday cake, and inflatable chair and loveseat.
Performance and Memory Improvements
- Smoother Gameplay - Weâve optimized mouse movements, preventing slowdowns and making gameplay more responsive on PC, Console, and Mac.
- Improved Graphics and Performance - On Mac and PS4, weâve optimized how graphic data is handled, resulting in smoother and more efficient rendering and overall performance.
- Memory Efficiency - Various enhancements have been made to save memory across all platforms, helping the game run more smoothly and reducing crashes.
Base Game Townie Home Refresh
New year, new homes! All Townie Homes in Willow Creek and Oasis Springs have been updated and renovated to breathe some fresh life into classic lots.
- Willow Creek Homes: Cypress Terrace, Ophelia Villa, Pique Hearth, Garden Essence
- Oasis Springs Homes: Sultry Springside, Affluista Mansion, Cacti Casa, Slipshod Mesquite
- Both the Legacy and Updated Lots are automatically available in the âMy Libraryâ tab.
- New Saves - Players who start a New Game will automatically see the updated lots in the world!
- Existing Saves - Players who would like to see the update in their existing saves must manually update the homes by placing the new lots from the âMy Libraryâ tab.
Bug Fixes
- Potion Color Issue on Consoles - Fixed a bug where potion colors in cauldrons would change to gray after loading a saved game.
- Texture Reloading Optimization - Improved the texture reloading process on Xbox One to reduce âout-of-memoryâ crashes, and providing more efficient loading of game lots.
Base Game:
- [AHQ] Fullscreen Minimization Fix - We resolved an issue where you couldnât minimize the game in Fullscreen mode using DirectX 11. Now, key combinations like Alt + Tab and the Windows key will work as expected.
- âWork in Off hoursâ interaction does not clear the Tense buff for workaholic Sim.
- [AHQ] Fixed cases of really high Bills. Lot Taxes will now only count the property value and household_net_worth not add value from anything in inventories.
- [AHQ] âTry for babyâ in shower will now fill the Hygiene motive.
- [AHQ] Inspired Sim will no longer mix drinks excessively.
- Discomfort Relief Value is no longer missing for Bath tubs.
- "Purchase Garlic Seeds" has its own interaction and should be categorized/available under the "Purchase Seeds" interaction.
- [AHQ] Outgoing and Socially Awkward traits cannot be selected together. If one is selected, the other will appear greyed out and cannot be chosen.
- [AHQ] Female frame facial hair on Male Sims will no longer disappear.
- [AHQ] Shoes are now replaced with barefoot when a Styled Look with barefoot is applied.
- [AHQ] Neon signs no longer break due to rain.
- [AHQ] Water puddle VFX animation will no longer appear on the ground floor when Sim is swimming on the second floor.
- âReviveâ is now available on a dead Cowplant.
- Ponds properly display water textures in Map View.
- Comfort Value attribute is no longer missing for Toilet objects.
Affecting Multiple Packs
- [AHQ] Simsâ weight and muscle levels are now properly affected by Bike Riding, Horse Riding, Jog here and Rock Climbing.
- [AHQ] Thumbnails of Guidry and Temperance Sim are visible in relationship panel, Sims profile, Manage HH.
- Sim no longer has the option to give the toddler fertilizer as food from inventory.
- [AHQ] Sim can now set the waffle/pizza oven/stand mixer for sale in a retail store.
- "Invite to Hangout at Current Lot" interaction is no longer available for Infants in the Sim profile.
Get Together
- Clubs are now under the default section under the social groups interface.
City Living
- [AHQ] "Play with emotion" interaction is now greyed out when the piano keyboard breaks.
Cats & Dogs
- [AHQ] Dog and Cats with the fire obsession perk are far less obsessed with the fireplace.
- [AHQ] Sims no longer gain Fitness skill when cleaning the litter box.
Discover University
- [AHQ] Sim with the Gym Rat trait will no longer lose hygiene while juggling a soccer ball.
- [AHQ] Frequency of getting electrocuted from Robotic Workstation has been considerably reduced.
Eco Lifestyle
- [AHQ] Roaches are removed from the dumpster after Sim successfully performs the âTry to clear roachesâ interaction.
Snowy Escape
- [AHQ] Seaweed Ramen recipe is now available from the fridge cooking menu.
- Sim's Hygiene motive will now increase when using a Hot Spring.
Cottage Living
- [AHQ] Sims can now use Hot Pot with the Simple Living Lot Challenge.
High School Years
- [AHQ] When Sims switch from an outfit created in Thriftea to a regular outfit, they no longer revert back to the Thriftea outfit when showering/bathing.
- [AHQ] Notification badges no longer displayed when phone is in silent mode and when Social Bunny has notifications turned off.
- [AHQ] Bronze prom reward now unlocks correctly in B/B catalogue.
- "Hide from Paparazzi" interaction is available for Sims with Fame level 3 and below.
Growing Together
- [AHQ] Fixed an issue where some Life Milestones wouldn't be achieved when the Sim is off lot,, including milestones for toddlers' movement skill.
Horse Ranch
- [AHQ] âDrink an Aged Nectarâ Want fulfils when Sim drinks the aged nectar bottleÂ
For Rent
- [AHQ] A serving of Vegetable Chili from the Pressure Cooker will no longer turn into 8 servings.
Spa Day
- [AHQ] Applied Pedicure will no longer vanish when a Manicure is requested.
Dine Out
- Sparkling Water is now available under the âFizzyâ category.
My First Pet
- [AHQ] In new saves Sim will no longer receive âBaby whisked awayâ buff and TNS suggesting that Rattigan passed away when Rattigan is still alive.
Nifty Knitting
- [AHQ] Knitting now counts towards Arts & Crafts for Scouting.Â