• Learn more about the Titanfall 2 multiplayer technical test 

    Working at Respawn for the last few years has been such an exciting time so far, full of passionate fans, amazing support from our community, and an unquenchable drive to deliver something that meets and exceeds your expectations.

    We learned so much on Titanfall, and we poured those lessons into Titanfall 2.  We have created a whole new matchmaking system - one that is constantly searching for better matches for you.  We are going to be introducing a new feature called Networks, which is going to change the way you party up and play matches with friends.  We are using a brand new system for running our massive army of dedicated servers all over the world.  We have new gameplay mechanics, all new titans, new maps, new game modes, and a whole new progression system. Everyone here at Respawn has put in so much of themselves into this game, and as you can probably imagine, we're all really nervous and excited to get the game into your hands.  We just can't wait until October 28 when the game launches.  

    So we won't wait.  Before launch, we will be releasing a multiplayer technical test for Titanfall 2

    We need as many players as possible in the multiplayer tech test to make sure we can deliver as smooth a launch experience as possible. We've written massive simulations to try to prove that it will all just work, but nothing beats testing with the real thing: real players, not just code that's pretending to be you.  There is a certain class of bugs that only show themselves once you have massive numbers of people playing together, and we hate those kind of bugs because they can ruin a game launch.  So, let's try to find those bugs as early as possible.  We want the massive creativity that millions of players bring to the game - from trying out new moves with our mobile pilot gameplay, calculated Titan battles, weapon balancing, and awesome team tactics, we know that a mountain of players are going to find issues that we won't see otherwise until after the game is out.

    That's the goal of this test.  Any problem that we can identify and fix during the multiplayer tech test is one less thing to have to discover once the full game is out. When you take part in our test, we want you to tell us what you love, what you want to know more about, what you want expanded or changed.  Your feedback is really important to us.  We really need your help, your feedback, and your merciless assault on everything we have worked so hard on.  Everyone here at Respawn is counting on you to help break our servers.  

    We'll be sharing more information as we approach the multiplayer tech test start date, and if you want to get news first sign up for Dispatches from the Frontier here. Until then, thank you for your passion and support.  We still have a lot of things left to do back at the studio before we can start the test, so I'll go get back to work now.


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