Madden NFL 12 Season Simulation Results Revealed

The experts at EA SPORTS have tapped into the world’s most advanced football simulator, Madden NFL 12, to simulate the upcoming football season. The results are in; did your favorite players or team stand out from the pack?
From a team standpoint, Madden NFL 12 predicts that the Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers will continue to dominate their conferences. A few individual players stood out from the crowd too, including veterans Roddy White and Clay Matthews, and rookies Mark Ingram and Patrick Peterson. Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick is predicted to take home top honors as NFL MVP of the year!
You can watch a video highlighting some of the plays from the season simulation and read up on more information about this year's regular season simulation at the Madden NFL 12 site. Then, join the discussion on the Madden NFL 12 Facebook page. Agree or disagree with the season simulation results? Leave a comment and let your voice be heard!
Madden NFL 12 has "Everything You See On Sunday," and brings an entirely new meaning to the motto, "If it's in the game, it's in the game." The newest title in the Madden series is the most realistic NFL action to date. If you don't already have a copy, order yours on Origin and get ready to kick off your own season of football.