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Madden Ultimate Team Pack Probability

Pack probabilities information in Madden Ultimate Team in Madden NFL 21

Madden NFL 21

In Madden Ultimate Team, the goal is pretty simple: Build YOUR Ultimate Team. Yet, that goal means many different things to many different people. You might like to get players from only your favorite NFL team, or maybe you want players that give you the best chance to win, regardless of what uniform they wear on Sunday. This is what makes Ultimate Team our fastest growing mode; it’s the player’s choice. With so many ways to play and earn players, we are introducing a new change that will display the pack probabilities of packs in the store prior to purchasing in Madden 21.

The goal with showing the probabilities for packs in MUT is to help you make decisions on where you want to invest your Points, Coins, and time. Probabilities will help provide you with more detail on the likelihood of what you will get in packs you purchase. While many upgrades to the mode are live in MUT this season, the Store should look generally the same to returning gamers. You’ll now just have a tool to help you make informed choices when building up your squad.

So, if you want to know where you can see pack probabilities in MUT, head to the Store and select “View Info” to display the probabilities. You can always check the latest probabilities before selecting and ripping some new packs.

How Pack Probabilities Work

The main page for each pack will show you how many items are in it. The View Info button will show you additional probability information about the pack, broken down by the likelihood of getting certain categories of Items. For instance, a pack might show that you have a 100 percent likelihood of getting a category of Items that’s rated 80 or above. That means it will give you at least one player that’s 80+ rated. Any category of players or items listed at 100 percent will always be awarded to you. Every pack description in the MUT Store also lists how many items you will receive in total. All of this is designed so you can have the information that will help you better understand what the pack will contain.

OVR Bands

Due to the thousands of players that could appear in most packs, we are grouping ranges of players together by what we are calling OVR bands. Packs that advertise a specific type of content will either guarantee that content or provide the probability of getting it in a pack. In general, the higher an OVR band, the lower the probability of getting it.

Key Things to Remember

The probabilities listed are on a pack-by-pack basis and are not cumulative. Each pack opening is an independent event. Consecutive openings do not change the likelihood of being awarded an Item. For example, if you flip a coin three times and get heads each time, you still have a 50% chance of getting heads if you flip the coin again. With all packs in the game, you will always receive value.

Madden Ultimate Team is a live service and we are looking to improve every day. This means being open to player feedback at all times.

Feel free to reach out with any questions you have as you start grinding out those solo challenges. We have forumsEA Help, and many helpful community leaders. We know all the effort you put into building up your squad, and we want that time to be as rewarding and fun as possible.

Madden NFL 21 is out worldwide on August 28. Pre-order the Madden NFL 21 Deluxe or MVP Edition and play 3 days early. Stay in the conversation by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and EA Forums. Sign up for the Newsletter today to receive updates on Madden, and other EA news, products, and events, all season long.


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