UFC 5 Damage Icons Tips & tricks
Learn how to improve your skills in UFC 5

Damage Icons
Damage Icons represent multiple types of injuries, such as cuts and swelling, as well as health events and damage from submissions. Each damage type is represented with icons which appear in the Health and Stamina HUD.
Vision Penalty
Vision Penalty Icon\nIcon appears when a cut or swelling facial injury occurs on left or right brow/forehead or eye/cheek. This increases damage intake on the side the damage is located while this penality is active. These penalties can stack and are lifted if there is no damage to the relevant location for 30 seconds, or at the start of a new round.
Breathing Penalty
Breathing Penality Icon\nIcon appears when receiving facial injuries to the nose or mouth. This damage will decrease the current stamina recovery, while the penalty is active. These penalties can stack and are lifted if there is no damage to the relevant location for 30 seconds, or at the start of a new round.
Cut Injury
Doctor Stoppage Icon\nThese result from the occurrence of any facial injury, except mouth, which can’t lead to stoppages. The more red the icon becomes, the closer a doctor is to stopping the fight.
Stun Icons
Head Stun Icon\nAppear as the result of any health event to the head.\n\nBody Stun Icon\nAppear as the result of any health event to the body.\n\nLeg Stun Icon\nAppear as the result of any health event to the leg.
Health Icons
Heart Icon\nThis icon is meant to help signal a loss in max stamina, due to a deep choke.\n\nArm Health Icon\nThis icon is meant to help signal a loss in max block health, due to a deep arm submission.\n\nLeg Health Icon\nDeep Leg Locks affect permanent leg health and count as a health event.