Character Kit Reveal - Legolas

"He was as tall as a young tree, lithe, immensely strong, able swiftly to draw a great war-bow and shoot down a Nazgûl, endowed with the tremendous vitality of Elvish bodies, so hard and resistant to hurt that he went only in light shoes over rock or through snow, the most tireless of all the Fellowship." - J.R.R. Tolkien on Legolas.
Character Name: Legolas
Alignment: Light
Faction: Fellowship
Categories: Light, Elf, Fellowship, Attacker, Bow
Weapon Type: Bow
Description: Prince of the Woodland Realm, this devastating attacker becomes even stronger when fighting beside trusted allies.
Basic: Rapid Fire
Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 100% damage.
Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy for 160% damage. On Turn, Legolas also attacks the most wounded enemy for 110% damage.
Special Ability 1: Pride of Mirkwood
Ability stamina cost: 3
Ability stamina at battle start: 3
Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy 3 times for 55% damage per hit. Gain 1 stack(s) of Nimble.
Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy 3 times for 120% damage per hit. Each Crit dispels 1 Boon(s). Gain 1 stack(s) of Nimble.
Special Ability 2: Perfect Shot
Ability stamina cost: 5
Ability stamina at battle start: 3
Ability Description at unlock: Attack the target enemy for 200% damage. This attack ignores 30% of the target's Armor. On Kill, gain +100% Turn Meter. If Gimli is an ally, this attack has +30% Crit Chance and +50% Crit Damage.
Ability Description at max upgrade: Attack the target enemy for 460% damage. This attack ignores 50% of the target's Armor. On Kill, gain +100% Turn Meter. If Gimli is an ally, this attack has +30% Crit Chance and +50% Crit Damage.
Passive Ability: Legendary Archer
Ability Description at unlock: On Crit, grant Advantage for 1 turn(s) to a random Fellowship or Elf ally.
Ability Description at max upgrade: Gain +5% Crit Chance and an additional 4% Crit Chance per Boon on self. On Crit, grant Advantage for 2 turn(s) to a random Fellowship or Elf ally.
Leader Ability: Veiled Rush
Ability Description at unlock: When an Elf squad member evades an attack, 50% chance for that squad member to gain Deadly for 1 turn(s).
Ability Description at max upgrade: When an Elf squad member evades an attack, they gain Deadly for 2 turn(s). When an Elf squad member Crits, they have 70% chance to gain Haste for 1 turn.
Key Attributes:
Legolas uses his bow primarily, firing with grace and deadly precision, as if he's performed every attack, parry, or dodge a thousand times before. He also is armed with twin long knives which he uses with precision and deftness. While a devastating attacker, he becomes even stronger when fighting besides trusted friends and allies.
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood, volunteered to accompany Frodo on the perilous journey to destroy the One Ring. Representing elf-folk, Legolas was crucial with his keen senses and scouting ability, as well as excellent bowmanship. One notable moment is when Legolas shot a Nazgûl flying overhead on a Felbeast in the dark using a bow gifted to him in Lothlórien by Galadriel. Despite the differences between their peoples, Legolas became firm friends with Gimli the dwarf. Their friendship lasted till the end of their time in Middle-earth where they departed together for the Undying Lands.
Strategy Tips:
- The second hit of Legolas’ ability Rapid Fire will hit the most wounded enemy and bypass Taunt/Provoke. Use it to finish off an enemy!
- Legolas' Leader ability Veiled Rush works best with squad members that give Nimble and Advantage to the squad.
- Legolas’ ability Perfect Shot will give Legolas an immediate bonus turn if it kills an enemy. This can really turn the tide of battle when used at the right moment.
Legolas’s Adventure - A Northern Light - is coming to your games soon!
Starts: 8am, July 10, 2023. (Pacific Time)
Ends: 8am, July 17, 2023. (Pacific Time)
A skilled archer from Northern Mirkwood, Legolas was a key member of the Fellowship of the Ring. His close friendship with Gimli, a Dwarf, was rare in Middle-earth. When Legolas sailed into the West in the Fourth Age, Gimli went with him.
Players will need to be at least level 30 to participate in this event and unlock Legolas at 3 stars. Players can earn additional rewards from the final two tiers by leveling/gearing their newly unlocked Legolas. The final tier requires a 5 star Legolas, but provides some of the most exclusive rewards, Epic Ability Materials. Get these now as you won’t get another opportunity to do the final tier.
Tier 1 - 20 Legolas Shards
Tier 2 - 20 Legolas Shards
Tier 3 - 20 Legolas Shards
Tier 4 - 20 Legolas Shards
Tier 5 - 20 Legolas Shards
Tier 6 - 10x Luminous Crystals, 50,000x Gold, 15,000 Character XP
Tier 7 - 10x Epic Ability Materials, 500,000x Gold, 250,000 Character XP
For the latest news, and all things The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth, be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as our Discord!
Includes in-game purchases (including random items). Abilities may require certain gear tiers to be reached. Please see in-game for more details.
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