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Character Kit Reveal - Bifur

“(…) ‘And raspberry jam and apple-tart,’ said Bifur.” - [said to Bilbo Baggins]. Chapter 1, An Unexpected Party, The Hobbit.

Character Name: Bifur
Alignment: Light
Faction: Thorin’s Company
Categories: Light, Dwarf, Leader, Thorin’s Company, Support, One-handed Sword
Weapon Type: One-handed Sword

Description: A stout Dwarf Warrior who knows his way around a battlefield as much as he does a Hobbit’s kitchen larder. Bifur bolsters his Dwarf companions while keeping their enemies on the back foot. He is a formidable foe to large creatures, and to enemies with wide sweeping attacks.


Basic Ability: Even the Odds

Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 80% damage.

Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy for 170% damage and dispel 1 Boon.

Special Ability 1: Sticky Situation

Ability stamina cost: 4

Ability stamina at battle start: 4

Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 90% damage and inflict Blind for 1 turn(s).

Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy for 190% damage and inflict Blind for 1 turn(s). If the target enemy is a Large character, also inflict Slow for 2 turn(s).

Special Ability 2: Rousing Tune

Ability stamina cost: 4

Ability stamina at battle start: 4

Ability Description at unlock: Grant 1 stack(s) of Defensive to self and the ally with the most Health.

Ability Description at max upgrade: Cleanse 2 Bane(s) and grant 2 stack(s) of Defensive to self and the ally with the most Health. Grant 2 stack(s) of Provoke the ally with the most Health.

Passive Ability: Full of Heart

Ability Description at unlock: When all squad members get hit by the same attack, 50% chance to grant 1 stack(s) of Defensive to those squad members.

Ability Description at max upgrade: When all squad members get hit by the same attack, grant 1 stack(s) of Defensive to those squad members.

Gain +15% Max Health.

Leader Ability: A Dwarf’s Nature

Ability Description at unlock: When a squad member gains Defensive, they have a 30% chance, doubled for Dwarf squad members, to gain Might for 1 turn(s). 

Ability Description at max upgrade: Whenever a squad member gains Defensive, they have a 50% chance, doubled for Dwarf squad members, to gain Might for 1 turn(s). Dwarf squad members also have 50% chance to gain 1 stack(s) of Counterattack.

All squad members gain +15% Resistance.

Key Attributes:

Inspiration: Bifur, Dwarf adventurer of Thorin Oakenshield’s company, accompanied his kin as well as Bilbo Baggins to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. While on this quest to help reclaim his Dwarven home, Bifur proved himself to be a tenacious, valiant and brave warrior, slaying many foes that crossed his path. He also fought at the Battle of Five Armies, emerging victorious and being rewarded handsomely by the Dwarven King of Durin's Folk, Dáin II Ironfoot. Bifur is also one of the few Dwarves in Tolkien’s stories who did not speak very often.

Strategy Tips:

  • Bifur’s ability Sticky Situation is the perfect counter against large characters, helping to limit their next action and inflict Slow.
  • Bifur’s ability Full of Heart is designed to give your squad extra defenses against squads that do lots of multi-target attacks. However, because it’s a passive ability, Bifur must be alive for it to activate, so keep him protected!
  • Bifur is the first Dwarf with a leader ability, but don’t limit yourself to only Dwarves. A Dwarf’s Nature goes into effect whenever the Defensive boon is applied so be sure to add allies that make use of this boon to Bifur’s squad.

Bifur’s Adventure - A Dwarf’s Pride - is coming soon!

Starts: 8am, August 22, 2023 (Pacific Time).
Ends: 8am, August 29, 2023 (Pacific Time).

Bifur, like all Dwarves, knows the value of friendship. His jolly demeanor raises their spirits even during rough moments. Travel, good food, and friends. What more could a Dwarf want?

Players will need to be at least level 30 to participate in this event and unlock Bifur at 3 stars. Players can earn additional rewards from the final two tiers by leveling/gearing their newly unlocked Bifur. The final tier requires a 5 star Bifur, but provides some of the most exclusive rewards, Epic Ability Materials. Get these now as you won’t get another opportunity to do the final tier.


Tier 1: 20 Bifur Character Shards
Tier 2: 20 Bifur Character Shards
Tier 3: 20 Bifur Character Shards
Tier 4: 20 Bifur Character Shards
Tier 5: 20 Bifur Character Shards
Tier 6: 10x Luminous Crystals, 50,000x Gold, 15,000 Character XP
Tier 7: 10x Epic Ability Materials, 500,000x Gold, 250,000 Character XP

For the latest news, and all things The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as our Discord!

Includes in-game purchases (including random items). Abilities may require certain gear tiers to be reached.  Please see in-game for more details.

© 2023 MEE. The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings and the characters, items, events, and places therein are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC used under license to EA.

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