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Character Kit Reveal - Boromir

“He was cloaked and booted as if for a journey on horseback; and indeed though his garments were rich, and his cloak was lined with fur, they were stained with long travel. He had a collar of silver in which a single white stone was set; his locks were shorn about his shoulders. On a baldric he wore a great horn tipped with silver that now was laid upon his knees. He gazed at Frodo and Bilbo with sudden wonder.” - The Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring.

Character Name: Boromir
Alignment: Light
Faction: Gondor
Categories: Light, Gondor, Human, Tank, Two-handed Sword
Weapon Type: Two-handed Sword

Description: As Captain of Gondor’s Army, Boromir strives to protect his country’s best interests. An awe-inspiring commander, his presence alone can turn the tide of battle.


Basic: Hold the Line

Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 90% damage and 50% chance to inflict Weaken for 1 turn(s).

Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target for 180% damage and inflict Weaken for 1 turn(s).

Special Ability 1: Towering Presence

Ability stamina cost: 4

Ability stamina at battle start: 4

Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 110% damage. Gain Taunt for 1 turn(s).

Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy for 240% damage. Gain Taunt and Fortitude for 1 turn(s).

Special Ability 2: Horn of Gondor

Ability stamina cost: 5

Ability stamina at battle start: 3

Ability Description at unlock: Grant Might for 1 turn(s) to all Gondor squad members. Attack all enemies for 70% damage. If Faramir is an ally, first attack all enemies for 35% damage.

Ability Description at max upgrade: Grant Might for 1 turn(s) to all Gondor squad members. 

Attack all enemies for 140% damage. If Faramir is an ally, first attack all enemies for 80% damage and do an extra attack for 140% damage. Grant Eagle Eye for 1 turn to Faramir.

Passive Ability: Captain of the White Tower

Ability Description at unlock: When a Gondor squad member drops below 50% Health, cleanse 1 Bane(s) from them. If the ally is Faramir, grant Haste and Might for 1 turn(s). This can trigger once per squad member.

Ability Description at max upgrade: Gain +10% Block Chance. When a Gondor squad member drops below 50% Health, cleanse 2 Bane(s)  and grant 2 stacks of Regeneration for 1 turn to them. If the ally is Faramir, grant Haste and Might for 1 turn(s). This can trigger once per squad member.

Key Attributes: 

Boromir is bold in the face of overwhelming odds, who takes on the role of heavily armored tank for his allies. He inspires and supports his squad in battle by helping redirect enemy attacks and providing Might to his team. You can see this in his tight synergy with other characters, especially that with his brother, Faramir, and his father Denethor II. Together they are a formidable family force defending both Gondor and more widely, Middle-earth.


We meet Boromir in his time before the Fellowship of the Ring, where he is the Captain of the Gondor Army defending Osgiliath against the threat of Mordor. He’s battled hard for a long time in successfully defending the city with his brother Faramir side-by-side. Well equipped with his sword, he is also never without the Horn of Gondor which he sounds to rally the strength of Gondor to repel back enemies.

Strategy Tips:

  • Boromir’s ability Hold the Line can inflict Weaken on the enemy, an essential ability for ensuring Faramir can consistently assist the Gondor squad.
  • Even if Boromir falls in battle, all is not lost. His demise gives Faramir the opportunity to show his quality and claw back a victory for Gondor.
  • Captain of the White Tower is an incredibly important ability for Chapter 3 of the Mines of Moria raid, cleansing stacks of Capture that may have accumulated too quickly.

Boromir’s Adventure - For the White Tower - is coming to your game soon!

Starts: 8am, September 8, 2023 (Pacific Time)

Ends: 8am, September 15, 2023 (Pacific Time)

Boromir’s strength shows not only in battle, but in the way he commands his companies. His forthright attitude and skill at arms are admired by those who work with and for him. This captain earned his rank!

Players will need to be at least level 30 to participate in this event and unlock Boromir at 3 stars. Players can earn additional rewards from the final two tiers by leveling/gearing their newly unlocked Boromir. The final tier requires a 5 star Boromir, but provides some of the best rewards. Get these now as you won’t get another opportunity to do the final tier.


Tier 1 - 25 Boromir Shards 

Tier 2 - 25 Boromir Shards

Tier 3 - 25 Boromir Shards

Tier 4 - 25 Boromir Shards

Tier 5 - 10x Luminous Crystals, 50,000x Gold, 15,000 Character XP

Tier 6 - 10x Epic Ability Materials, 500,000x Gold, 250,000 Character XP

For the latest news, and all things The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, be sure to follow us on X, Facebook and Instagram, as well as our Discord!

Includes in-game purchases (including random items). Abilities may require certain gear tiers to be reached.  Please see in-game for more details.

© 2023 MEE. The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings and the characters, items, events, and places therein are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC used under license to EA.

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