Welcome to the Home for EA SPORTS E3 Coverage

We’re pretty sure we don’t have to tell you that E3 is just around the corner, but in case you didn’t know, E3 is just around the corner. We here at EA SPORTS in Canada have already been packing our shorts, flip flops and suntan lotion – or to be more honest, our SPF 100 – in preparation for the trip to LA next week.
For those who aren’t lucky enough to be travelling to video game Mecca, we’ve got you covered. Everything EA SPORTS related that’s happening for E3 will be right here.
“What can I expect to find here?” You may ask. And we’re oh so glad you did.
We’ll be covering FIFA 13, Madden NFL 13, NCAA 13, NHL 13 and we may even throw a little NBA LIVE at you just for kicks.
Excited yet?
Without giving anything away, as that sort of thing is frowned on around here, we can tell you to look forward to some pretty big announcements from our biggest franchises. We’ll also be Livestreaming the press conference as well as check-ins with EA SPORTS Executive Vice President Andrew Wilson, the Madden NFL dev team and the FIFA dev team.
Not enough? Man, tough crowd, but we understand.
Each franchise has a producer video series to talk in-depth about their upcoming games, and we’re also going to be digging a bit deeper in blog form if you work in an office where spending all day watching videos is frowned upon.
Still not enough?
Featured community members will be telling it like it is all week in our Community section. These guys are here representing you and they’re not holding anything back when it comes to the sights, sounds and games at E3.
If you’re still not impressed, we can tell you that there will be a few big announcements that we think you’ll be quite impressed with, but that’s all we can say.
For a more detailed list of what to expect in the next two weeks check out our Viewing Guide. And of course our Facebook and Twitter can always keep you up to date on our goings on.
Happy E3 everyone!
For more info on EA SPORTS at E3, check out our E3 Viewing Guide.